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Web Development is For Chumps. Try Linux Services, Instead.

As a tech enthusiast, I'm here to tell you that web development isn't the best way to spend your time. Instead, Linux services are a better option, as they follow the 80/20-rule. With web development, however, the 80/20-rule is flipped, and it becomes the 20/80-Rule. I'll explain why this is the case, and how the hard part is actually putting a user interface on it and dealing with the other 80%.

The 80/20-Rule: Why Linux Services are Better than Web Development

By Michael Levin

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Web Development is a violation of the 80/20-rule. Every project is easy and every project feels done, until you put a user interface on it. Then you realize I’m only 20% of the way done, and I still have 80% of the work to do. WebDev flips the 80/20-rule upside down and it becomes the 20/80-Rule. All the work you’ve done that made you think you were done was really only 20% of the work, and all the work that remains is the big part, because now you’ve got to put a user interface on it and deal with the unpredictability of humans.
