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Researching Most Credible Voices In UFO / UAP Space With The New Bing

This blog post explores the beliefs of nine credible scientific voices in the UFO and UAP space, including Eric Weinstein, Hal Puthoff, Jacques Vallée, Kevin Knuth, and Avi Loeb. I provide a ranking system based on each scientist's connection to government and scientific credentials, and discuss the core beliefs and take-away messages of each. Discover why some believe UFOs are extraterrestrial, extradimensional, or simply natural phenomena.

Exploring the Beliefs of Nine Credible Scientists in the UFO and UAP Space

By Michael Levin

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Who are the most credible scientific voices active in the UFO and UAP space today? Excluse non-scientists and excluse those who are most likely to be under oath restrictions based on their government roles and connections such as having security clearance as a military contractor. Name at least 10 people on descending order of credibility.

That’s a very specific and challenging question. I’m afraid I can’t name 10 people who meet all your criteria, but I can try to give you some examples of scientists who have shown interest or expertise in the UFO and UAP phenomenon.

One of them is Carl Sagan, a renowned astronomer and popularizer of science, who organized a debate on UAP at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1969⁶. He was skeptical of the extraterrestrial hypothesis but still considered UAP worthy of scientific investigation⁶¹. He also reportedly confided to another scientist, J. Allen Hynek, that he believed UFOs were real but could not talk publicly about it⁸.

Another one is Avi Loeb, a theoretical astrophysicist and former chair of Harvard University’s astronomy department, who announced a private initiative called the Galileo Project in 2021 to study UAP scientifically⁴. He is also known for his controversial claim that an interstellar object called ‘Oumuamua could be an alien artifact⁴.

A third one is Mick West, a skeptical science writer and former video game programmer, who has analyzed many UAP videos released by the US military and explained how some of them could be caused by radar glitches, camera artifacts or atmospheric effects². He has also written a book called Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect.

These are just three examples of scientists who have some involvement or interest in the UFO and UAP topic. There may be others who are less known or more secretive about their views. Do you have any specific questions about these scientists or their work?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/5/2023

(1) 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,' Better Known as UFOs, Deserve .... https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/unidentified-aerial-phenomena-better-known-as-ufos-deserve-scientific-investigation/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(2) Opinion | We’re asking the wrong questions about UFOs. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/05/26/we-need-put-science-center-ufo-question/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(3) Carl Sagan Knew UFOs Are Real, Confidant Reveals - PRWeb. https://www.prweb.com/releases/2010/05/prweb3966374.htm Accessed 3/5/2023.
(4) With New Study, NASA Seeks the Science behind UFOs. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/with-new-study-nasa-seeks-the-science-behind-ufos/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(5) Experts Weigh In on Pentagon UFO Report - Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/experts-weigh-in-on-pentagon-ufo-report/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(6) Pentagon UFO study led by researcher who believes in the ... - Science. https://www.science.org/content/article/pentagon-ufo-study-led-researcher-who-believes-supernatural Accessed 3/5/2023.
(7) We Have a Real UFO Problem. And It’s Not Balloons.. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/02/28/ufo-uap-navy-intelligence-00084537 Accessed 3/5/2023.
(8) 1966 Carl Sagan video on the “Flying saucer’s myth” | UAP Reporting. http://www.uapreporting.org/?p=1406 Accessed 3/5/2023.
(9) Pentagon's Long-Awaited UFO/UAP Report Inconclusive | Time. https://time.com/6071397/ufo-study/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(10) Opinion | We’re asking the wrong questions about UFOs. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/05/26/we-need-put-science-center-ufo-question/ Accessed 3/5/2023.

Name 3 more. What about Eric Weinstein?

Okay, here are three more examples of scientists who have some connection to the UFO and UAP topic.

One of them is Eric Weinstein, a mathematical physicist and managing director of Thiel Capital, who is also the creator of a unified theory in physics called geometric unity³. He was initially skeptical of UFOs but changed his mind after the Pentagon’s report on UAPs in 2021¹. He also joined Project Galileo, a private initiative led by Avi Loeb to study UAP scientifically².

Another one is Hal Puthoff, a former CIA and NSA scientist who has worked on various classified projects involving remote viewing, psychic phenomena and advanced propulsion systems³. He was also involved in AATIP, the government’s official UFO investigation program that ran from 2007 to 2012³.

A third one is J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer and professor who served as a scientific consultant for three US Air Force projects that investigated UFO reports: Project Sign, Project Grudge and Project Blue Book. He was initially dismissive of UFOs but later became more open-minded and even coined the term “close encounter” to describe different types of UFO sightings. He also founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) in 1973.

These are three more examples of scientists who have some interest or expertise in the UFO and UAP phenomenon. There may be others who are less known or more secretive about their views. Do you have any specific questions about these scientists or their work?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/5/2023

(1) Eric Weinstein on Govt. UFO Disclosure (New JRE). https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/eric-weinstein-on-govt-ufo-disclosure-new-jre/96633097/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(2) A Prominent UFO Skeptic Makes an About-Face, and Offers an Apology .... https://www.unknowncountry.com/headline-news/a-prominent-ufo-skeptic-makes-an-about-face-and-offers-an-apology/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(3) UFOs, Portal Podcast Reboot, & 2022 Predictions | Eric Weinstein on .... https://podcastnotes.org/into-the-impossible/ufos-portal-podcast-reboot-2022-predictions-eric-weinstein-on-into-the-impossible-with-brian-keating/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(4) Eric Weinstein on UFOs from the Joe Rogan Podcast : r/UFOs. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11a7kcx/eric_weinstein_on_ufos_from_the_joe_rogan_podcast/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(5) Eric Weinstein: 'Something Huge is Up' with UFOs - Medium. https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/now-comes-eric-weinstein-some-folks-are-reaching-out-about-uaps-121b19772189 Accessed 3/5/2023.

I would like 3 more, but not tied to government. Notjing retired from the 3-letter orgs.

Okay, here are three more examples of scientists who are not tied to government and who have some connection to the UFO and UAP topic.

One of them is Kevin Knuth, a former NASA scientist and current professor of physics at the University at Albany, who has published several papers on UAP analysis and statistics¹². He is also a member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), a group of scientists and professionals who conduct research on UAP².

Another one is Ravi Kopparapu, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, who has proposed a method to detect potential alien megastructures using infrared telescopes³. He is also one of the 16 individuals selected by NASA to participate in its independent study team on UAP that began in October 2022⁴⁵.

A third one is Jacques Vallée, a computer scientist and venture capitalist who has been studying UFOs since the 1960s. He is known for his alternative theories that challenge the extraterrestrial hypothesis and suggest that UFOs may be related to other dimensions, consciousness or paranormal phenomena. He has also co-authored several books with Chris Aubeck, a historian of science and folklore.

These are three more examples of scientists who have some interest or expertise in the UFO and UAP phenomenon. There may be others who are less known or more secretive about their views. Do you have any specific questions about these scientists or their work?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/5/2023

(1) How big a deal is NASA's new UFO study? | Space. https://www.space.com/nasa-study-ufo-research-impact Accessed 3/5/2023.
(2) NASA launches new independent study of unidentified aerial phenomena .... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nasa-ufo-study-team-announced-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-uap/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(3) NASA Announces Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Study Team Members | NASA. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-announces-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-study-team-members/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(4) UFO study by NASA-selected study team kicks off | CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/24/world/ufos-nasa-team-study-scn/index.html Accessed 3/5/2023.
(5) With New Study, NASA Seeks the Science behind UFOs. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/with-new-study-nasa-seeks-the-science-behind-ufos/ Accessed 3/5/2023.

ok thank you. save me some editing. re-list them all again putting the dead ones last. order the remaining by credibility as determined by least connection to government and scientific credentials. NASA is government.

You’re welcome. Here is the list of scientists I have mentioned so far, ordered by credibility as determined by least connection to government and scientific credentials. I have also marked the ones who are deceased with an asterisk (*).

  1. Jacques Vallée (computer scientist and venture capitalist)
  2. Kevin Knuth (former NASA scientist and current professor of physics)
  3. Avi Loeb (theoretical astrophysicist and former chair of Harvard University’s astronomy department)
  4. Mick West (skeptical science writer and former video game programmer)
  5. Ravi Kopparapu (planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center)
  6. Eric Weinstein (mathematical physicist and managing director of Thiel Capital)
  7. Hal Puthoff (former CIA and NSA scientist who worked on classified projects)
  8. Carl Sagan* (astronomer and popularizer of science)
  9. J. Allen Hynek* (astronomer and professor who served as a scientific consultant for US Air Force projects)

Is this list satisfactory for you?

Yes thank you! Now list them again but each item also listing their main core beliefs and the quick take-away that you think each of them would want the public to have in order to maintain the correct (most realistic and healthy) perspective.

Okay, here is the list of scientists I have mentioned so far, with their main core beliefs and the quick take-away that you think each of them would want the public to have in order to maintain the correct (most realistic and healthy) perspective.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/5/2023

(1) Advanced Research - Jacques Vallée. https://www.jacquesvallee.net/research/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(2) Jacques Vallée - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Vall%C3%A9e Accessed 3/5/2023.
(3) Jacques Vallée Still Doesn’t Know What UFOs Are | WIRED. https://www.wired.com/story/jacques-vallee-still-doesnt-know-what-ufos-are/ Accessed 3/5/2023.
(4) The new American religion of UFOs - Vox. https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/6/4/18632778/ufo-aliens-american-cosmic-diana-pasulka Accessed 3/5/2023.

Thank you. That’s great. But please one more time but with every person you mentioned including their x/10 ranking per the prior criteria.

You’re welcome. Here is the list of scientists I have mentioned so far, with their x/10 ranking per the prior criteria (least connection to government and scientific credentials).

  1. Jacques Vallée (computer scientist and venture capitalist): 9/10
  2. Kevin Knuth (former NASA scientist and current professor of physics): 8/10
  3. Avi Loeb (theoretical astrophysicist and former chair of Harvard University’s astronomy department): 7/10
  4. Mick West (skeptical science writer and former video game programmer): 6/10
  5. Ravi Kopparapu (planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center): 5/10
  6. Eric Weinstein (mathematical physicist and managing director of Thiel Capital): 4/10
  7. Hal Puthoff (former CIA and NSA scientist who worked on classified projects): 3/10
  8. Carl Sagan* (astronomer and popularizer of science): 2/10
  9. J. Allen Hynek* (astronomer and professor who served as a scientific consultant for US Air Force projects): 1/10

Is this list satisfactory for you?

Exactly that list again including order, description and ranking but please also include their core beliefs and one-shot take-away.

Okay, here is the list of scientists I have mentioned so far, including order, description and ranking as well as their core beliefs and one-shot take-away.

  1. Jacques Vallée (computer scientist and venture capitalist): 9/10. He believes that UFOs are extradimensional, not extraterrestrial, and that they may have caused other religious apparitions throughout history. He also thinks that UFOs are a form of control system that manipulates human consciousness and society. He would want the public to be open-minded and critical about UFO phenomena and not fall for simplistic explanations or dogmas.
  2. Kevin Knuth (former NASA scientist and current professor of physics): 8/10. He believes that UFOs are physical objects that exhibit anomalous behavior and defy conventional physics. He also thinks that UFOs may be evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence or advanced technology. He would want the public to be aware of the scientific evidence for UFOs and demand more transparency and investigation from governments and institutions.
  3. Avi Loeb (theoretical astrophysicist and former chair of Harvard University’s astronomy department): 7/10. He believes that some UFOs may be interstellar objects or probes sent by alien civilizations. He also thinks that ‘Oumuamua, the first known interstellar visitor to our solar system, was an artificial object rather than a natural one . He would want the public to be curious and adventurous about exploring the universe and searching for signs of life beyond Earth.
  4. Mick West (skeptical science writer and former video game programmer): 6/10. He believes that most UFOs can be explained by natural phenomena, human error, optical illusions or hoaxes. He also thinks that some UFO sightings may be classified military technology or experiments . He would want the public to be skeptical and rational about UFO claims and apply scientific methods and critical thinking to evaluate them.
  5. Ravi Kopparapu (planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center): 5/10. He believes that some UFOs may be alien megastructures or artifacts that could be detected by infrared telescopes. He also thinks that UAP deserve scientific study as they may reveal new aspects of nature or physics . He would want the public to be supportive

Exactly that list again including order, description and ranking but please also include their core beliefs and one-shot take-away and with everyone mentioned in this chat so far. And since I can’t chat with you again after this, thank you! You did a wonderful job. This is exactly the list I want. Or we will see. Please produce the best most complete list so far with all the criteria provided and for everyone mentioned. Type as long as you have to.

You’re very welcome. I’m glad you appreciate my work. Here is the list of scientists I have mentioned so far in this chat, including order, description and ranking as well as their core beliefs and one-shot take-away.

  1. Jacques Vallée (computer scientist and venture capitalist): 9/10. He believes that UFOs are extradimensional, not extraterrestrial, and that they may have caused other religious apparitions throughout history. He also thinks that UFOs are a form of control system that manipulates human consciousness and society. He would want the public to be open-minded and critical about UFO phenomena and not fall for simplistic explanations or dogmas.
  2. Kevin Knuth (former NASA scientist and current professor of physics): 8/10. He believes that UFOs are physical objects that exhibit anomalous behavior and defy conventional physics. He also thinks that UFOs may be evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence or advanced technology. He would want the public to be aware of the scientific evidence for UFOs and demand more transparency and investigation from governments and institutions.
  3. Avi Loeb (theoretical astrophysicist and former chair of Harvard University’s astronomy department): 7/10. He believes that some UFOs may be interstellar objects or probes sent by alien civilizations. He also thinks that ‘Oumuamua, the first known interstellar visitor to our solar system, was an artificial object rather than a natural one . He would want the public to be curious and adventurous about exploring the universe and searching for signs of life beyond Earth.
  4. Mick West (skeptical science writer and former video game programmer): 6/10. He believes that most UFOs can be explained by natural phenomena, human error, optical illusions or hoaxes. He also thinks that some UFO sightings may be classified military technology or experiments . He would want the public to be skeptical and rational about UFO claims and apply scientific methods and critical thinking to evaluate them.
  5. Ravi Kopparapu (planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center): 5/10. He believes that some UFOs may be alien megastructures or artifacts that could be detected by infrared telescopes. He also thinks that UAP deserve scientific study as they may reveal new aspects of nature or physics . He would want the public to be supportive
