Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Where to Begin? Pickle Your Dicts!

This blog post invites readers to explore the possibilities of data and tech skills, providing an example of how to create a Pipulate server from a Windows Linux instance. It also dives into the appeal of tool use, and how to create a Python dictionary object and store it in a SQLite database using the SqliteDict package. Join me as I explore the potential of data and tech skills and the tools available to make them work!

Unlock the Potential of Data and Tech Skills - Create a Pipulate Server from a Windows Linux Instance

By Michael Levin

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Welcome to my opening paragraph. You will desperately want to skip around and get to the good parts, and you’re not even through the 2nd sentence yet. See? Don’t go meta too fast. That’s lesson 1. Dig what you’re into and get into the groove and play and lose track of time just because. If it’s not feeding your soul and you’re not coming away strangely contented and happy with life, then why?

Don’t over-reach for your first project. Often times your over-ambition is precisely the thing that’s going to do you in. If you have preconceived notions about a topic from the TikToks and the Reddit’s, back up and remember a lot of work went into them making it look so easy. Life’s only so long and you’re only going to cram so many of those 10-years-to-master skills in. Choose wisely!

I choose YOU, Data! Data is data. The connection between that data and how it somehow takes on an almost magical meaning to the right people is a kick. Tech skills that help you make other people rich, and which may make you yourself such some day sound pretty nifty. Oh, and the implements of the trade are none too shabby either, for those of us who love hating JavaScript. Python pandas in Linux Jupyter on Windows Edge! Notebooks be like better than .py files with nbdev. Prepare for your life to change.

You will feel somewhat like a spell caster when you dabble in tech text scripts. There are so many tricks in spell casting. Things really just have to be so just-right that most of the tech field has gone ga-ga over Docker, which gets it just so but then slaps your hands off. Docker’s awesome, but it locks everything down so tight, it’s not like you have root access to install anything. Docker locks you out.

Oh, no, no, no! Come in and read my install.bat script. I invite you to look at that old school DOS-style boot script. Microsoft is giving an inch. I am taking a mile. If we control the intial boot-up of a common default Windows Linux instance, then we can have it install a bunch of stuff just-so on the initial run. Voila, a server! The result is a Pipulate server built before your eyes in a way the skills you’re about to get will teach you to appreciate.

Dohhh. Back to meta. Okay, the love-worthy bits may vary based on your vibe, but for me I find having an Alice in Wonderland type adventure that lights up all the right Dopamine or Serration neuroreceptors or whatever. I mean it’s not exactly being on a roller coaster, but making something of real value to work from your own effort, appeals to me. I imagine I get a fix from tool use like a craftsperson would, and it is why I get so angry when tools change so fast.

The best tools won’t change fast. They might change little by little over the years, in which case continual ongoing master can be yours, because we all continue to learn. It’s only that now learning can be honing and perfecting and optimizing. It’s up to you as a developer to hop between the tools you like best and which last longest, and perhaps even which cost the least. Work from abundance.

I’m stating you out on like the best tool ever. It’s the Python dict. Yup, think of a dict as a tool. Go ask Guido if you have issues with naming conventions. But a dict is by far the best tool to get really familiar with right up front. A dict is a set of key/value pairs. Technically, only the keys are part of the set, because sets don’t contain duped. Every item in a set is unique, and that’s the same as a key. With that key, you unlock a value. Search on keys. Plan keys to be searchable.

The entire Internet is a dict. Plug a URL in, get something bigger back. Key-value, get it? You might also hear name-value and other varieties. If we were talking SQL, the key would be the primary key. They have the same unique constraint attribute.

The popular JSON format in the JavaScript works is essentially the same thing, and you can covert one into the other seamlessly. The big realization with this key-value relationship is that a value can in turn be another dict object, so these things can nest and make arbitrary shapes and hierarchies. Other things like XML have existed before but little has been as successful as JSON or the Python dict. You create them like so:

import httpx

url = "https://mikelev.in"
adict = {}
adict[url] = httpx.get(url)

And now you have one dict with one key/value pair. The value being the whole frogging response object to that http request. Yup, binary data like that can be values of a dict. So a month later, you could reverse the process to read the saved dict off of the drive to see what was on that webpage on that date without needing the Internet archive. Seeing the connection to SEO yet? You need persistent dicts. Your Python dictionary objects need to be saveable like a csv file. That’s step 1. That’s where to begin. Pickle your dicts. But I’ll show you the easy way.

If any package deserved to be part of the Python standard library, it’s this. It should be called something better, but it’s not. And it could go away, but what it’s doing os so simple something will replace it providing the same or close enough API. Watch how we make that dict persistent.

import httpx
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

url = "https://mikelev.in"
with sqldict("crawl.db") as db:
    if url not in db:
        response = httpx.get(url)
        db[url] = response

So it’s a tiny bit more code to make the dict persistent, but not much. You’ll learn about the “with” keyword in Python and how that indicates the Context Manager which you’ll hardly even know is at work there, but which is so convenient. File-write stuff is traditionally hairy because of file-locks and hardware details. But this uses Python’s built-in SQLite3 instance which is highly optimized and compiled C-code for performance, but it’s using a nearly standard Python dict data-type to represent the SQL database. And just like that, you don’t need to know SQL to get a lot of advantages of SQLite. You only need know Python dicts and a bit about the with keyword in Python. Oh, and .commit(). You need to know about .commit().
