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Fixing Broken Jekyll Rouge Code Color Coding in Github Pages Theme

I recently changed the theme of my website, MikeLev.in, and had to make some tweaks to get the programming code color-coding working properly. After some research, I found the .css file I needed and made one entry in my style.css file. With these changes, the fancy color-coding is now working on my website.

My Website, MikeLev.in, Re-Connected to Github Pages with Proper Color-Coding

By Michael Levin

Saturday, July 30, 2022

A few months ago I severed the connection between this website (MikeLev.in) and the Github Pages Jekyll default Hacker theme that I started out with. While the Hacker theme was nice, there were enough little customizations I made that it no longer made sense to tie the two together. So I went in brute-force and undid all the scss (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheet) magic that’s built into the default themes like Architect, Cayman, Minima and the others. I was never much of a Web Development person and it just seems like unnecessary complexity if your CSS is simple.

However when I replaced the styles.scss with just a plain old .css file, thus removing all the chained-dependencies, I somehow broke the imports that color-code programming code like Python, JavaScript and BASH files. I know enough about HTML/CSS to know that something isn’t being loaded, probably a .css file through an include, so I went on a hunt and discovered that during the configuration process on the server-side with Ruby, there’s a step:

rougify style github > assets/css/syntax.css

…and when you do this it outputs a file into location. So I could do away with the whole server-side rendering bit if I just found one of those files on some other site and grabbed it. I found one (here)[https://github.com/danielsaidi/website_danielsaidi/blob/master/assets/css/syntax.css] and just put it in location on my site. Then I added the line that loads into my:


…file. It needs just one line edited in:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/syntax.css" />

…and that’s pretty much it. The fancy color-coding came back, whether I used Github Pages code fencing style or the embedded Ruby code style. I did have to make one attritional entry in my normal style.css file. I may have to modify it if I find too much stuff indented:

.highlight, .highlight .w {
    margin-left: 1em;
