Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.


  1. Coding, Keyboards and Literacy (Mon Sep 04, 2023)
    As literacy is continuously redefined, coding is becoming more and more important. To become proficient in coding, touch-typing on a full-sized QWERTY keyboard is essential. I propose that learning to type is a necessary step and provides a great escape from mobile addiction. Laptops are a bridge between two worlds, allowing you to use free and open source software without depending on Google, Apple or Microsoft.
  2. Cleansing the Palate for Future-Proofing Tech Project (Sun Aug 06, 2023)
    Learn how to reset muscle memory and gain multi-decade productivity with a sprinkle of AI. Discover the power of NeoVim, Linux, and JupyterLab. Be part of the MyKoz.AI project to future-proof your tech skills.
  3. Get My Cause? Jupyter Ubuntu! (Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu on Windows) (Sat Aug 05, 2023)
    Learn how to install Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu on Windows with this step-by-step guide. Follow along as Mike Lev.in walks you through the process of setting up a server-build script, renaming the drinkme repo, and creating a Jupyter Ubuntu.bat script to install JupyterLab on Ubuntu Linux.
  4. Seamless Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 Upgrade with MyKoz AReal/OS (Sat Aug 05, 2023)
    I successfully upgraded from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 and my daily journaling script worked seamlessly! I'm now exploring how to make this same functionality available to everyone, while keeping it as close to the mainstream systems as possible. I'm also looking into how to best take advantage of Windows for durability of paths and file-locations between Linux-side upgrades.
  5. Bing & Bard School Me on Unattended Multipass Install Script for Mac (Sat May 20, 2023)
    Despite wanting to help the downtrodden first, I override my emotions and learn instead how to write an unattended install script for Homebrew and Ubuntu Multipass for Intel and M1/M2 Macs and the rich folks. Follow the steps outlined by Bing and Bard to get started.
  6. Turning Windows & Macs into Legitimate Modern Development Platforms (Sat May 20, 2023)
    In this article, I discuss the importance of my maintaining a standard Windows desktop background and the advantages of using Linux containers on Windows and Mac. I also talk about the history of Microsoft's NT architecture and the emergence of WSL, Ubuntu 20.04, and the Microsoft Store. I further explore the implications of the Oracle-owned VirtualBox and the Canonical-owned Snap store, as well as the need for a Linux kernel on Macs.
  7. Rappelling Down The Rabbit Hole: A Linux Script Adventure (Thu May 11, 2023)
    I dive deep into the depths of Windows bat scripts and Linux bash scripts in this one, turning a filename into an optional input parameter so you can choose what version of Python to install. I also get a lot of help from Copilot along the way, and sort long-standing issues with WSL's systemd feature not working as expected by tweaking both a .wslconfig and a .wslconf file.
  8. Chip, Chop, Chip, Chop, Top-10 Done (Fri Apr 28, 2023)
    Learn how to use Linux, Python, vim & git (LPvg) to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. Follow the Unix philosophies to make sure your commands are universal and portable. Read about Levinux, Pipulate, and how to use them to make SEO deliverables. Plus, discover how to write from the first person perspective, keep your content short, and link your homepage index.md to the new include.
  9. ASCII Alice Getting Smaller to Fit Mobile (Tue Apr 04, 2023)
    I installed Ubuntu 20.04 at the Windows Store to make Alice smaller and optimize the mobile DrinkMe script experience. I'm eager to see the outcome of this work, and I'm excited to share my journey with you!
  10. Adapting My DrinkMe for Linux Pipulate Script for Macs (Thu Mar 30, 2023)
    I'm adapting my DrinkMe Linux Pipulate Script for Macs, so I'm using a Linux VM on a Mac for the most precise code execution. To make this easy, I'm using Canonical's MultiPass, which turns on virtualization and sets up a working instance of Ubuntu. I'm also using Apple Bonjour's mDNS to map host ports to the VM ports, and I've updated the install script to ensure Linux graphics work in headful mode.
  11. Compatible Linux X Server Graphics Across Windows & Mac (Sun Mar 05, 2023)
    As a reader trying to decide between Manim and Synfig for animation software, I need to consider my individual learning style, goals, and preferences. I am looking for step-by-step instructions to install Manim and supporting libraries on Ubuntu, as well as how to access localhost port 8888 and run JupyterLab on an Intel Mac. I have found resources on Proxy for accessing host Windows in WSL2.
  12. Unix/Linux Won & Are Now The Rules of The Road (Fri Feb 10, 2023)
    Mike Levin is a 20+ year veteran of the SEO industry who has seen many changes in technology over the years. From his experience as a student intern at Commodore to his current knowledge of Intel Management Engine (IME) and its implications for privacy, Mike has a deep understanding of Unix/Linux and its ever-growing presence in the tech world. Read his blog post to learn more about his journey and the impact of Unix/Linux.
  13. Beware the Re-Corralling (Fri Jan 06, 2023)
    In this blog post, I discuss the need to stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements and the potential for AI to disrupt our lives. To prevent becoming too reliant on AI, I suggest running scripts from home to republish blogs and switching to Linux or Unix systems instead of Windows. I also provide tips on how to use modern computer technology, such as connecting to remote computers through SSH, transmitting files with git, editing files with vim, and controlling servicew with the CLI.
  14. The Bottom Turtle is Microsoft, and That's Okay (Tue Nov 29, 2022)
    As a developer, I recently discovered that Windows is now the best platform for development. Microsoft has embraced Linux and its associated technologies, offering the Ubuntu repository and the Windows Subsystem for Linux, which enables developers to access Linux commands and the command-line interface. With popular commands such as cd, ls, chmod, and chown, I'm able to do a lot without being a hardcore programmer. Read my blog to find out why I believe Windows is the best development platform.
  15. Running Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 Simultaneously Under WSL 2 (Sat Sep 17, 2022)
    I recently updated my Windows taskbar to include a BASH Shell, Jupyter and Web browser, and it's become part of my daily routine. I had to decide whether to keep one copy of Linux running under WSL, so I chose to run both 18.04 and 20.04 side-by-side. Follow me as I take you through my obsessive compulsive journey of updating my taskbar and deciding which Linux OS to run.
  16. ubuntu1804.exe, ubuntu2004.exe and ubuntu2204.exe Oh My! (Fri Sep 16, 2022)
    Today I was working on a project using WSL2LXD to host Ubuntu 18.04 instances. I had to remember the locations of the exe files for Ubuntu 18.04, 2004, and 2204, which I discovered were located in WindowsApps. I also speculated that Microsoft may be limiting how many slots can be used for each exe in WSL. Learn more about my experience.
  17. Already Renamed Jupyme to WSL2LXD (Thu Sep 15, 2022)
    I recently renamed my jupyme repository to wsl2lxd for improved searchability and memorability. After 15-20 years of being away from detail-oriented work, I'm back and better than ever. To further my skills, I leveraged my vim spell-checking, putting my en.utf-8.add file in my vim repo and activated an Ubuntu 20.04 under WSL to be separate from my LXD work.
  18. Going Down the WSL to LXD Install Script Rabbit Hole (Mon Sep 12, 2022)
    I'm working on a project to create a bash install script that will set up a Jupyter server on a Windows machine. I'm writing the script, installing it from an Ubuntu 18.04 instance with LXD, creating a PowerShell script, and setting up a ~/repos folder and jupyme repo. Follow my journey as I build this project and learn along the way.
  19. Run LXD Linux Containers on Windows WSL 2 Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 (Fri Aug 12, 2022)
    This guide helps readers quickly and happily settle into a new digital home, free from vendor tyranny, using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and vendor-provided components like Github or Bitbucket. I use Windows machines as a host, WSL 2 to host Linux containers, and sprinkle my own customizations, including a Microsoft Network SAMBA/CIFS Shared Drive. I'm a big fan of LXD, the Linux Kernel Virtual Machine from Canonical.
  20. Ubuntu 18.04 vs Ubuntu 20.04 for LXD Under WSL2, Wizard Defaults (Tue Aug 02, 2022)
    In this blog post, I share how I tested Ubuntu 20.04 to see if I could easily install LXD. I found that Ubuntu 18.04 is the easier option, since it comes pre-installed with LXD and allows you to quickly get up and running. I also discuss my preference for local services over cloud resources, my advocacy for Linux and my blue-collar mechanic approach to tech literacy. Finally, I suggest JupyterLab-Desktop as a great way to learn Python.
  21. Using GNU Screen to Monitor Linux System Daemon Service (Fri Jul 29, 2022)
    Learn how to install Linux on Windows machines and get Linux services running under GNU Screen under an LXD Container. Discover the advantages of mastering generic Linux tech over web development and how to get started. I provide an example of a Python script to monitor a Linux system daemon service, and I walk you through the steps for installing Ubuntu 18.04, updating the file /etc/systemd/system/pulse.service, installing the program screen.
  22. Setting Up LXD on WSL2 with systemd enabled Ubuntu 18.04 (Wed Jul 27, 2022)
    I'm setting up my first LXD container on WSL2, using Ubuntu 18.04. I've used lxd init and lxc launch to get the container running, and added two locations from the WSL2 Linux host to the container. I'm now preparing to start experimenting and need to make sure I have the right tools installed. I'm also learning how to check if systemd is running, and getting everything ready for my first container.
  23. LXD Container on Windows WSL2 Using NAS SMB/CIFS Share (Mon Jul 25, 2022)
    After struggling to set up a LXD container, I found the solution to my problem - mapping my NAS, .ssh folder, .gitconfig, and .vimrc files, and then running two commands from within the container. I also had to mount a Windows network share using the command 'sudo mount -t drvfs '\\EchidNAS\data' /mnt/data'. Now my LXD container is running as expected.
  24. From Average Windows User to Linux Terminal User (Fri Jul 22, 2022)
    As an average Windows user, I'm taking advantage of Microsoft's partnership with Canonical to transition to Linux terminal. I'm installing Ubuntu on my existing laptop running Windows 10 or 11, so I can take advantage of the cloud and protect myself from obsolescence. Join me on my journey as I become a Linux terminal user.
  25. The Key LXC API Detail I Must Master (Mon Jun 27, 2022)
    As I dive deeper into the LXC API, I must understand the command "su --login ubuntu" in order to fully comprehend "lxc exec foo -- su --login ubuntu". Join me as I explore the nuances of this command and all the possibilities it unlocks.
  26. Throw All The Meat & Veggies Into The Stew & Stir The Blog / Vlog (Fri Jun 17, 2022)
    I recently wrote a blog post about my experience with downgrading Ubuntu 20.04 to 18.04 so I could use LXD Linux containers on WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux. To make my workflow more efficient, I created a vim keyboard macro that generates the site I'm editing and added sites to sites.csv in the skite repo. Read my blog post to find out how this game-changing experience helped me streamline my workflow.
  27. Reverting WSL2 From Ubuntu 20.04 to 18.04 To Get LXD Containers Working (Wed Jun 15, 2022)
    I recently explored the process of downgrading Ubuntu 20.04 to 18.04 under WSL2, as well as concepts such as LXD, venv, virtualenv, tmux, screen, and Python. I discussed the importance of good fixed-file-location habits, and how LXD is similar to venv/virtualenv in terms of packaging dependencies. I also compared Docker and LXD.
  28. Windows Updates KB5014699 & KB5013887 & LXD on WSL2 Under Ubuntu 20.04 (Wed Jun 15, 2022)
    After a long update process, I realized the Windows Updates I had downloaded weren't what I was looking for. I then tried to get LXD running under WSL2 on Ubuntu 20.04 but was unsuccessful. Switching to Ubuntu 18.04 allowed me to get LXD running, but now I'm faced with a difficult decision: do I make my next video out of the arts? Read my blog post to find out what I decide!