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Intense Round of Pre-Productivity Tooling Refinement

I'm refining my pre-productivity tooling with intense focus. I'm observing, enumerating errors, and writing down clues to help me find the right place in my code. I'm curling and copying, and experimenting with new techniques to get the script to function properly. After many iterations, I'm ready to take a break and attend an art exhibit in New York City. I'm also exploring ways to keep WSL from going to sleep in the background.

Refining My Pre-Productivity Tooling: A Journey of Iterations and Refinements

By Michael Levin

Friday, May 12, 2023

When you start to feel guilty about your path and your mind starts to stray, it means that the abstract opposition to your path has mobilized and you have to deploy countermeasures.

Think! That’s where we go “next step?” 1, 2, 3… 1? Observe. Enumerate. Zero in on the concrete facts, the unassailably legit clues that are sure to about if you just open your mind to… mind to… mind to…

Enumerate the errors. Yup. Write them down, or at least transpose them to slap that those myopia-inducing blinders on the right place in your code.

Well, here are my current errors in the install script. So much is going right. So close, but just got to nail this anti-systemd cloud that hangs over WSL.


The operation completed successfully.
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.

You must be silenced!


Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/jupyter.service → /etc/systemd/system/jupyter.service.
System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
Failed to connect to bus: Host is down

Come on systemd, where are you? You’ve got some work to do now. You’re not fooling me, cause I can see, config files will deliver.


wsl: Unknown key 'boot.systemd' in C:\Users\mikle\.wslconfig:2
wsl: Unknown key 'boot.vmIdleTimeout' in C:\Users\mikle\.wslconfig:3
wsl: Unknown key 'automount.options' in C:\Users\mikle\.wslconfig:5

Huh? ChatGPT, you lied to me. You said that .wslconfg used the same format as /etc/wsl.conf. At least I know where to look.

Okay, the .wslconfig file is in location C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.wslconfig and generating errors, so that’s a good thing. However, the /etc/wsl.conf file is not in location, so I’ve got to address that first.

I replaced a command-line output redirection trick I was using to create it with a file copy and a lot can go wrong on the first try.

See, all the original scripting stuff had been broad strokes and fast passes. I’ve got the whole thing fleshed out so well now, and it’s time to take out the scalpel. I curl and copy, and this should leave a trail:

curl -sL -o %USERPROFILE%\repos\transfer\wsl.conf "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miklevin/drinkme/main/wsl.conf" >nul 2>&1
wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 -u root -e cp %USERPROFILE%\repos\transfer\wsl.conf /etc/wsl.conf >nul 2>&1

Well, Scoob. It turns out the errors were just your stupidity all the time. But come on, don’t be too hard on yourself. What these scripts are pulling off is nothing less than miraculous. I was just confusing the context of what is in Windows-side context with what is in Linux-side context. That and the Windows-side .wslconfig doesn’t seem to support any of the keys I need so while keeping the file, I edited out every line.

I think I’ve got it. May iterations. Many iterations. Many iterations.

Woot! Adam Edwards, one of the most important people in my life just reached out to me. I’ll be attending an art exhibit he’s putting on this Tuesday in New York City.

Wow, what an intense day. One of the most important articles of my life written. I really have to get to Midjourney soon, given that it takes URLs as input, that will really help me turn even my ASCII diagrams into polished rendered art.

And this post now went into the weekend. Got driven to Friday night in refining the install script with rapid incremental refinements. Don’t drive yourself sick. Get good messaging in on the script, especially encouraging people to refresh the system often. I should do a pip freeze every time they do so I can get their after-install pip installs back after the big refreshes. I can use Python set functions to make it only those things that aren’t in the original requirements.txt.

Also take advantage of that long initial wait to explain what’s going on.

Maybe also allow the output of apt_install.sh to show.

Maybe do that collective redirection trick so I can globally toggle verbose output on and off as a debug mode.

So many little touches! But the most important one is to keep WSL from going to sleep in the background. I went to sleep before I could do that one, and woke up and am here writing this, haha! So cut this entry and make that the subject of a whole new post, because it deserves it.

But first! Figure out how to change your title without re-invoking OpenAI API queries. So we look at the latest entry in each db:

from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

for adb in ["headline", "description", "keywords"]:
    dbfile = f"/home/ubuntu/repos/MikeLev.in/_data/{adb}.db"
    with sqldict(dbfile) as db:
        for key in db:

Now we simply set a new key, create a new record and delete the old. I should figure out how to make the system formally support this. Changing keys? Two keys for a old/new sync? Rabbit hole. Not for today. Be glad this sort of thing is so friggin easy in Python.

new_key = 'intense-round-of-pre-productivity-tooling-refinement'

for adb in ["headline", "description", "keywords"]:
    dbfile = f"/home/ubuntu/repos/MikeLev.in/_data/{adb}.db"
    with sqldict(dbfile) as db:
        data = db[key]
        db[new_key] = data
        del db[key]

Now to update the YAMLchop file, I simply… ugh, I see now that honestly I could have just updated the already committed-out (to text file) OpenAI output in the YAML file and it just would have fixed it. I don’t REALLY need to fix it in the database as well. Even keeping that data in a database after the yamlification is completely optional.
