Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

OpenAI Category Descriptions Project

I just released a project I've been working on for the past few days. After overcoming an issue with category tags, I'm now ready to move onto the next step: identifying data locations, deciding whether to rely on them in an existing context or break them out, and creating a parameter. Read my blog post to find out more!

I Solved a Problem and Now I'm Ready to Move On!

By Michael Levin

Monday, April 24, 2023

Okay it is tomorrow morning and I jumped right into my journal. The work from the past few days is now live on the site and I get to get its benefit, and to test it.

Only category tags aren’t working right. I’m not writing them into the individual post files. They should be in there because it’s actually used (or will be) for control of navigation highlighting.

In other words, my Liquid templates should be able to be written so that whenever an article is displaying that has a category tag, the navigation element for that category should be highlighted. This will give users a sense of where they are in the site. I may want to think about more category tags than just Linux, Python, vim & git.

I should also think more about the design of the category index pages, in both senses the index of categories (looking quite naked) and each individual category page with its list of articles. The category pages listing articles looks like it should have something at the top, such as a description of the category, which should be able to be written by OpenAI given the descriptions on the page. That project’s coming up.

Okay, I worked out the problem in the categories yaml front matter not being populated in the Jekyllesque post files. I had to add CATEGORIES as a global constant of type empty list. But is it an constant? Well, it’s constantly a very important list that can’t be populated correctly at the outset, but I still know the name I want to use for it. So a constant as an empty list is fine in Python, even if it’s to make it a naughty, naughty global.

Globals in Python are not sins because a .py-file maps to an ever-present container parent class. BAM! You OO it and you don’t even know it. Globals are fine. They’re just attributes of the module.

This sets the stage perfectly now for the OpenAI Category Descriptions project.

This will be of some popular interest, I expect. I should document it well. Less rambling versions. That’s what AI is good for: rolling-up all the important points, and packaging the rambling for the hard-core fans who want to drill-down into the daily gore chore.

Have more nuanced control than anyone can reasonably expect over more unexpectedly friendly and powerful low-level tools than anyone can reasonably learn. That’s the goal. And I’m getting there.

My next step is to use this solid category tagging to do the next level of stuff. Also, actually do the category descriptions project.

Next steps

And that’s about it. I’m going to go ahead and release this post. It’s a good stopping point and I know where to begin when I next re-approach this project.
