Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Activating All My Registered Domains

I have taken the initiative to activate all of my registered domains, creating scripts to help me organize them. I have created a sites.txt file, an edit.sh file, and have gone to Google Analytics to get new GA-4 codes. I have also moved content from one website to another, and made mikelevinseo.com its own site. Read this blog post to learn how I organized my domains and content!

Organizing My Domains with Scripts and Google Analytics

By Michael Levin

Sunday, May 1, 2022

I like the whole ELTgd approach. Every Last Thing gets done. I need to get more done, but the biggest thing I have to offer the world… I guess make that the SECOND biggest thing I have to offer the world, but the biggest thing I SHOULD offer the world while I’m alive is this Linux, Python, vim & git transition.

I think I’m making a mistake not putting all this SEO Jekyll stuff on mikelevinseo.com. That domain has been around forever, even though I lost it once and got it back just like mike-levin.com. I think what I need to do is to start renaming my repos to be the exact domain name with the preferred UpperLowercase setting and their dot-extensions.

Do it! Document it here. You can always copy this entry to another blog. 1, 2, 3… 1? List ‘em and work them like a checklist.

Okay, I’m actually going to pump this up to 15 sites, pretty much all that I have registered.

Hmmm. I’m making the decision to put all the domains I have registered into play. And so I need to bring some sanity to the process. I need scripts to help me sort things. Okay, so let’s do it. Make a sites.txt in your helper folder. Iterate through it with Python to see what folders (and probably repos) I need to make exist:

from pathlib import Path

with open('sites.txt') as fh:
    for site in fh:
        site = site.rstrip()
        if Path(f"../{site}").is_dir():
            print(True, site)
            print(False, site)

Okay, not a bad start. Now make a file so that I can edit all their journal.md’s at the same time:

from pathlib import Path
import shutil

if Path('edit.sh').exists():

with open('sites.txt', 'r') as fh:
    with open('edit.sh', 'a') as fw:
        fw.write(f"vim ./journal/journal.txt ")

        for site in fh:
            site = site.rstrip()
            fw.write(f"./{site}/journal.md ")

            # If the folder doesn't exist, create it.
            if Path(f"../{site}").is_dir():
                print(True, site)
                print(False, site)

            # If the journal doesn't exist, copy template into location.
            if Path(f"../{site}/journal.md").exists():
                shutil.copy('journal.md', f"../{site}/")
shutil.copy('edit.sh', f"../")

Okay, that’s awesome. I want to be able to start the editing session from within my github folder and not within a particular repo. I feel the itch to commit and push THIS journal entry, but I just put things into a broken state. Oops, this is going to get ugly. Make it easier to read.

from pathlib import Path
import shutil

if Path('edit.sh').exists():

with open('sites.txt', 'r') as fh:
    with open('edit.sh', 'a') as fw:
        fw.write(f"vim ./journal/journal.txt ")

        for site in fh:
            site = site.rstrip()
            fw.write(f"./{site}/journal.md ")

            # If the folder doesn't exist, create it.
            folder_exists = Path(f"../{site}").is_dir()
            print(folder_exists, "Folder", site)
            if not folder_exists:

            # If the journal doesn't exist, copy template into location.
            journal_exists = Path(f"../{site}/journal.md").exists()
            print(journal_exists, 'Journal')
            if not journal_exists:
                shutil.copy('journal.md', f"../{site}/")

shutil.copy('edit.sh', f"../")

Okay, good start. Now make sure they’re all git repos. This script doesn’t do everything. Implied here are visits over to Github.com when it’s not yet maintained there, and the tying together of new remote to local repos.

It’s also important to note that I had to move this script from a Jupyter Notebook to a .py file because of git issues. Git just isn’t as robust on Windows. Or perhaps it’s that file-paths are just easer in a Unix/Linux environment. Either way, it works under WSL.

if Path('edit.sh').exists():

with open('sites.txt', 'r') as fh:
    with open('edit.sh', 'a') as fw:
        fw.write(f"vim ./journal/journal.txt ")

        for site in fh:
            site = site.rstrip()
            url = f"https://{site.lower()}"
            fw.write(f"./{site}/journal.md ")

            # If the folder doesn't exist, create it.
            folder_exists = Path(f"../{site}").is_dir()
            print(folder_exists, "Folder", site)
            if not folder_exists:

            # If the journal doesn't exist, copy template into location.
            journal_exists = Path(f"../{site}/journal.md").exists()
            print(journal_exists, 'Journal')
            if not journal_exists:
                shutil.copy('journal.md', f"../{site}/")

            # If the journal doesn't exist, copy template into location.
            is_repo = Path(f"../{site}/.git").is_dir()
            print(is_repo, 'git repo')
            if not is_repo:
                run(["git", "init"], cwd=f"../{site}/")
                run(["pwd"], cwd=f"../{site}/")
                run(["git", "add", "journal.md"], cwd=f"../{site}/")
                run(["git", "commit", "-am", "Added Journal"], cwd=f"../{site}/")
                # run(["git", "push"], cwd=f"../{site}/")

shutil.copy('edit.sh', f"../")

I still like working in Notebooks more than vim for this sort of “feeling stuff out” work.

Okay, so work out any issues on each of these sites and get a new easier to maintain release system going.

No reason to document all the variations I’m doing to get the _layouts, _includes, _config.yml file, favicon and other things in place. It’s just tedious script variations and I’m not making it into one big clean run-once sort of thing, so anyone here will just have to adapt the above samples to your situation. You get the idea.

Okay, I despereately want to externalize the Google Analytics code in the default.html files but I have 2 more to do the old way (copy/paste default.html and paste new GA code in there) before I parameterize or liquify or whatever it. So off to GA to get new GA code for the new sites.

Okay, I have the new GA-4 code for every site including the new PythonicAlly.org site.

Now it’s time to make mikelevinseo.com its own site and to cut over all the stuff I’ve been loading in PythonicAlly.com that is much too in-depth for so early in that site.
