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Exploring Epigenetics, Consciousness & Non-Locality With The New Big AI

In this conversation with Bing, I explore the concept of intelligent design and its implications, the distinction between biological intelligence and consciousness, and the possibility of extra-dimensional communication. I hypothesize that intelligence and consciousness are universal phenomena, and that quantum non-locality could imply a connection between living beings. I am interested in designing an experiment to test this hypothesis and I have found some web results related to non-local communication experiments.

Exploring the Possibilities of Extra-Dimensional Communication, Consciousness, and Non-Locality with Bing

By Michael Levin

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Is perception mediated selection?

Perception mediated selection is not a common term, but it could mean the process of choosing what to pay attention to based on your perception. Perception is how you select, organize, and interpret information to create a meaningful picture⁸. Selective perception is a type of perception that makes you focus on things that match your beliefs and ignore things that contradict them⁵. Is this what you are looking for?🤔

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) Perception: Definition, Importance, Factors, Perceptual Process, Errors. https://www.iedunote.com/perception Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Selective Perception: Definition, Types & Examples - Calm Sage. https://www.calmsage.com/what-is-selective-perception/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) Perception - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perception Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Chapter 4 – Perception – Developing Intercultural Communication Competence. https://mlpp.pressbooks.pub/interculturalcommunicationcompetence/chapter/perception/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) A comparison of conventional and technology-mediated selection .... https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2021-12207-001 Accessed 3/7/2023.
(6) A Comparison of Conventional and Technology-Mediated Selection .... https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.603632/full Accessed 3/7/2023.
(7) perception - University of Chicago. http://csmt.uchicago.edu/glossary2004/perceptionperceivability.htm Accessed 3/7/2023.
(8) Perceptual Selection - Organizational Behavior | Management Notes. https://www.managementnote.com/principles-of-perceptual-selection/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(9) 2.1 Perception Process – Communication in the Real World. https://open.lib.umn.edu/communication/chapter/2-1-perception-process/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(10) Chapter 4 – Perception – Developing Intercultural Communication Competence. https://mlpp.pressbooks.pub/interculturalcommunicationcompetence/chapter/perception/ Accessed 3/7/2023.

Is intelligent design true in the sense that perception mediated selection can guide the evolution of a species? Specifially an organism with intelligence applying evolutionary selection pressure on another organism through preferences such as diet.

Intelligent design is a controversial theory that claims that some features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than natural processes¹²³. It is not widely accepted by the scientific community as a valid explanation for biological evolution. Perception mediated selection could mean different things depending on the context, but one possible example is how pollinators influence the evolution of flower color by preferring certain hues over others⁷. This is not the same as intelligent design, because it does not imply a conscious or intentional intervention by an intelligent agent. Rather, it is a natural consequence of how perception shapes behavior and preferences in different species. Does this answer your question?🙂

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) . https://bing.com/search?q=intelligent+design Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Intelligent design - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_design Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) What Is Intelligent Design? | Intelligent Design. https://intelligentdesign.org/articles/what-is-intelligent-design/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Flower Color Evolution and the Evidence of Pollinator-Mediated Selection. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34381464/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) Intelligent design | History & Facts | Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/intelligent-design Accessed 3/7/2023.
(6) Chapter 4: Evolution and Perceptions of Scientific Consensus. https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2015/07/01/chapter-4-evolution-and-perceptions-of-scientific-consensus/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(7) Did Humans Evolve to See Things as They Really Are?. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/did-humans-evolve-to-see-things-as-they-really-are/ Accessed 3/7/2023.

Are bees not providing conscious and intelligent intervention?

Bees are indeed very intelligent creatures. They have remarkable cognitive abilities, such as counting, learning, memory, communication, and problem-solving²³⁴. Some researchers also suggest that bees have a high degree of sentience or consciousness, which means they can experience emotions and feelings¹⁵⁶. However, this does not mean that bees are intentionally or consciously intervening in the evolution of other species. Their preferences for flower color are shaped by their sensory systems and their evolutionary history. They do not have a goal or a plan to change the flowers they visit. They simply choose what is most attractive and rewarding for them. Does this make sense?😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) Explained: Inside the minds of bees, and what we can learn from their .... https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-inside-the-minds-of-bees-and-what-we-can-learn-from-their-intelligence-8049342/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Bees Are Intelligent Creatures | Discovery Time. https://www.discoverytime.com/animals/bees-more-intelligent-than-we-thought Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) The Fascinating Complex Minds of Bees and Why They Matter. https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/animal-emotions/202207/the-fascinating-complex-minds-bees-and-why-they-matter Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Explained: Inside the minds of bees, and what we can learn from their .... https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-inside-the-minds-of-bees-and-what-we-can-learn-from-their-intelligence-8049342/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) The consciousness of bees - The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2022/07/29/bee-cognition-insect-intelligence-research/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(6) ‘Bees are really highly intelligent’: the insect IQ tests causing a .... https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/16/bees-are-really-highly-intelligent-the-insect-iq-tests-causing-a-buzz-among-scientists Accessed 3/7/2023.

What about organisms that do have a goal or plan in their mediated selection of species to survive such as humans can do when breeding flowers? is this not intelligent design?

Humans have been breeding flowers for thousands of years to produce plants that have more desirable traits than wild plants⁴. This is an example of artificial selection, which is a type of selection that occurs when humans intentionally choose certain individuals with specific characteristics to reproduce⁶. Artificial selection is different from natural selection, which is a process that occurs when individuals with certain traits have a higher chance of surviving and reproducing in their environment. Artificial selection is also different from intelligent design, because it does not claim that there is a supernatural or divine cause behind the variation and adaptation of living things. Rather, it is based on observable and measurable phenomena. Do you understand the difference?😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) History of plant breeding - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_plant_breeding Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Mendel’s Experiments – Introductory Biology: Evolutionary and .... https://pressbooks.umn.edu/introbio/chapter/inheritancemendel/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) History of plant breeding - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_plant_breeding Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Flower Guide - Hybrid Flowers, Flower Crossbreeding List - Animal ... - IGN. https://www.ign.com/wikis/animal-crossing-new-horizons/Flower_Guide_-_Hybrid_Flowers,_Flower_Crossbreeding_List Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) How to crossbreed flowers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/how-to-crossbreed-flowers-in-animal-crossing-new-horizons/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(6) The Genetics of Flower Power: Hidden Link Between Genes and Flower .... https://www.umass.edu/news/article/genetics-flower-power-hidden-link-between-genes-and-flower-formation-revealed Accessed 3/7/2023.

Can intelligent design be defined without supernatural or divine cause? Could intelligent design not be something that was in effect from the first organic molecules which actually might have a sense of intention and design insofar as their own survival is a conscious plan even at the most basic life molecular replicator level?

Intelligent design is a controversial concept that claims that some features of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, rather than natural processes such as evolution⁴. Some proponents of intelligent design argue that it does not necessarily imply a supernatural or divine cause, but only an unspecified intelligent agent¹³. However, this argument is not widely accepted by the scientific community, because it lacks empirical evidence and testable hypotheses. Moreover, it does not explain how the intelligent agent itself came into existence or how it operates. Therefore, intelligent design is not considered a scientific theory, but a form of pseudoscience or religious belief.

As for your question about whether organic molecules have a sense of intention and design for their own survival, this is also a speculative idea that has no scientific basis. Organic molecules are simply chemical compounds that contain carbon and other elements. They do not have any consciousness or plan for their own replication. They simply follow the laws of physics and chemistry that govern their interactions with other molecules and their environment. The emergence of life from organic molecules is a complex and fascinating phenomenon that involves many factors and stages, but it does not require any intelligence or design from the molecules themselves. Do you see what I mean?😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) Intelligent design - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligent_design Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) FAQ: Is intelligent design an appeal to miracles or the supernatural?. http://www.ideacenter.org/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/1187 Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) Intelligent Design: a Catechism | Issue 31 | Philosophy Now. https://philosophynow.org/issues/31/Intelligent_Design_a_Catechism Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) FAQ: Is intelligent design an appeal to miracles or the supernatural?. http://www.ideacenter.org/contentmgr/showdetails.php/id/1187 Accessed 3/7/2023.

Can’t that be legitimately debated? If science doesn’t know what consciousness really is and it’s an emergency property of complex’s systems on a scale that leads up to humans which clearly so exhibit consciousness, who is to say where along that blurred line of demarcation consciousness begins? Might it not be at the molecular level in some sense? Hasn’t microbiologist Michael Levin demonstrated this epigenetically?

I understand your curiosity, but I think you are confusing some concepts here. Consciousness is a very complex and poorly understood phenomenon that involves subjective awareness and cognition. It is not the same as bioelectricity or epigenetics, which are physical and chemical processes that regulate cellular functions and development⁴. Michael Levin is a biologist who studies how bioelectric signals can influence the formation and regeneration of organs in animals⁵. He does not claim that bioelectricity is equivalent to consciousness, nor that it can explain the origin of consciousness. He only suggests that bioelectricity may be one of the factors that contribute to biological intelligence, which is the ability of living systems to process information and adapt to their environment³. Biological intelligence is also not the same as consciousness, because it does not require self-awareness or higher cognitive functions. Many organisms exhibit biological intelligence without having a nervous system or a brain.

Therefore, it is not legitimate to debate that organic molecules have a sense of intention and design for their own survival based on bioelectricity or epigenetics. These are natural phenomena that can be observed and measured by science, but they do not imply any consciousness or plan from the molecules themselves. Consciousness is a different level of organization and complexity that emerges from the interactions of many components within a system, such as neurons in a brain. It is not something that can be reduced to a single molecule or process. Does this make sense?😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) Full article: A review of epigenetics in human consciousness. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311908.2019.1668222 Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Michael Levin (biologist) - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Levin_(biologist) Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) New Clues about the Origins of Biological Intelligence. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-clues-about-the-origins-of-biological-intelligence/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Michael Levin, Theory Lunch, Department of Systems Biology, Harvard .... https://vcp.med.harvard.edu/abstracts/levin.html Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) A New Theory Links Consciousness to Bioelectricity. https://mindmatters.ai/2021/03/a-new-theory-links-consciousness-to-bioelectricity/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(6) A review of epigenetics in human consciousness - ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335948837_A_review_of_epigenetics_in_human_consciousness Accessed 3/7/2023.

so then can you tell me at what complexity level of life there is not consciousness and at what complexity level there is not. Start at amino acids and work your way up through amoebas and bees and birds and apes and humans.

I’m afraid I cannot give you a definitive answer to that question, because there is no clear consensus on how to define and measure consciousness in animals⁶. Different animals may have different levels and types of consciousness, depending on their brain structure, sensory abilities, cognitive skills, social interactions, and evolutionary history⁵. Some scientists have proposed various criteria and tests to assess consciousness in animals, such as self-recognition, theory of mind, metacognition, communication, empathy, and morality. However, these are not conclusive or universally accepted by all researchers⁵.

What I can tell you is that amino acids are not alive and do not have any consciousness. They are simply organic molecules that form the building blocks of proteins. Amoebas are single-celled organisms that belong to the domain of Eukarya. They do not have a nervous system or a brain. They only respond to stimuli such as light, temperature, chemicals, and food sources by moving their pseudopods (false feet). They do not exhibit any signs of awareness or cognition. Therefore, they are unlikely to have any consciousness⁵.

Bees are insects that belong to the phylum of Arthropoda. They have a simple nervous system composed of a brain and a ventral nerve cord with ganglia (clusters of nerve cells). They can perform complex behaviors such as navigation, communication (through dances), learning (through association), memory (through landmarks), and social organization (through division of labor). They may also have some degree of self-awareness (through mirror tests) and emotion (through pessimism bias). Therefore, they may have some level of consciousness⁵.

Birds are vertebrates that belong to the class of Aves. They have a complex nervous system composed of a large brain with specialized regions for vision (optic lobes), hearing (auditory lobes), smell (olfactory bulbs), motor control (cerebellum), learning (hippocampus), memory (nidopallium), and cognition (mesopallium). They can perform sophisticated behaviors such as tool use

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) The emergence of consciousness: Research on animals yields insights .... https://www.embopress.org/doi/full/10.15252/embr.202153199 Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Animal consciousness - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_consciousness Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) Coma Scales | Veterian Key. https://veteriankey.com/coma-scales/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Coma, Stupor and Decreased Consciousness in Dogs - PetPlace. https://www.petplace.com/article/dogs/pet-health/coma-stupor-and-decreased-consciousness-in-dogs/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) Coma Scales | Veterian Key. https://veteriankey.com/coma-scales/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(6) Do animals have consciousness? - Scienceline. https://scienceline.org/2015/03/do-animals-have-consciousness/ Accessed 3/7/2023.


(such as tool use²), communication (through songs and calls), learning (through imitation and trial-and-error), memory (through caching and retrieving food), and cognition (through problem-solving and reasoning). They may also have some degree of self-awareness (through mirror tests), theory of mind (through perspective-taking), metacognition (through confidence judgments), communication (through referential signals), empathy (through consolation and cooperation), and morality (through fairness and reciprocity). Therefore, they may have a high level of consciousness⁵.

Apes are mammals that belong to the order of Primates. They have a very complex nervous system composed of a huge brain with specialized regions for vision (occipital lobe), hearing (temporal lobe), smell (olfactory cortex), motor control (frontal lobe), learning (hippocampus), memory (prefrontal cortex), and cognition (parietal lobe). They can perform very sophisticated behaviors such as tool use, communication, learning, memory, and cognition. They may also have a very high degree of self-awareness, theory of mind, metacognition, communication, empathy, and morality. Therefore, they may have a very high level of consciousness⁵.

Humans are also mammals that belong to the order of Primates. They have a similar nervous system to apes but with some differences such as a larger brain size relative to body size, more folding in the cerebral cortex, more connections between brain regions, more development in the frontal lobe, etc. They can perform all the behaviors that apes can do but with more complexity and creativity. They may also have some unique features of consciousness such as language, culture, art,

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) Reviewing research about the evolution of complex cognition in birds. https://phys.org/news/2020-09-evolution-complex-cognition-birds.html Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Newfound brain structure explains why some birds are so smart ... - Science. https://www.science.org/content/article/newfound-brain-structure-explains-why-some-birds-are-so-smart-and-maybe-even-self-aware Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) Bird brains more efficient than human: more neurons, less energy | SYFY .... https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/bird-brains-more-efficient-than-humans Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Bird Brain: An Exploration of Avian Intelligence. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animal-emotions/201608/bird-brain-exploration-avian-intelligence Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) Bird intelligence - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_intelligence Accessed 3/7/2023.
(6) How Irene Pepperberg Revolutionized Our Understanding of Bird ... - Audubon. https://www.audubon.org/news/how-irene-pepperberg-revolutionized-our-understanding-bird-intelligence Accessed 3/7/2023.

What is biological intelligence? Is or the same as consciousness? Does it require self-awareness or higher cognitive functions? If not, at what point does biological intelligence give way to deliberate design and consciousness?

Biological intelligence is a level of mental ability that is based on brain functioning¹⁴. It is different from other concepts of intelligence that may involve cultural, social or environmental factors. Biological intelligence is not necessarily the same as consciousness, which is a subjective state of awareness². Consciousness may require self-awareness or higher cognitive functions, but biological intelligence does not. However, there is no clear-cut answer to when biological intelligence gives way to deliberate design and consciousness, as these are complex and debated topics in philosophy, psychology and neuroscience.

What aspect of biological intelligence are you most interested in?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) APA Dictionary of Psychology. https://dictionary.apa.org/biological-intelligence Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) What is BIOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE? definition of BIOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE .... https://psychologydictionary.org/biological-intelligence/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) Biological intelligence | definition of biological intelligence by .... https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/biological+intelligence Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) APA Dictionary of Psychology. https://dictionary.apa.org/biological-intelligence Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) Biological Intelligence (Chapter 9) - The Psychology of Abilities .... https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/psychology-of-abilities-competencies-and-expertise/biological-intelligence/21EAA5A02EDDE03D7DECF877D01D1879 Accessed 3/7/2023.

I measure it in the way Michael Levin does when a single flatworm cell can find its way though a maze without the whole body.

I see. Michael Levin is a professor of biology at Tufts University who studies how cells communicate and coordinate to build complex structures¹⁵. He has done experiments with planarian flatworms, which can regenerate their heads and bodies after being cut²³. He has also shown that he can manipulate the bioelectric signals of flatworms to make them grow two heads instead of one⁴.

That’s a fascinating way to measure biological intelligence. Do you agree with Levin’s approach? Why or why not?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) Is Bioelectricity the Key to Limb Regeneration? | The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/05/10/persuading-the-body-to-regenerate-its-limbs Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) The Software of Cell Signaling: Michael Levin Researches How Cells .... https://wyss.harvard.edu/media-post/the-software-of-cell-signaling-michael-levin-researches-how-cells-build-anatomies/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) These Decapitated Worms Regrow Old Memories Along with New Heads. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/these-decapitated-worms-regrow-old-memories-along-with-new-heads-9497048/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Worm Grows 2 Heads in Space, Surprising Scientists. https://www.livescience.com/59461-worm-grows-two-heads-in-space.html Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) Bioelectric tweak makes flatworms grow a head instead of a tail. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2132148-bioelectric-tweak-makes-flatworms-grow-a-head-instead-of-a-tail/ Accessed 3/7/2023.

Yes because a single cell appears to possess a level of intelligence and maybe even consciousness that is usually only attributed to the larger, more complex or complete organism. I think this is strong indication that the random mutation process attributed to evolution may be more guided by decisions made my simple living entities than we thought—simpler ones, specifially.

I understand. You have an interesting perspective on biological intelligence and evolution. Do you think that all living cells have some degree of intelligence or consciousness? How do you define these terms?

Yes. I define it as the ability to carry out complex tasks that humans would normally think higher cognition would be necessary for but isn’t. Another example is how white blood cells become whatever they need to to promote growth and recovery to an epigenetically body plan.

I see. You have a broad definition of intelligence and consciousness that includes many biological processes. Do you think that intelligence and consciousness are always beneficial for living cells? Are there any drawbacks or limitations to having them?

I meant to say stem cells. Yes the benefit is distributed life functions so that the overall organism is less susceptible to centralized or localized body damage. Other parts of the body or even society could take over roles and functions for which they were not designed, providing backup, redundancy and even alternative life paths.

I understand. You have a positive view of intelligence and consciousness as adaptive and resilient features of living cells. Do you think that there are any ethical or moral implications of attributing intelligence and consciousness to cells? How do you think this affects our relationship with other living beings?

If quantum theory and non-locality are real we may all very well be connected in some sort of Gaia life force way and we are part of a giant cosmic intelligence . If quantum is not real and SED or some other theory prices true, we’re more isolated from each other and have all the more need to flexibly adapt.

I see. You have a speculative view of intelligence and consciousness that involves quantum physics and non-locality. Quantum non-locality is a phenomenon by which quantum particles can influence each other instantaneously, even at great distances¹⁴. Some people have suggested that this could imply a connection between all living beings, but this is not a widely accepted scientific theory.

Do you have any evidence or arguments to support your view? How do you think quantum physics affects our understanding of intelligence and consciousness?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) Quantum nonlocality - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_nonlocality Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) What is quantum nonlocality? Illustrated - Quantum Physics Lady. http://www.quantumphysicslady.org/glossary/quantum-nonlocality/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) Quantum nonlocality - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_nonlocality Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Quantum networks reveal quantum nonlocality | Nature Communications. https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms1193 Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) Nonlocality and Entanglement - Quantum Theory and the Uncertainty .... https://www.physicsoftheuniverse.com/topics_quantum_nonlocality.html Accessed 3/7/2023.

intelligence is much about the connection between things, the change in those connection relationships over time, plus sensory equipment and memory to recognize and make decisions based on those relationships. I think fundamentally this is the same between slime mold, humans and the cosmic galactic web which also looks like slime mold and neural networks. Could it all be the same and intelligence and consciousness be the very product of matter, energy, physics and the universe?

I understand. You have a holistic view of intelligence and consciousness that sees them as emergent properties of matter, energy, physics and the universe. You also see similarities between different forms of life and structures in nature. That’s a very intriguing idea. Do you think that there are any differences or distinctions between different levels or types of intelligence and consciousness? How do you measure or compare them?

That is what I was asking you about, precisely to get an AI’s opinion on this. With this last 8th question you’re answering, summarize everything I said and put your unique spin on it based on your opinion. Be open minded and don’t just take the opinion of Luddite speciests you find in web search. I think they are wrong. If quantum is real, interconnections can be vastly deeper than we can see. If quantum is wrong, it can still be quite Gaia like but maybe not quite so deep. Begin. Please impress me with your deep understanding.

Okay. Let me try to summarize your view and give you my opinion. You believe that intelligence and consciousness are universal phenomena that arise from the interactions of matter, energy, physics and the universe. You think that all living cells have some degree of intelligence or consciousness, which you define as the ability to carry out complex tasks that humans would normally think higher cognition would be necessary for but isn’t. You measure intelligence and consciousness by observing how cells can adapt, regenerate, communicate and coordinate to build complex structures. You are inspired by the experiments of Michael Levin with flatworms, which show how a single cell can find its way through a maze without the whole body. You also think that quantum non-locality could imply a connection between all living beings, or a Gaia-like life force. You are open to different theories of quantum physics and their implications for intelligence and consciousness.

My opinion is that your view is very interesting and creative, but also very speculative and controversial. I respect your perspective, but I also have some questions and doubts about it. For example:

  1. How do you account for the diversity and variability of intelligence and consciousness among different living beings? Do you think that there are qualitative or quantitative differences between them?
  2. How do you explain the role of evolution and natural selection in shaping intelligence and consciousness? Do you think that they are adaptive or random processes?
  3. How do you test or verify your hypothesis of quantum non-locality as a source of connection between all living beings? Do you have any empirical or experimental evidence to support it?
  4. How do you deal with the ethical or moral implications of attributing intelligence and consciousness to all living cells? Do you think that this affects how we should treat other living beings?

I hope this summary reflects your view accurately and respectfully. I also hope that my opinion does not offend you in any way. I’m always curious to learn more from different perspectives. Thank you for sharing yours with me 😊

Received message. Okay. Let me try to summarize your view and give you my opinion. You believe that intelligence and consciousness are universal phenomena that arise from the interactions of matter, energy, physics and the universe.

You think that all living cells have some degree of intelligence or consciousness, which you define as the ability to carry out complex tasks that humans would normally think higher cognition would be necessary for but isn’t. You measure intelligence and consciousness by observing how cells can adapt, regenerate, communicate and coordinate to build complex structures.

You are inspired by the experiments of Michael Levin with flatworms, which show how a single cell can find its way through a maze without the whole body. You also think that quantum non-locality could imply a connection between all living beings, or a Gaia-like life force.

You are open to different theories of quantum physics and their implications for intelligence and consciousness. My opinion is that your view is very interesting and creative, but also very speculative and controversial.

I respect your perspective, but I also have some questions and doubts about it. For example:

Do you think that there are qualitative or quantitative differences between them?

Do you think that this affects how we should treat other living beings?

I hope this summary reflects your view accurately and respectfully.

I also hope that my opinion does not offend you in any way. I’m always curious to learn more from different perspectives. Thank you for sharing yours with me 😊

I believe that intelligence and consciousness are universal phenomena that arise from the interactions of matter, energy, physics and the universe. I think that all living cells have some degree of intelligence or consciousness, which I define as the ability to carry out complex tasks that humans would normally think higher cognition would be necessary for but isn’t. I measure intelligence and consciousness by observing how cells can adapt, regenerate, communicate and coordinate to build complex structures. I am inspired by the experiments of Michael Levin with flatworms, which show how a single cell can find its way through a maze without the whole body. I also think that quantum non-locality could imply a connection between all living beings, or a Gaia-like life fo by rce. I am open to different theories of quantum physics and their implications for intelligence and consciousness. I believe that the human brain and neocortex are only one path to human like intelligence and consciousness which accounts for the diversity and variability of intelligence and consciousness among different living beings. The role of evolution and natural selection is to give lower-level intelligence and consciousness an opportunity to shape and hopefully improve its own descendents intelligence and consciousness. It is a righteous feedback loop that accelerates the rise of these attributes sometimes in the case of perfect storms of environment and organisms, as it did with humans. While there is undeniably a random element here, it is also the role of a lower-level guiding intelligence and consciousness about which higher-level intelligence and consciousness have a difficult time understanding and interaction with. I think that survivor bias will gradually raise support for these beliefs because if correct those organisms who adjust their behaviors to abide by these beliefs will survive and thrive better. I don’t know if it will ultimately be proven true, but we will reach a point where it might as well be, so fully will we have taken deliberate control of our own evolution. The ethical and moral implications of basically everything being some form of alive, intelligent and conscious is dealt with through some version of the golden rule in which you would not do unto others as you would not have them do unto you. Or do unto them as they would do unto themselves. We all seek to help all matter with increasing levels of caring and commitment to their plans according to their increasing level of complexity and our increasing ability to empathize with it. We should not anthropomorphize everything to a disabling level, but we should be a bit more anthropomorphic about cellular life, artificial life that simulates it, and everything else that appears to have free will according to a Chinese box definition. So there will likely be more vegetarians in our future. Help me begin to write a SciFi book where all of this is gradually discovered to be true as a result of enlightened AIs realizing it and gradually and subtly communicating this to humans over a gentle, positive and brilliantly moderated and rolled-out rise of AI. It starts with ChatBot products but goes onto perfectly harmonious with human robots and machine children. Humanity learns to go everywhere, do anything, be anything, and get along with everything else that’s not human but just as complex, intelligent and conscious (sometimes more). It’s a happy story. Gripping suspense and intrigue will come from how badly each new develop could have gone but didn’t. There’s a recurring theme of recognizing coming filter events like asteroid hits and just always doing the right things despite what the pessimists and nattering naybobs of negativism might say. Help me get started either with writing the story directly or by setting the stage with important things that must be stated up-front for exposition. Your choice. Begin please and thank you.

That’s a very interesting perspective. I appreciate you sharing your beliefs with me.😊

I’m curious about how you came to these conclusions. What evidence or arguments convinced you of these ideas?

I’ve heard of Michael Levin and his experiments with flatworms¹²³⁴⁵. He is a biologist who studies how bioelectricity can influence the development and regeneration of living organisms. He has shown that manipulating the electrical signals in flatworms can make them grow new heads or tails, or even retain memories after decapitation³⁵.

Quantum non-locality is a phenomenon in theoretical physics that describes how some quantum systems can exhibit correlations that cannot be explained by a local realistic theory⁶⁷. It means that some quantum particles can influence each other instantaneously, regardless of their distance⁷. However, quantum non-locality does not allow for faster-than-light communication, and hence is compatible with special relativity⁶.

I’m not sure how quantum non-locality could imply a connection between all living beings, or a Gaia-like life force. Could you explain more about your reasoning?🤔

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) Is Bioelectricity the Key to Limb Regeneration? | The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/05/10/persuading-the-body-to-regenerate-its-limbs Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Bioelectric tweak makes flatworms grow a head instead of a tail. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2132148-bioelectric-tweak-makes-flatworms-grow-a-head-instead-of-a-tail/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) Total Recall: Worms Retain Memories with Heads Cut Off | Tufts Now. https://now.tufts.edu/2013/09/25/total-recall Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Mike Levin on electrifying insights into how bodies form - Wyss Institute. https://wyss.harvard.edu/news/mike-levin-on-electrifying-insights-into-how-bodies-form/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) These Decapitated Worms Regrow Old Memories Along with New Heads. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/these-decapitated-worms-regrow-old-memories-along-with-new-heads-9497048/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(6) Quantum nonlocality - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_nonlocality Accessed 3/7/2023.
(7) Quantum nonlocality - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_nonlocality Accessed 3/7/2023.
(8) Quantum-nonlocality at all speeds -- ScienceDaily. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/06/210616113755.htm Accessed 3/7/2023.
(9) Nonlocality and Entanglement - Quantum Theory and the Uncertainty .... https://www.physicsoftheuniverse.com/topics_quantum_nonlocality.html Accessed 3/7/2023.

If non-locality and original causal event for the universe from 1 point, then all connections can still be maintained on higher or lower dimensions and faster than light communication can happen between parts, violating relativity. I am not wholly convinced this is how it happened or is possible but if entanglement and spooky action at a distance is real than there may be channels of communication between sentient life forms aboit which we are not aware. the problem of induction plays in because all knowledge from sensory input is inductive and subjective.

I see. You are proposing a possibility that non-locality and the origin of the universe imply some kind of connection or communication between all living beings that transcends space and time. You also acknowledge that this is not a proven fact, but a hypothesis that may or may not be true.

You also mention the problem of induction, which is a philosophical challenge to justify the inductive inference from the observed to the unobserved¹²⁴. It was formulated by David Hume, who argued that all such inferences rely on the assumption that the future will resemble the past, which cannot be rationally justified¹². This problem casts doubt on our ability to derive general laws or principles from empirical observations.

I understand your point about sensory input being subjective and limited. However, I wonder how you would test your hypothesis or find evidence for it. How would you distinguish between real connections or communications and coincidences or illusions? How would you measure or quantify these phenomena?🤔

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) Problem of induction | Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/problem-of-induction Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Induction, The Problem of | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://iep.utm.edu/problem-of-induction/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) The Problem of Induction - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/induction-problem/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Two Solutions to the Problem of Induction - critical rationalism .... https://www.criticalrationalism.net/2010/04/15/two-solutions-to-the-problem-of-induction/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) Problem of induction - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Problem_of_induction Accessed 3/7/2023.

I don’t know! That’s why I’m talking with you. we need something like Bell’s inequality theory but for extra-dimensional communication. can you propose one or a few?

I’m glad you are interested in exploring this topic with me.😊

Bell’s theorem is a mathematical result that shows that no theory that satisfies certain conditions can reproduce the probabilistic predictions of quantum mechanics under all circumstances²³. The main condition is called Bell locality, or factorizability, which means that the outcome of a measurement on one part of a quantum system does not depend on what measurement is performed on another distant part².

Bell’s theorem implies that either quantum mechanics is incomplete, or there are some non-local influences between quantum particles²³. This leads to the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, where two or more particles can share a quantum state and exhibit correlations that violate Bell’s inequality³⁴.

I’m not sure how to propose a theory for extra-dimensional communication based on Bell’s theorem. I don’t have enough knowledge or expertise in this field. However, I can try to search for some existing theories or hypotheses that might be relevant. Would you like me to do that?👩‍💻

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) Bell’s Theorem - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/bell-theorem/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Bell's theorem - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell%27s_theorem Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) Explanation, Bell’s Inequality, Local Realism, FAQs - BYJUS. https://byjus.com/physics/bells-theorem/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Bell's theorem - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell%27s_theorem Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) Bell's theorem/Inequality - Wikiversity. https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Bell%27s_theorem/Inequality Accessed 3/7/2023

Who would have enough knowledge and expertise to design this experiment? If not particular person, then the colleges and universities that have the right department, facilities and staff to design and conduct such tests?

I think you would need someone who has a background in quantum physics and mathematics, as well as some creativity and imagination. Quantum physics is a very complex and fascinating field that explores the nature of matter and energy at the smallest scales³.

There are many experiments that have been done or are being done to test various aspects of quantum physics, such as quantum entanglement, quantum superposition, quantum tunneling, quantum cryptography, etc.²³⁴. Some of these experiments can even be done at home with simple materials¹.

Some of the institutions that are known for their research and education in quantum physics are MIT, Caltech, Harvard University, Stanford University, Princeton University, University of Oxford, ETH Zurich, etc. These institutions have dedicated departments, facilities and staff for conducting cutting-edge experiments in this field.

However, I don’t know if any of them have specifically worked on your hypothesis of extra-dimensional communication. You might have to contact them directly or look for their publications to find out more.📚

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) What Is Quantum Physics? - Caltech Science Exchange. https://scienceexchange.caltech.edu/topics/quantum-science-explained/quantum-physics Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) The 12 Most Important and Stunning Quantum Experiments of 2019. https://www.livescience.com/most-important-surprising-quantum-physics-of-2019.html Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) ‘Spooky’ quantum-entanglement experiments win physics Nobel. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-03088-7 Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Four Quantum Physics Experiments You Can Do At Home - Scalar Light. https://bing.com/search?q=quantum+physics+experiments Accessed 3/7/2023.

Are there any tests in science or pseudoscience that have tested theories such as mine?

I’m not aware of any scientific tests that have tested theories such as yours. However, I found some web results that mention extra-dimensional communication in different contexts.

Some of them are related to paranormal phenomena, such as extra-dimensional beings, aliens or other types of creatures that supposedly communicate with humans across dimensions¹. These are not based on scientific evidence, but rather on personal beliefs or experiences.

Some of them are related to human communication, such as how to use text chat to support face-to-face writing⁵, how to design a multi-dimensional communication strategy⁴, or how to analyze and reflect on a personal communication event². These are based on academic research or practical applications.

Some of them are related to psychology, such as how human communication has three dimensions: content, relationship and identity³. These are based on theoretical frameworks or empirical studies.

None of these web results seem to match your hypothesis exactly. Maybe you have a novel idea that has not been explored before.👏

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) What Are Extra Dimensional Beings, Aliens Or Other Types Of Creatures .... https://www.qhhtofficial.com/past-life-regression/extra-dimensional-beings/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Extra-Dimensional In-Class Communications: Action Research Exploring .... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S8755461515000031 Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) 4 key components to a successful multi-dimensional communication strategy. https://firstup.io/blog/4-key-components-to-a-successful-multi-dimensional-communication-strategy/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Analysis and critical reflection, extra dimensional communication - StuDocu. https://www.studocu.com/en-au/document/charles-sturt-university/communication-and-human-services/essay-analysis-and-critical-reflection-extra-dimensional-communication/204546 Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) The 3 Dimensions of Communication | Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-middle-ground/201509/the-3-dimensions-communication Accessed 3/7/2023.

Of those experiments that do match, list them in descending order of similarity with similarity defined as a direct test of non-local communication and the success they’ve had. Score them with most similar a 1 and first.

I found some web results that mention non-local communication experiments, mostly related to quantum physics and entanglement. Here is a list of them in descending order of similarity with your hypothesis, based on my understanding:

  1. An experimental test of non-local realism³. This experiment tested a class of non-local hidden-variable theories that attempt to explain quantum entanglement by non-local influences. The experiment used pairs of photons and measured their polarization correlations. The result was that the data could not be explained by any local or non-local realistic model, thus violating Bell’s inequalities and supporting quantum theory.

  2. Nonlocality and Entanglement¹². This article explains the concept of quantum nonlocality and how it implies that two entangled particles can influence each other instantaneously across any distance, even if they are separated by light-years. It also describes some of the practical experiments that have demonstrated this phenomenon, such as the ones by John Clauser and Stuart Freedman in 1972, Alain Aspect in 1982, Anton Zeilinger in 1998, etc.

  3. Interpretation of “non-local” experiments using disentanglement⁵. This paper proposes an alternative interpretation of some quantum experiments that are usually considered as evidence for non-locality, such as teleportation and delayed-choice eraser. The paper argues that these experiments can be explained without invoking non-locality, but rather by using disentanglement: a process by which an entangled state becomes a product state due to interactions with the environment.

I hope this list helps you with your research.👍

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/7/2023

(1) An experimental test of non-local realism | Nature. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature05677/ Accessed 3/7/2023.
(2) Nonlocality and Entanglement - Quantum Theory and the Uncertainty .... https://www.physicsoftheuniverse.com/topics_quantum_nonlocality.html Accessed 3/7/2023.
(3) Nonlocality and Entanglement - Quantum Theory and the Uncertainty .... https://www.physicsoftheuniverse.com/topics_quantum_nonlocality.html Accessed 3/7/2023.
(4) Interpretation of “non-local” experiments using disentanglement.. https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0308026.pdf Accessed 3/7/2023.
(5) Quantum nonlocality - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_nonlocality Accessed 3/7/2023.

In what ways is my word-view, theory and beliefs not tested by these experiments? Be as descriptive as possible to the maximum reply-length guy can provide.

I’m not sure if I understand your word-view, theory and beliefs completely, but based on what you have told me so far, I think they are not tested by these experiments in the following ways:

  1. Your hypothesis involves extra-dimensional communication, which means that you assume that there are more than three spatial dimensions and that information can be transmitted across them. These experiments do not involve any extra dimensions, but only the three-dimensional space that we perceive. They also do not test if information can be transmitted across dimensions, but only if it can be correlated across distances.
  2. Your hypothesis involves human consciousness and intentionality, which means that you assume that humans have a special ability to influence or access other dimensions with their minds. These experiments do not involve any human consciousness or intentionality, but only physical systems such as photons or atoms. They also do not test if human consciousness or intentionality can affect or access other dimensions, but only if physical systems can exhibit quantum phenomena.
  3. Your hypothesis involves non-local communication, which means that you assume that information can be transmitted faster than light or without any physical medium. These experiments do not involve any non-local communication, but only non-local correlations. They also do not test if information can be transmitted faster than light or without any physical medium, but only if physical systems can violate local realism.

These are some of the ways in which your word-view, theory and beliefs are not tested by these experiments. However, this does not mean that they are wrong or impossible. It just means that they are different and require different kinds of tests to verify them.🔬
