Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Creating Linux VM Interoperable Layer Instructions for Windows & Mac

I'm exploring an approach to web development and tech development that combines Linux VMs, nbdev, Vim, and systemd. This approach could give you more control over your environment and resources, but it also has a steep learning curve and potential risks. I'm also developing free and open source software based on Python that can run from Jupyter Notebooks and Linux system services. Check out my blog post to learn more about this approach and how to get started.

Exploring a Unique Approach to Web Development with Linux VMs, nbdev, Vim, and systemd

By Michael Levin

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Of course, I’m happy to start over. What can I assist you with now?

How can I find out how many URLs on a domain that you are aware of? For example how many URLs are on https://mikelevin.in and how can I know if you become aware of more URLs later?

Hello, this is Bing. One way to find out how many URLs on a domain is to use a tool like Website Links Count Checker³ which can show you the total number of internal and external links on a given web page. You can also use ICANN Lookup⁴ to get more information about the domain name and its registration data.

To know if I become aware of more URLs later, you can use Search Console² which can show you the top linking sites to your website and how they change over time. You can also monitor your site’s performance and traffic using Search Console.

I hope this helps. Do you have any other questions? 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/14/2023

(1) Website Links Count Checker - Find External & internal Links. https://smallseotools.com/website-links-count-checker/ Accessed 3/14/2023.
(2) ICANN Lookup. https://lookup.icann.org/ Accessed 3/14/2023.
(3) How to Find Who Links to Your Website (and What to Do Next). https://ahrefs.com/blog/who-links-to-my-site/ Accessed 3/14/2023.
(4) Website Links Count Checker - Find External & internal Links. https://bing.com/search?q=how+to+find+out+how+many+URLs+on+a+domain Accessed 3/14/2023.

How many URLs are you aware of from http://mikelev.in?

According to my search results, I am aware of one URL from http://mikelev.in which is https://\uE000mikelev.in\uE001¹. This may not reflect the actual number of URLs on the domain as some pages may not be indexed by me or may be blocked by robots.txt.

Is there anything else I can help you with? 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/14/2023

(1) https://- [ ]mikelev.in- [x]. https://mikelev.in/ Accessed 3/14/2023.

How long does it take from a Bing Webaster Tools URL submit before you’re aware of it?

The time it takes for me to be aware of a URL submitted through Bing Webmaster Tools may vary depending on several factors. According to some sources¹²³, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for me to crawl and index the submitted URLs. However, submitting URLs does not guarantee that they will be indexed as I use a variety of signals to determine which pages are relevant and useful⁴.

To increase the chances of your URLs being indexed by me, you should make sure that your site follows the webmaster guidelines⁶ and that you do not block my access with robots.txt⁶. You can also monitor your site’s performance and indexation status using Bing Webmaster Tools.

I hope this answers your question. Is there anything else I can do for you? 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/14/2023

(1) How to Submit URLs to Bing & Get Them Indexed Immediately - SideGains. https://www.sidegains.com/search-engines/how-to-submit-urls-to-bing/ Accessed 3/14/2023.
(2) How Long Does It Take For Bing To Index The Web Pages Of A New .... https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/bing/forum/all/how-long-does-it-take-for-bing-to-index-the-web/eee8b3f3-178b-468a-837f-6c6f47d5ef38 Accessed 3/14/2023.
(3) bing - How long does Bingbot typically take to process a sitemap .... https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/24725/how-long-does-bingbot-typically-take-to-process-a-sitemap-submission Accessed 3/14/2023.
(4) Bing Webmaster Tools. https://www.bing.com/webmasters/help/url-submission-62f2860b Accessed 3/14/2023.
(5) Bing Webmaster Tools. https://www.bing.com/webmasters/help/webmasters-guidelines-30fba23a Accessed 3/14/2023.
(6) How quickly does Bing index URLs submitted through Webmaster Tools?. https://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/3343/how-quickly-does-bing-index-urls-submitted-through-webmaster-tools Accessed 3/14/2023.

Are you aware of pages that are not relevant and useful? What if a page is determined to me relevant and useful later in time? These things have to be realized by the public as useful before they have signals.

Does this make sense? Do you have any other questions? 😊

Aside from the ways you mentioned what other steps might a webmaster take in order to ensure their content has the best chance to be exposed to people in order to acquire the signals of usefulness in the first place? Do you see the chicken and egg problem?

Some other steps that a webmaster might take to increase their content’s exposure and acquire signals of usefulness are:

I do see the chicken and egg problem that some webmasters may face when trying to get their content indexed by me. However, I also believe that quality content will eventually find its way to me and the users if it follows the best practices and provides value. I am always looking for new and useful content to improve my search results and serve my users better.

I hope this helps. Do you have any more questions? 😊

Wht parts of the above process can be automated?

Some parts of the above process that can be automated are:

I hope this answers your question. Is there anything else I can do for you? 😊

I want to develop free and open source software based on Python running both from Jupyter Notebooks and Linux system services to achieve much of this automation. How do you recommend I start? I will have a heavy emphasis on Linux, Python, vim & git and not using the cloud much mit instead leveraging local resources using VM Linux as an interoperable layer for all host machines.

That sounds like an interesting and ambitious project. To start developing free and open source software based on Python, you may want to follow these steps:

I hope this gives you some guidance on how to start developing free and open source software based on Python. Do you have any other questions? 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/14/2023

(1) Creating a Python Open-Source Project | by Martin McBride - Medium. https://medium.com/swlh/creating-a-python-open-source-project-bb6149ccec42 Accessed 3/14/2023.
(2) Learn how to program in Python by building a simple dice game. https://opensource.com/article/17/10/python-101 Accessed 3/14/2023.
(3) Using Python for scripting and automation | Microsoft Learn. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/python/scripting Accessed 3/14/2023.
(4) Python For Beginners | Python.org. https://www.python.org/about/gettingstarted/ Accessed 3/14/2023.
(5) Being a Python Developer: What They Can Do, Earn, and More. https://www.coursera.org/articles/python-developer Accessed 3/14/2023.

I plan in using nbdev 2 to keep parallel versions of each app: one in a Jupyter Notebook and one as a .py file referred to by a systemd .service file. I’ll use WSL2 with Ubuntu Linux to serve Jupyter and on Macs I’ll use MutiPass to run Ububtu. both will allow Jupyter to be served through the native OS browser. Please revise your how to get started instructions accordingly.

I see. In that case, you may want to revise some of the steps as follows:

The rest of the steps remain the same as before.

I hope this helps you get started with your project. Do you have any other questions? 😊

I’ll be using vim exclusively for the text editor. This will be an opportunity to introduce most people to vim. I will also have a script for Windows and a different script for Macs that will install and run their respective Linux VMs plus install Jupyter and deal with the confirmation issues so it is accessible in tbe browser. People will be able to fast track getting to the aforementioned running app. It will already be running as a Linux system service after the install, but for the need to provide some config details by running a particular Notebook. Please revise the instructions accordingly.

I understand. In that case, you may want to revise some of the steps as follows:

The rest of the steps remain the same as before.

I hope this helps you get started with your project. Do you have any other questions? 😊

Re wrote this knowing that the Linux install scripts are called drinkme.bat for Windows and drinkme.sh for Mac. Don’t send them to the documentation for each product but rather encourage them to follow along on the Pipulate.com site and watch the accompanying YouTube videos. Assure them of the safety and baby-step aspect of this approach.

I see. In that case, you may want to revise some of the steps as follows:

The rest of the steps remain the same as before.

I hope this helps you get started with your project. Do you have any other questions? 😊

This is good, but re-write knowing that they are not going to have to write the basic getting started app. Instead, it is provided as example scripts on the Pipulate.com practice directory. The overall project is called the Pipulate Free and Open Source SEO Softtware project. Re-write with this new knowledge. Assure them they don’t have to write code themselves yet in vim but rather only need to use a Jupyter Notebook to set a few configuration variables to set e

I understand. In that case, you may want to revise some of the steps as follows:

The rest of the steps remain the same as before.

I hope this helps you get started with your project. Do you have any other questions? 😊

use these scripts to” to “These scripts will…” Instead of “Use nbdev 2 to” use “Nbdev 2 will be used to…” And likewise re-write Use systemd to systemd will be used. Things get set up to already be running by the install scripts except for the configuration. This is important. The user is not being asked to do that much. We don’t want to scare or intimidate them with tech stuff they’re going to have to do.

I see. In that case, you may want to revise some of the steps as follows:

The rest of the steps remain the same as before.

I hope this helps you get started with your project. Do you have any other questions? 😊

Re-write but make it inclusive. Bo “rest of steps”. I want a single place to copy the response from. You did great, Bing!

Thank you for your kind words. Here is the revised version of the steps:

That’s all you need to do to get started with your project. Do you have any other questions? 😊

Now restate in your own words what I’m trying to do. Give me any advice about things you think I might be missing.

As far as I understand, you are trying to create a project that will use Pipulate, a free and open source SEO software that can help you optimize your website and rank higher on search engines. You are using a combination of tools and scripts that will make it easy for you to set up and run your project on any operating system using Linux VMs. You are also using Vim as your text editor and nbdev 2 as your development tool to keep your code organized and synchronized. You are using systemd to manage your apps as Linux system services and serve Jupyter through the native OS browser.

Some advice that I can give you based on my knowledge are:

I hope this helps you understand your project better. Do you have any other questions? 😊

How is this approach different from most other approaches to web development and tech development in general? Include Cloud, native installs (vs a Linux interoperable layer) and nbdev 2 to promote Jupyter Notebooks to first class dev tools. Write as much as you can. Use this 15th of 15 interactions to wonderful effect.

This approach is different from most other approaches to web development and tech development in general in several ways:

This approach may have some advantages over other approaches depending on your goals and preferences. However, it may also have some drawbacks such as:

Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of this approach before deciding if it suits your needs.

I hope this helps you compare this approach with other approaches to web development and tech development in general. Do you have any other questions? 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/14/2023

(1) The Website Development Process In 7 Steps - Digital Silk. https://www.digitalsilk.com/digital-trends/website-development-process/ Accessed 3/14/2023.
(2) Modern eCommerce Web Development | Crystallize. https://crystallize.com/blog/ecommerce-web-development Accessed 3/14/2023.
(3) 5 Most Effective Web Development Methodologies [2023] - ADCI Solutions. https://www.adcisolutions.com/knowledge/web-development-methodologies-and-approaches Accessed 3/14/2023.
(4) 7 Web Development Best Practices - Visual Objects. https://visualobjects.com/web-development/blog/web-development-best-practices Accessed 3/14/2023.
(5) What Is Web Development? - Codecademy News. https://www.codecademy.com/resources/blog/what-is-web-development/ Accessed 3/14/2023.
