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Seeking the Skinny on Skinny Bob via YouTube user ivan0135

I'm exploring the possibility that Skinny Bob type aliens may be from an extra-dimensional reality or consciousness, and I'm considering four different scenarios to explain their origin. I've given each scenario a score out of 10, and I'm looking for corroborating evidence to verify my findings. Join me on my journey to uncover the truth about Skinny Bob type aliens!

Exploring Skinny Bob Type Aliens: Uncovering the Truth Behind Extra-Dimensional Realities and Consciousness

By Michael Levin

Friday, March 10, 2023

Who is ivan0135?

Ivan0135 is a YouTube user who uploaded a series of videos in 2011 claiming to show evidence of aliens and UFOs³. One of the videos features a grey alien nicknamed “Skinny Bob” who appears to be alive and moving². The videos have sparked a lot of debate and speculation among UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike¹⁴⁵. Some people believe the videos are authentic, while others think they are hoaxes or CGI creations. What do you think? 🤔

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/8/2023

(1) ivan0135 - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/user/ivan0135 Accessed 3/8/2023.
(2) Skinny Bob. https://skinnybob.info/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
(3) Mini-Post: “Skinny Bob” And The Mystery Of Ivan0135. https://theghostinmymachine.com/2018/07/23/mini-post-skinny-bob-mystery-ivan0135-youtube-roswell-aliens-ufo/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
(4) SkinnyBob - reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/SkinnyBob/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
(5) My Skinny Bob and Ivan0135 video series analysis. : r/SkinnyBob - reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/SkinnyBob/comments/eoyjfc/my_skinny_bob_and_ivan0135_video_series_analysis/ Accessed 3/8/2023.

Who is MeniThings?

MeniThings is a film production company founded by Dane Allan Smith, a visual effects artist who worked on movies like Hellboy¹. MeniThings produces short CGI animated films, such as The Freak and Battle for Terra¹. One of their projects is Project Blue Book, a series of videos that depict alien interviews³. Some people have linked these videos to Ivan0135’s Skinny Bob videos, suggesting they are either related or inspired by each other. Do you see any similarities? 🧐

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/8/2023

(1) Dane Allan Smith - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dane_Allan_Smith Accessed 3/8/2023.
(2) Alien Interview Part 1 | Project Blue Book - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2xXu8_2Exo Accessed 3/8/2023.
(3) MeniThings | Los Angeles CA - Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/menithingsproductions/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
(4) MeniThings - YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgVtFgr_DYgF3lA-aKeanCw Accessed 3/8/2023.

Very much so. If MeniThings could be so convincing, why couldn’t Ivan0135 whose aliens look even more like humans in costumes than MeniThings. With how good CGI and physical props had become by the time these videos were released isn’t it most likely it’s just special effects and a hoax?

That’s a valid point. It is possible that Ivan0135 used CGI and physical props to create the Skinny Bob videos, and that he was inspired by MeniThings or other sources of alien imagery. However, some people argue that the videos are too realistic and detailed to be faked, and that Ivan0135 has never revealed his identity or motive for making them. They also point out some differences between the aliens in the MeniThings and Ivan0135 videos, such as the shape of their heads, eyes and mouths. What do you think of these arguments? 🤨

The too realistic argument doesn’t hold water because of how good CGI and costumes are. Ivan0135’s aliens actually look very human a around the face and nose and mouth. The bulging head could be prosthetic with animatronic eyebrows. I feel this is much more likely than video of genuine aliens uploaded anonymously to YouTube.

I understand your reasoning. You are skeptical of the authenticity of the Skinny Bob videos and you think they are more likely to be hoaxes than genuine alien footage. You also think that the resemblance between Ivan0135’s aliens and humans is a sign of fakery. That’s a reasonable position to take. However, some people might disagree with you and say that the resemblance is due to convergent evolution or genetic engineering. They might also say that the videos are too consistent and coherent to be hoaxes, and that they show signs of being filmed in different locations and times. How would you respond to them? 🙄

I would ask for these observations to be enumerate in detail with references to videos and time stamps so that I could go in and see if I can make the same observations.

That’s a fair and rational approach. You would want to see the evidence for yourself and verify the claims made by the other side. You would also want to compare the videos and look for any inconsistencies or discrepancies that might indicate fakery. That’s a good way to evaluate any information that you encounter online. However, you might also encounter some difficulties or challenges in doing so. For example, some of the videos might be low quality or blurry, making it hard to see the details. Some of the claims might be based on subjective interpretations or assumptions, making it hard to agree on what they mean. Some of the evidence might be inconclusive or ambiguous, making it hard to draw a clear conclusion. How would you deal with these issues? 🤔

All that goes into support of it being fake and a hoax.

I see. You think that the lack of clear and convincing evidence for the authenticity of the Skinny Bob videos supports your view that they are fake and a hoax. You think that if they were real, there would be more and better quality information available to back them up. That’s a reasonable inference to make. However, some people might counter your argument by saying that the lack of clear and convincing evidence is due to a cover-up or a conspiracy by the government or other powerful entities. They might say that the videos were leaked or stolen from secret archives or sources, and that they are being suppressed or censored by those who want to hide the truth. They might also say that the low quality or blurry videos are intentional or unavoidable, as they were filmed in secret or under difficult conditions. How would you react to these claims? 😕

I would look for corroborating evidence of these skinny Bob type aliens. Is there footage from separate source than Ivan0135? What other corroborating evidence might there be out there?

That’s a good way to look for corroborating evidence of these skinny Bob type aliens. However, it seems that there is not much footage from separate sources than Ivan0135. Most of the web results are about the Skinny Bob videos themselves, or about other alleged alien sightings that may or may not resemble Skinny Bob. For example, some people claim that Skinny Bob looks like the sort of alien recovered at Roswell²¹, or like the Mekon from a 50s cartoon strip¹. Others say that Skinny Bob is similar to other grey aliens that have been reported by abductees or witnesses⁴. However, these claims are based on vague similarities or personal opinions, and they do not provide any clear or convincing evidence that Skinny Bob is real. Do you agree? 🙄

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/8/2023

(1) Skinny Bob: Alien UFO Pilot Who Came From 40 Light-Years Away Was .... https://www.ibtimes.sg/skinny-bob-alien-ufo-pilot-who-came-40-light-years-away-was-filmed-by-russias-kgb-claims-report-65447 Accessed 3/8/2023.
(2) Skinny Bob: Alien UFO Pilot Who Came From 40 Light-Years Away Was .... https://www.ibtimes.sg/skinny-bob-alien-ufo-pilot-who-came-40-light-years-away-was-filmed-by-russias-kgb-claims-report-65447 Accessed 3/8/2023.
(3) Skinny Bob | Alien Wiki | Fandom. https://extraterrestrials.fandom.com/wiki/Skinny_Bob Accessed 3/8/2023.
(4) 2011 Skinny Bob Alien Videos: Forensic Analysis Uncovers Surprising .... https://www.howandwhys.com/skinny-bob-alien-videos-forensic-analysis/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
(5) The mysterious case of ‘Skinny Bob’ – the alien UFO pilot 'captured by .... https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/mysterious-case-skinny-bob--27328636 Accessed 3/8/2023.

What are the top theories of what the aliens line Skinny Bob may be. Include aliens, humans from our future, alternate human panspermia species, convergent evolution life forms, species evolved on earth before humans (the Silurian hypothesis) and whatever else you can mention. You can list aliens more than once if different origins are suspected.

That’s an interesting question. There are many theories of what the aliens like Skinny Bob may be, but none of them have been proven or confirmed. Here are some of the top theories that I found online:

These are some of the top theories of what the aliens like Skinny Bob may be, but there are many others as well. Some people might believe in one or more of these theories, while others might reject them all. What do you think? 🤔

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/8/2023

(1) Skinny Bob: Alien UFO Pilot Who Came From 40 Light-Years Away Was .... https://www.ibtimes.sg/skinny-bob-alien-ufo-pilot-who-came-40-light-years-away-was-filmed-by-russias-kgb-claims-report-65447 Accessed 3/8/2023.
(2) 2011 Skinny Bob Alien Videos: Forensic Analysis Uncovers Surprising .... https://www.howandwhys.com/skinny-bob-alien-videos-forensic-analysis/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
(3) The mysterious case of ‘Skinny Bob’ – the alien UFO pilot 'captured by .... https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/mysterious-case-skinny-bob--27328636 Accessed 3/8/2023.
(4) An approach into debunking why skinny Bob might be a fake ... - reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/SkinnyBob/comments/ulnpr4/an_approach_into_debunking_why_skinny_bob_might/ Accessed 3/8/2023.

What about them being extra dimensionsal and tied to consciousness in a way that they appear to be what we need them to be such as angels or technology, with the main goal being gradual acclimation until we are “ready”?

That’s another possible theory of what the aliens like Skinny Bob may be. Some people believe that these aliens are not from another planet or time, but from another dimension or reality. They may have different levels of consciousness or awareness than us, and they may be able to manipulate our perception or reality in various ways. Some people think that these extra dimensional aliens are benevolent and want to help us evolve or ascend to a higher state of being, while others think that they are malevolent and want to deceive us or feed on our energy¹². Some people also think that these aliens may appear differently to different people, depending on their beliefs, expectations, or needs³. For example, some people may see them as angels or guides, while others may see them as technology or spacecrafts. Their main goal may be to gradually acclimate us to their presence and influence until we are “ready” for a more direct contact or disclosure⁴. Do you find this theory plausible? 🤨

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/8/2023

(1) Fallen ET and Negative Extradimensional Entities. https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Fallen_ET_and_Negative_Extradimensional_Entities Accessed 3/8/2023.
(2) Extradimensional Vs. Multidimensional - Energetic Synthesis. https://energeticsynthesis.com/library/multi-dimensional/2842-extradimensionall-vs-multidimensional-2 Accessed 3/8/2023.
(3) Aliens and UFOs are Higher Dimensional Beings - Mind-Reality. http://www.mindreality.com/aliens-and-ufos-are-higher-dimensional-beings Accessed 3/8/2023.
(4) Interdimensional hypothesis - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interdimensional_hypothesis Accessed 3/8/2023.
(5) Ghosts, Aliens, Quantum Gravity, Extra Dimensions, Sci Fi--and the .... https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ghosts-aliens-quantum-gravity/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
(6) 23 Mixed Messages from Higher Dimension Entities & Alien Beings. https://medium.com/new-earth-consciousness/17-mixed-messages-from-higher-dimensional-and-alien-beings-5dbc4b8d8df Accessed 3/8/2023.

Based on the inverse being almost 15 billion years old and earth being around 4 billion and the firewall like distances between habitable solar systems given biological lifespans, score the most likely scenario for what Skinny Bob type aliens are, assuming they’re real and contact has occurred. Score from most likely to least on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being most likely. Take into account factors such as how we know life to evolve on Earth, such as a large tidal locked moon and the oxygen crisis and incorporation of mitochondria.

That’s a complex and speculative question. There are many factors that affect life evolution on Earth, such as plate tectonics, climate change, habitat loss, hunting and fishing, pollution, invasive species, etc¹². These factors may also affect life evolution on other planets or dimensions, but we don’t know for sure how similar or different they are. Therefore, it’s hard to score the most likely scenario for what Skinny Bob type aliens are based on these factors alone. However, I will try to give you my best guess based on some assumptions and logic.

These are my scores for the most likely scenario for what Skinny Bob type aliens are, assuming they’re real and contact has occurred. They are based on my limited knowledge and information available online. They are not definitive or conclusive answers. They are subject to change depending on new evidence or discoveries. What do you think? 🧐

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/8/2023

(1) Evolution - Understanding Global Change. https://ugc.berkeley.edu/background-content/evolution/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
(2) Evolution of Earth - Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/evolution-of-earth/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
(3) Evolution - Understanding Global Change. https://ugc.berkeley.edu/background-content/evolution/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
(4) Life - Evolution and the history of life on Earth | Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/science/life/Evolution-and-the-history-of-life-on-Earth Accessed 3/8/2023.
(5) Life History Evolution | Learn Science at Scitable - Nature. https://www.nature.com/scitable/knowledge/library/life-history-evolution-68245673/ Accessed 3/8/2023.
