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Powering My Way Through MOZ Links API Documentation

I'm exploring the MOZ Links API with Mechvibes software, learning about the power of persuasion with Robert Cialdini's six principles, and using journaling and Python's dict native datatype to create a database to store the data and make it persistent. I'm also cleaning up a MOZ Links API Exploration Repo with NeoVim for OpenAI Github Copilot integration, making clicky sounds as I type. Join me on my journey.

Exploring the Power of Persuasion with MOZ Links API Documentation

By Michael Levin

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Hello World! This is similar to my last couple of videos, but now I’m running Mechvibes software from SourceForge to make some clicky sounds as I type. Not so silent. It’s still AI-assisted journaling in NeoVim with Copilot. I watched the Microsoft video on CopilotX about how it’s now so much more than just autocompletion, but I’m staying away from that for now. It’s all VSCode based and very much dependency-inducing. Think for yourself!

Gotta refine my YouTube embedding macro.

I’ll pick up right where I left off with the MOZ Links API. I’ll clean up and document the code so far, and maybe hit the older V1 API. Eventually I want to compare the 2, but for now I just want to get experienced with V2.

Thinking through Headline/Subhead issues in a Notebook is always interesting. One H1 for the entire Notebook? Or H1s over and over above every section? Sounds like SEO questions, and that has some validity because I’ll be using nbdev later on to convert all this to published HTML.

Hello again! Now let’s clean up that MOZ Links API example…

15 sub-endpoints. Confirm…

12 standard “cost” endpoints and 3 special ones. Here’s the standard one’s natural names:

  1. Anchor Text
  2. Final Redirect
  3. Global Top Pages
  4. Global Top Root Domains
  5. Index Metadata
  6. Link Intersect
  7. Link Status
  8. Linking Root Domains
  9. Links
  10. Top Pages
  11. URL Metrics
  12. Usage Data

Those 1’s will render as sequential numbers when rendered on the web as HTML.

These are the 3 “weighted” endpoints:

  1. Link Intersect
  2. Link Status
  3. URL Metrics

That block setting all the special ed values is a bit uglier than it should be. Let’s make it perhaps more beautiful but less explicit.

I know I stream at the strangest times. You use motivation when you have it.

Anchor Text
Final Redirect
Global Top Pages
Global Top Root Domains
Index Metadata
Link Intersect
Link Status
Linking Root Domains
Top Pages
URL Metrics
Usage Data
Link Intersect
Link Status
URL Metrics

Well, this goes a long way:

for i, point in enumerate(points):
    print(f"{i + 1}. {names[i]} ({point})")
    print("Example request:")

It outputs this:

1. Anchor Text (anchor_text)
Example request:
{'limit': 5, 'scope': 'page', 'target': 'moz.com/blog'}

2. Final Redirect (final_redirect)
Example request:
{'page': 'seomoz.org/blog'}

3. Global Top Pages (global_top_pages)
Example request:
{'limit': 5}

4. Global Top Root Domains (global_top_root_domains)
Example request:
{'limit': 5}

5. Index Metadata (index_metadata)
Example request:

6. Link Intersect (link_intersect)
Example request:
{'limit': 1,
 'negative_targets': [{'scope': 'root_domain', 'target': 'moz.com'}],
 'positive_targets': [{'scope': 'root_domain', 'target': 'latimes.com'},
                      {'scope': 'subdomain', 'target': 'blog.nytimes.com'}],
 'sort': 'source_domain_authority',
 'source_scope': 'page'}

7. Link Status (link_status)
Example request:
{'source_scope': 'root_domain',
 'sources': ['twitter.com', 'linkedin.com'],
 'target': 'moz.com/blog',
 'target_scope': 'page'}

8. Linking Root Domains (linking_root_domains)
Example request:
{'filter': 'external',
 'limit': 5,
 'sort': 'source_domain_authority',
 'target': 'moz.com/blog',
 'target_scope': 'page'}

9. Links (links)
Example request:
{'filter': 'external+nofollow',
 'limit': 1,
 'target': 'moz.com/blog',
 'target_scope': 'page'}

10. Top Pages (top_pages)
Example request:
{'limit': 5, 'scope': 'root_domain', 'target': 'moz.com'}

11. URL Metrics (url_metrics)
Example request:
{'targets': ['moz.com', 'nytimes.com']}

12. Usage Data (usage_data)
Example request:

13. Link Intersect (link_intersect)
Example request:
{'limit': 1,
 'negative_targets': [{'scope': 'root_domain', 'target': 'moz.com'}],
 'positive_targets': [{'scope': 'root_domain', 'target': 'latimes.com'},
                      {'scope': 'subdomain', 'target': 'blog.nytimes.com'}],
 'sort': 'source_domain_authority',
 'source_scope': 'page'}

14. Link Status (link_status)
Example request:
{'source_scope': 'root_domain',
 'sources': ['twitter.com', 'linkedin.com'],
 'target': 'moz.com/blog',
 'target_scope': 'page'}

15. URL Metrics (url_metrics)
Example request:
{'targets': ['moz.com', 'nytimes.com']}

My next step while not great for 24x7 server compatibility really makes it look nice in Notebooks… a trick I always lift from prior projects. There’s a lot of ways to do this. This is the one I generally settle on… Notebook headlines…

Yep, that’s very nice. Definitions next. But first, distribute!

I’m stepping through each endpoint. There are 15 of them. 12 standard-cost and 3 weighted-cost. The more expensive ones are at the end of the list. Let’s add endpoint descriptions! Same list trick. If you keep things in the same order, they can join naturally with either the zip command or just by using the numeric indexes of a list as keys.

This looks like a good time for a commit and push!

What a wonderful journaling session for work. I should be as productive as I am on a Saturday morning every workday, haha!

Nobody needs to be here on the live-stream for it to have value to me. It’s the change in myself that I’m going for as the effect. Dare I discuss commitment and consistency again? It’s the one topic for which Bard reliably gives sources. Watch: Ugh! Citations gone. Guess Bard no longer thinks they’re needed. It learned. Citations still on option #2!

Mike Levin: Who is Robert Cialdini?

Bard 1: Robert Cialdini is an American social psychologist and the Regents’ Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University. He is best known for his work on persuasion, and his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion is considered a classic in the field.

Cialdini’s research has shown that there are six principles of persuasion: reciprocity, scarcity, consistency, authority, liking, and consensus. These principles can be used to influence people to behave in certain ways, and they are often used by marketers and salespeople.

Cialdini is a popular speaker and consultant, and he has appeared on numerous television and radio shows. He is also the author of several other books, including Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade and Influence: Science and Practice.

Here are some of the key principles of persuasion that Cialdini has identified:

Cialdini’s work on persuasion has been influential in a variety of fields, including marketing, sales, and politics. His research has helped us to understand how people are influenced, and it has provided us with tools that we can use to persuade others.

Bard 2:

Robert Cialdini is an American psychologist and academic. He is the Regents’ Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University and was a visiting professor of marketing, business and psychology at Stanford University.

He is best known for his 1984 book on persuasion and marketing, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. It was based on three “undercover” years applying for and training at used car dealerships, fund-raising organizations, and telemarketing firms to observe real-life situations of persuasion.

Cialdini’s work has been influential in a variety of fields, including marketing, business, law, and education. His six principles of persuasion are:

Cialdini’s work has been criticized by some for being too simplistic and for not taking into account the complexities of human behavior. However, his work remains influential and is widely used by businesses and organizations to persuade people to buy their products, donate to their causes, or comply with their requests.

Shift+A doesn’t work in NeoVim as expected. On option #2 the citations were not included in the copied text by Bard. This is a big deal. Bing includes the citations in the copy-text and is a very good example of how “Bing gets it” and Google still doesn’t. How about this one little gesture of good will by Google to the content sources?

Bard 3: Robert Cialdini is an American psychologist and academic. He is the Regents’ Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University and was a visiting professor of marketing, business and psychology at Stanford University.

He is best known for his 1984 book on persuasion and marketing, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. It was based on three “undercover” years applying for and training at used car dealerships, fund-raising organizations, and telemarketing firms to observe real-life situations of persuasion.

Cialdini’s work has been influential in a variety of fields, including marketing, sales, management, and education. He has been called “the world’s foremost expert on the science of persuasion” and “the Godfather of influence.”

Cialdini’s six principles of persuasion are:

Cialdini’s work has been criticized by some for being too simplistic and for ignoring the role of free will in decision-making. However, his work remains influential and has been used to explain a wide range of persuasive phenomena.

Mike Levin: Is Cialdini’s work too simplistic? Explain. Write an argument for and against.

Bard 1: Whether or not Cialdini’s work is too simplistic is a matter of debate. Some people argue that his six principles of persuasion are too general and do not take into account the complexities of human behavior. Others argue that his work is valuable because it provides a framework for understanding how people are persuaded.

Here is an argument in favor of Cialdini’s work:

Cialdini’s work is based on extensive research, and his six principles of persuasion are based on real-world observations. His work has been influential in a variety of fields, including marketing, business, law, and education. His work can be used to help people understand how they are being persuaded, and to develop strategies for resisting persuasion.

Here is an argument against Cialdini’s work:

Cialdini’s work is too simplistic and does not take into account the complexities of human behavior. His six principles of persuasion are not always effective, and they can be used to manipulate people. His work can be used to help people understand how they are being persuaded, but it can also be used to help people persuade others.

Ultimately, whether or not Cialdini’s work is too simplistic is a matter of opinion. There is no doubt that his work is based on extensive research and that it has been influential in a variety of fields. However, his work is not without its critics, who argue that it is too simplistic and does not take into account the complexities of human behavior.

Mike Levin: Explain the principle of commitment and consistency.

Bing 1: The principle of commitment and consistency is one of the six principles of persuasion identified by Robert Cialdini in his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.

The principle states that people are more likely to follow through on a commitment they have made, or on a behavior that is consistent with their past actions. This is because people want to be seen as consistent and reliable, and they are motivated to avoid cognitive dissonance, which is the discomfort that comes from holding two contradictory beliefs or attitudes.

There are a number of ways to use the principle of commitment and consistency to persuade others. One way is to get people to make a small commitment early on. This can be done by asking them to sign a petition, donate a small amount of money, or even just agree to listen to a sales pitch. Once people have made a small commitment, they are more likely to follow through on a larger commitment later on.

Another way to use the principle of commitment and consistency is to remind people of their past actions. This can be done by showing them a letter they signed, a donation they made, or even just a photo of them doing something that is consistent with the desired behavior. When people are reminded of their past actions, they are more likely to follow through on their commitments.

The principle of commitment and consistency can be a powerful tool for persuasion. However, it is important to use it ethically and responsibly. People should not be manipulated into making commitments that they do not want to make.

That’s why I journal in public. It’s a life hack to compel me forward, even on a Saturday morning at 10:00 AM, LOL! And it worked well. Just look at this process of MOZ Links API discovery. I can still do a few things to clean up and clarify this example. Make this Notebook really useful to people. And turn it into a viable alternative to the existing documentation, particularly for Jupyter Notebook users.

To that end, I should put the whole process of executing the queries under the spotlight. It’s a bit lumped together and mysterious with how I’m handling the caching and stuff. I could layer in some really cool timeless stuff here. How much function do I really want it to serve?

Start folks out with excellent habits. Do it right. Raw data to drive capture.

Okay, philosophy time. If you’re hitting an API of almost any sort, there will be:

This sets the stage for leveraging any number of a sort of key/value, name/value, label/data or what have you. This is a concept that runs back in tech to the dawn of time. There’s something too big to refer to it by its actual nature, so we choose a name or a label or a key, what have you. They’re all very much the same thing. The use of the label, name or key retrieves the more complex and messy stuff. So much in tech works this way, it’s ridiculous. Python has some very good implementations, such as its dict native datatype.

Python dicts have one essential problem. They’re not persistent. We fix that.

This is the biggest “outside the standard library” trick that I use asides maybe from requests and pandas…

Hi Jens-Ole! Yeah, you’re right. I know they’re boring. But I need to work this way sometimes to force myself through some of the work.

Yep, folks will tune in and out of this, but not talking is the way to go for now. I’m comfortable talking, but the mental state is definitely different.

I as doing the trick of checking whether I already retrieved the API data, but I’m doing it in a very Jupyter Notebook specific way, because it’s a REPL environment that keeps so much in memory without ever really exiting the executing program until you restart the kernel.

I’ll start this database project out without organizing the data files into subfolders. When I do this later or clean it up, files like the one I’m about to produce always go into subfolders, but I want you to see it appear when I run it for the first time…

I’ll leave yesterday’s implementation showing so you can see the difference. Setting results = {} in a separate code box is so that I don’t re-run it by accident in the Notebook session, thus wiping out the API responses I already received. That changes because persistent database.

That created the database, merely by referencing it. It didn’t write anything into the database. I can show you that by reversing the process: see? Nothing. No keys in the database.

Now we print the keys (endpoints in this case) that are not yet in the database, which is all of them. And if a key is not in the database, it should hit the API with the example request, put it in the database, commit and move on. Watch… I’m making the clearest example I can. No obfuscation with fancy print function features and fstrings.

Notice the 12KB filesize on the mozlinksapi.db file. Now let’s run the calls…

with sqldict("mozlinksapi.db") as db:
    for endpoint in points:
        if endpoint not in db:
            result = moz(point, ed[point])
            db[endpoint] = result
            print("API hit and response saved!")


API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

API hit and response saved!

But on the 2nd run:

No output!

And that’s caching. I can restart the Notebook and it would be the same result. And the file is now 86 KB.

The next piece of Python code that reverses the process which used to show nothing because the database was empty:

with sqldict("mozlinksapi.db") as db:
    for key in db:

…now shows the keys in the database:


Okay, let’s look at the actual retrieved data after a Notebook kernel restart…

We have all the data so I don’t need that other in-memory and more fragile way of doing the same thing that I used yesterday. But still, let’s show the cached raw data:

See? There’s no cost in re-running this. The data’s already local and you’re now just fetching it off of your local storage. This approach creates a feeling of freedom and safety that helps with experimenting.

But we don’t want our databases to ever end up in our Github repos…

Okay, there’s a lot of new stuff to commit, but a reminder it’s full of metadata garbage from iPython/Jupyter that’s not very git/Github friendly. So we save and clean notebooks before committing:

And that’s a good stopping point. Later gaters. I’ll talk again in my videos, I promise. This is just to power through some work. Holding my feet to the fire, such as it were.

Boring as watching paint dry, I know. I hope YouTube doesn’t have the same thing going as in SEO where really low-interaction content drags down your whole site, LOL! That would explain a lot. I’m the pop-fly king in YouTube…

My systems slowing down to a crawl. Time to wrap this up… almost… Haha, since 2007. Occasionally I have breakout content but because I’m not a traditionally rewarded looking profile, the algorithm smacks me down quite hard and repeatedly.

Someday. Later gaters.

Cleaning up MOZ Links API Exploration Repo

Hello World! It’s April 1st. Don’t believe anything you read today.

I’m now no NeoVim instead of vim so that I get the OpenAI Github Copilot integration. See: https://copilot.github.com/

I’m also using the Mechvibes software from SourceForge to make some clicky sounds as I type.

What other housekeeping?

NeoVim keeps it’s .vimrc equivalent file in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim.
