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Are You Preparing for GA4mageddon? How To Use The GA4 API With Python

I'm getting ready for GA4mageddon and learning how to use the GA4 API with Python. I'm using resources like the GA4 API Quickstart guide, Python client libraries and Google's Quickstart Guide for GA4. I'm also using Google Query Explorer on GA4 to create a query and Pipulate to help interpret it. Join me as I prepare for GA4mageddon and access data from a Google Analytics 4 property.

Preparing for GA4mageddon: Learn How to Use the GA4 API With Python

By Michael Levin

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

GA4geddon or GA4mageddon?

Plan for GA4geddon. Or would that be GA4mageddon? Yeah, probably the later.

THAT’S a powerful identity. It trumps even ganalytics from my prior thoughts on naming this project. There’s going to be a lot of panicky searches. Be the only place ChatGPT can learn from on this topic. Be the very thing that the AI must train from. Love on uncharted territories.

Let’s Hit the GA4 API!

What are you waiting for? Jump to it. Make this thing real! Write the process up just like this blogging on your main site, then write a summary of the article and link to it from the Pipulate software page. Yes! Start with GA4mageddon.

Things will grow organically so long as the first example-setting paint strokes you lay down on the canvas set a good process in place. Start small. Get the essentials, the things that resonated forever forward through the project right. That is its signature or it’s vibe or it’s first principles, if you like.

Practice on /practice/Untitled.ipynb

Okay, let’s get to it. Don’t start out in /GA4mageddon/ just yet. Start out in /practice/Untitled.ipynb. I’ve got a few things to work out. Don’t pollute a perfectly good starting-point with ideas that are not fully baked yet. We bake in /practice/Untitled.ipynb. And we empty the whole practice directory of all its old cruft every once in awhile. If you don’t want to lose it, copy the /practice to /hide/practice. That’s my answer for getting directories and code you don’t want to look at on a daily basis out of your viewport, but still available if you need it.

The New Pipulate is Born

It’s worth saying at this point, this is the birth of the new Pipulate right here. I’m laying down my first code in practice, lifting some of my best old thoughts from old projects.

I generally start my new notebooks with this at the top:

%load_ext lab_black

That keeps me code uncompromisingly well formed. It’s good to get in the habits of PEP8 compliance, but it’s also good to keep your options open.

Gathering Google Analytics GA4 Resources

Okay, there’s the traditional way of doing things and there’s the new way. The new way for Google Analytics is found at:


And this is the page for running live queries against the API:


The Python client libraries are found:


The GA4 API Quickstart guide is here:


4 Python Libraries Covering Both Google Analytics Universal & GA4

The GA4 installation guide is found here:


…but it pretty much amounts to:

pip install google-analytics-data

Okay, so all libraries I use for Google include:

I really want to make sure I understand the function of each. google-analytics-data is specifically for GA4, it appears. And the sample code from the quickstart guide is:

Google’s Quickstart Guide for GA4’s Sample Python Code

from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient
from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import (

def sample_run_report(property_id="YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"):
    """Runs a simple report on a Google Analytics 4 property."""
    # TODO(developer): Uncomment this variable and replace with your
    #  Google Analytics 4 property ID before running the sample.
    # property_id = "YOUR-GA4-PROPERTY-ID"

    # Using a default constructor instructs the client to use the credentials
    # specified in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.
    client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient()

    request = RunReportRequest(
        date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="2020-03-31", end_date="today")],
    response = client.run_report(request)

    print("Report result:")
    for row in response.rows:
        print(row.dimension_values[0].value, row.metric_values[0].value)

Ugh! Why does every example have to be presented as an obfuscating function? Here it is in a more Juyter-friendly form:

client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient(credentials=creds)

request = RunReportRequest(
    date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="2020-03-31", end_date="today")],
response = client.run_report(request)

It’s also worth noting that in peeling away the layers of the new way things work under Google Analytics. Here’s my new (kooky) Python imports:

import ohawf
from headlines import *

# Traditional
from apiclient.discovery import build

# New for GA4 property listing
from google.analytics.admin import AnalyticsAdminServiceClient
from google.analytics.admin_v1alpha.types import ListPropertiesRequest

# New for GA4 accessing data
from google.analytics.data_v1beta import BetaAnalyticsDataClient
from google.analytics.data_v1beta.types import (

…and here’s the traditional creating of a Google service from the API Discovery Service:

creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("analytics", "v3", credentials=creds)

And with that kind of Google Analytics service connection, you can step through each account, web property and view ID.

List All Accounts to Which You Have Google Analytics Access

accounts = service.management().accounts().list().execute()

for account in accounts["items"]:
    h1(f'Account Name: {account["name"]}')
    print(f'Account ID: {account["id"]}')
    print(f'Account Created: {account["created"]}')
    print(f'Account Updated: {account["updated"]}')

    web_properties = service.management().webproperties().list(accountId=account["id"]).execute()

    for web_property in web_properties["items"]:
        h2(f'Web Property Name: {web_property["name"]}')
        print(f'Web Property ID: {web_property["id"]}')
        print(f'Web Property Created: {web_property["created"]}')
        print(f'Web Property Updated: {web_property["updated"]}')

        views = service.management().profiles().list(accountId=account["id"], webPropertyId=web_property["id"]).execute()

        # Iterate through the views and print their details
        for view in views['items']:
            h3(f'View Name: {view["name"]}')
            print(f'View ID: {view["id"]}')


The Old Way

Again, the above example is the traditional Google Universal Analytics (and precursors). This will not work in the era of GA4. Things are being moved to entirely different APIs and client libraries in the programming languages. These are the old pip installs:

pip install google-api-python-client
pip install google-auth-oauthlib

…which let us create Google service connections like so:

from apiclient.discovery import build
creds = ohawf.get()
service = build("analytics", "v3", credentials=creds)

The New Way

The above familiar code will no longer be the case sometime after July, 2023. The timing keeps getting pushed back, but it’s coming. GA4mageddon is coming. All your old reports are going into the trash bin. The new pattern looks like this. These are the new pip installs:

pip install google-analytics-admin
pip install google-analytics-data

The first gets accessed within Python code as google.analytics.admin and the second as google.analytics.data. This makes sense. Good! The former is for the types of things we used to do under the .management() part of the old API such as list sites.

Google Cloud Console Project Providing Access Needs GA4 APIs Enabled

Because Google services are so tightly regulated through the permissions of the Google-registered projects under the Google Cloud Console, we have to explicitly turn on API-access for each of the above libraries. Visit https://console.cloud.google.com/APIs/library/ and make very sure you go to the Google login that owns the project you need to enable API access for. This isn’t the permissions for the Google account you’re using to log into Google Analytics. It’s the permissions for the Google account behind the Google Cloud Platform Project you’re using to authenticate.

Once you’re in the Google Cloud Platform, make sure it didn’t switch you away from the account you want to be in. That happens. From this point, use the dropdown menu of projects to make sure you’re on the right project. And from there, search on the word “Analytics”. You should see 3:

Confusing, right? My advice is to enable all 3. The only one that is well described is Google Analytics Reporting API which is described as:

The Google Analytics Reporting API v4 is the most advanced programmatic method to access report data in Google Analytics. With the Google Analytics Reporting API, you can build custom dashboards to display Google Analytics data, automate complex reporting tasks to save time, and integrate your Google Analytics data with other business applications.

Listing GA4 Property IDs vs. Hitting For Data

In any case, we can break our GA4 API querying tasks down into 2 categories:

Listing Properties With the GA4 API in Python

Here’s the new way to list sites under GA4. We import specific parts of the libraries so we’re not typing excessive dot-notations.

from google.analytics.admin import AnalyticsAdminServiceClient
from google.analytics.admin_v1alpha.types import ListPropertiesRequest

accounts = service.management().accounts().list().execute()

for account in accounts["items"]:
    h1(f'Account Name: {account["name"]}')
    print(f'Account ID: {account["id"]}')

    results = client.list_properties(
        ListPropertiesRequest(filter=f"parent:accounts/{account['id']}", show_deleted=True)
    for item in results:


And that will list everything under GA4 to which you have access to with your Google login. Great! Now we have property_ids. I guess we’re going with Property IDs under GA4. Under Universal Analytics (and prior) the hierarchical structure of things under your Google AdWords account manager is:

But now under GA4, it’s simply:

Hitting the Google Analytics GA4 API For Data

So the above examples covered listing the data, but to actually pull some metrics from GA4 here’s an example:

client = BetaAnalyticsDataClient(credentials=creds)

request = RunReportRequest(
    date_ranges=[DateRange(start_date="2020-03-31", end_date="today")],
response = client.run_report(request)

While you can use Google Query Explorer on the GA4 toggle to flesh out your queries, I find there’s a bit of interpretation that’s needed to get it into this new API RunReportRequest format. You can see Google maneuvering to support all the edge cases again. It appears we have namedtuple factory objects in the request structure. Interesting!

Okay, roll a notebook into Pipulate for this.
