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My Secret Daily Work Journal now More YAML-like

I've created a new journaling format that uses YAML-like front-matter and a few transformations. I just hit a button, but the 1-page journal.md where I edit all my blog posts at once gets sliced & diced into individual Jekyll-style posts, gets AI suggested headline, meta description and keywords, then rolls it all back into journal.md for further editing, revision and refinement. Come see how!

Unveiling My Secret Daily Work Journal: Now with YAML-like Structure!

By Michael Levin

Thursday, April 20, 2023

My new yamlesque journaling format does 2 rounds of parsing. The first is post-by-post based on parsing the approximately 80 character hyphen lines that separate the posts. The second is parsing each post line-by-line. So it’s post by post then line by line of each post. I need to keep that in mind because I’m about to do the front-matter handling beyond date and title.

Dare and title have fixed positions in the per-post yaml-like front-matter. I do this because there needs to be a date as part of the filename in the Jekyll post directories. I’ve learned you can simulate the blogging system with Jekyll collections without having this requirement, but I’m leaning into the strengths of platforms when I can, and so we use Jekyll’s convention, and dates are required, and so whenever you make a new blog post, that’s the minimum required. Yet, the post still doesn’t get published until a title is given.

This is because the title gets use for so many things, per your typical blogging software, it becomes the URL slug, the title of the page and the main headline of the article. This helps keeps things consistent and predictable. It’s also not bad for SEO, or at least it used to be. I’m keeping an open mind to changing this with some sort of slug or permalink field in the yaml-like header of each post. However I’m not going to do that right now.

The importance of thinking through the parsing steps here is to have it very clear in my mind that this is a 2nd-order parsing step. The first-order parsing is kept completely intact. It appears in 2 places: parse_journal() and rebuild_journal(). Every time something is done to the original journal.md file, it gets momentarily out of sync with the rebuilt journal, but then after the site is built, they get in sync again after new front-matter is created as part of rebuilding the journal, which is then copied back into location as the original journal. Or at least, it will be. That’s today’s plan.

It’s also interesting to note that parse_journal() and rebuild_journal() are both actually Python generators, which work a lot like factory classes, though no one will call them that in the Python world. It’s a factory class because you have to build a generator as an object, and then you call an instance of that object to get the generator. It follows the creation pattern of a factory class because the API of a generator is so specific. Create a handle to something much bigger, and then call it to get the next thing in the sequence. It’s a great method to handle data-sources of potentially infinite size, as the whole thing is never really loaded in memory. It “yields” a post a time from the larger document.

It is during that per-page yielding that line-by-line parsing of the page (post, article, journal entry or what have you) that we handle the front-matter. There’s a strongly deterministic single-path way to do this for the first 2 fields. And in fact if there’s only 1 field filled-in which is always a possibility because that’s how we keep things in draft mode (by not giving it a title right away), then we return the post as-is, and move on to the next post. There is never a title but no date because the date gets filled in with a vim macro to establish the new post. And if not, it also just moves on and skips it. That’s the case normally for the top of the journal above the first post, and the bottom of the journal below the last post.

These 2 locations, the top and bottom of the journal, have special handling and lots of potential uses. They’re easy to get to in vim, because of the gg and G commands. The top of the journal is also of course always first shown when you load journal.md, so it’s a great place for some branding and maybe a very quick to-do list. A to-do list at the top can’t be too long or it will get in the way of the first post. You want it to look like a blogging/journaling system when you load the file. The very bottom of the journal with a shift-G is a great place for longer to-do lists because it’s normally out of the way, but still very easy to get to.

Okay, so on that per-post basis, we look at the first 2 fields for very particular things, and on the 3rd line, we look for various possible conditions. It may be:

I don’t want to rely on that predictable order. I want the yaml-like fields in the front matter to be able to be in any order. So finding a field basically means throw it into something that will be a dictionary, and then we can write then in the desired consistent order when we rebuild the journal.

So the flow looks something like:

Thinking through the 3rd line may be very close to the logic for all the rest of the potential top-matter lines until we’re in-content. There’s a concept of flipping to “in-content” mode, and that’s when we’re no longer parsing the top-matter. Things get easier then because every subsequent line is handled just the same.

All the parsing work happens in write_post_to_file() which handles each yielded post from the aforementioned generators. It’s awesome. It’s a pattern I haven’t encountered before Python and while it takes a bit to wrap your head around, it’s clearly the right way to do this. The journal itself can grow to unlimited size and it only adds to the processing time. The per-post function handler doesn’t have to know anything about it. But I need to remind myself of this.

The write_post_to_file() function is also the longest function I have in the system. I have to be careful. We turn DISABLE_GIT to True so that I can’t make any mistakes that unpublishes my blog. There’s a step that deletes everything in the posts directory, and then rebuilds it. If I delete without a rebuilt and then do the git thing, it has the effect of unpublishing the journal and producing a ton of 404 errors. So that’s an important dev-mode toggle.

The whole chopchop.py file has become too large to show the whole thing every time, which is my inclination to keep full context all the time. But here’s the portion of the code I wrote as a result of this thought-work. An interesting thing is that the thought-work trickles from here in this journal to the comments in the code.

I won’t keep all the comments, but this is the code-writing style that Copilot works well with, because you describe to it what you’re trying to do as you step into doing it. You just might get a big, wonderful code suggestion that’s better than what you might have written yourself, and thus you really learn something right at the perfect moment when you’re open and suggestible to it.

For example, I would never think to use the .endswith() method on a string to check for the colon at the end of a yaml-like field. I lean towards slices and negative one indexes such as foo[-1] to get the last character of a string. But this way is more explicit. It’s a good thing to learn.

# The duty past here is to continue parsing top matter
# until we hit the "---" front-matter end-parsing marker.
# If it's a blank line, it's ambiguous, but we want it to
# be able to end the top-matter if the "---" is missing.
# The first behavior split is whether we're in_content or not:
if in_content:
    # We're in the content, so just add the line
    # We're in the top matter, so add the line
    # and check for the end of the top matter.
    # Each top-matter line is expected to be a yaml-like line.
    # If it's not a yaml-like line, there's 2 possibilities:
    # 1. It's a blank line, which means keep parsing top matter because a field might come next.
    # 2. It's a line of content, which means we're done with top matter.
    if line:
        # Check if it's a yaml-like line. ":" in line isn't good enough
        # because a sentence might use a colon. Instead, check for a colon at the end of the first word.
        if line.split(" ")[0].endswith(":"):
            # It's a yaml-like line, so add it to the top matter
            # It's not a yaml-like line, so we're done with top matter
            in_content = True
        # Blank line, keep parsing top matter

The system should continue to work as it did, and this change should be transparent. Re-processing my blog and all the output files being produced the same is my goal…

Oops, writing too many “—“‘s, so here’s the updated code. I’ve take out most of the comments for compactness.

if in_content:
      # We're in the content, so just add the line
      if line:
          if line.split(" ")[0].endswith(":"):
          elif line == "---":
              # It's the end of the top matter, so we're done with top matter
              in_content = True
              in_content = True
          # Blank line, keep parsing top matter

And that did it. At first I thought the file_compare() function didn’t need to stay in the code past that 1-time transformation of the old journal format to the new, but now that I’m doing changes whose success is measured by the output file not changing, I’m actually glad I have it. And on that note, I just put this console output in the code:

# Compare the input and output files. If same, there's been no changes.
fig("Compare files")
files_are_same = compare_files(FULL_PATH, OUTPUT2_PATH)
print(f"Are the input and output files the same? {files_are_same}")
if files_are_same:
    print("Nothing to publish.")
elif not files_are_same and DISABLE_GIT:
    print("Something's getting published, but not to Github.")
if not files_are_same and not DISABLE_GIT:
    print("Something's getting published."

Okay, it’s all still working and still “transparent” to the process. This is good. Now for the big step of writing back into the journal file. This is going very well. You have to lean into the strengths of your tools. Testing.

Fast-forward quite a bit, and my code is working. I’m writing in the new yamlesque format, and it’s looking and working well. Check the Jekyll posts… Wow, it looks great. Okay allow the git push to occur. Give this a title. Pull the ripcord.
