Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Writing a Bash Loop Script for Jekyll

I wrote a Bash loop script for Jekyll to edit 10 sites at once, centralizing the identical files. I tested the script by adding line-height to style.scss, and it was successful. I then pushed the changes to all of my sites using git commands, and I'm excited to share the results with you!

Successfully Completed Bash Loop Script for Jekyll to Edit 10 Sites Simultaneously

By Michael Levin

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Editing 10 sites at once that are all actually in-play requires editing a lot of files at once, quite often identical. So long as they are identical, I should really centralize them. I can always break them into 10 different individually managed files anytime I want. But until then, cross-cutting changes will be a breeze. I’m already using a “helper” repo for this purpose… almost. I just need to carry through on the concept. Every little project gets done! 1, 2, 3… 1?

List the files you’ll be doing this with and put a copy in place.

I’ll even be able to do _layouts/default.html once I understand how to break out the Google Analytics ID with an include similar to the way I do the YouTube wrapper, but it’s one more layer lower in the rendering process so I have to think it through. Go ahead with those other ones and keep a sharp eye om MikeLev.in because it’s so different from the others.

for SITE in MikeLevin pythonically whatsametafor linuxpythonvimgit mikeateleven tardigradecircus removablefinger mike-levin lundervand pipulate guerillatech
    rm ./$SITE/_posts/*
    cp ./helpers/_config.yml ./$SITE/
    cp ./helpers/style.scss ./$SITE/assets/css/
    cp ./helpers/post.html ./$SITE/_layouts/
    cp ./helpers/youtubePlayer.html ./$SITE/_includes/

Okay wow, that’ll change things. Think! Ready, fire, aim! Why not? It’s Sunday morning and I have time to fix anything that breaks. Here’s my entire current release script, which I call gall.sh… LOL! I’ve got some gall.

#    _     _           _
#  _| |__ | | __ _ ___| |_
# (_) '_ \| |/ _` / __| __|
#  _| |_) | | (_| \__ \ |_
# (_)_.__/|_|\__,_|___/\__|


for SITE in MikeLevin pythonically linuxpythonvimgit mikeateleven tardigradecircus removablefinger mike-levin lundervand pipulate whatsametafor guerillatech
    rm ./$SITE/_posts/*
    cp ./helpers/_config.yml ./$SITE/
    cp ./helpers/style.scss ./$SITE/assets/css/
    cp ./helpers/post.html ./$SITE/_layouts/
    cp ./helpers/youtubePlayer.html ./$SITE/_includes/

figlet slicing blogs...
cd blogslicer
git commit -am "Updating all"
git push

python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../MikeLevin" -t "Mike Levin's Blog" -s "blog"
python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../pythonically" -t "Pythonic Ally Blog" -s "blog"
python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../whatsametafor" -t "What's A Meta For Blog" -s "blog"
python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../linuxpythonvimgit" -t "Linux, Python, vim & git Blog" -s "blog"
python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../mikeateleven" -t "Mike's At Eleven Blog" -s "blog"
python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../tardigradecircus" -t "Tardigrade Circus Blog" -s "blog"
python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../removablefinger" -t "Removable Finger Blog" -s "blog"
python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../mike-levin" -t "Mike-Levin.com Blog" -s "blog"
python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../lundervand" -t "Lunervand Blog" -s "blog"
python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../pipulate" -t "Pipulate Blog" -s "blog"
python ./blogslicer/core.py -a "Mike Levin" -p "../guerillatech" -t "Guerilla Tech Blog" -s "blog"
cd ..

figlet vim
cp ~/.vimrc ./vim/
cd ./vim
git commit -am "Updating all"
git push
cd ..

figlet helpers
cp ./all.sh ./helpers/
cp ./gall.sh ./helpers/
cp ./defaults.sh ./helpers/
cp ./homepages.sh ./helpers/
cp ./styles.sh ./helpers/
cd helpers
git commit -am "Updating all"
git push
cd ..

figlet journal
cd journal
git commit -am "Updating all"
git push
cd ..

figlet mikelevinseo -w 120
cd mlseo
jupyter nbconvert --to markdown index.ipynb
sed -i -e '1,5d' index.md
mv index.md ./docs
git add ./docs/*
git commit -am "Updating all"
git push
cd ..

for SITE in MikeLevin pythonically linuxpythonvimgit mikeateleven tardigradecircus removablefinger mike-levin lundervand pipulate whatsametafor guerillatech
    figlet $SITE -w 120
    cd $SITE
    git add _includes/*
    git add _posts/*
    git commit -am "Updating all"
    git push
    cd ..

figlet Done!

Okay, in my first testing of this capability, I’m going to add some line-height around my prev/next arrows by putting this:

line-height: 3;

…into style.scss

Success! The URLs of my old MikeLev.in site didn’t even break. Oh wow, this is going to be nice.

Think through next steps. Every Little Project Gets Done!
