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Collecting Keywords From a Site Crawl

I'm creating a keyword list refiner that works on title tag crawl data from a website crawl. This refiner is an alternative to buying a keyword list from an SEO software vendor. It will gameify the process, help get into the zone, and clean the list as you go. I'm using Python's readline module to make the title tags editable on the command-line.

Creating a Rapid Keyword List Refiner from Title Tag Crawl Data

By Michael Levin

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

I’m making a rapid keyword list refiner that works on title tag crawl data. Given a list of title tags from a website crawl which are rarely in good enough shape to be a keyword list directly, we have to re-work each title tag. It may have multiple keywords “embedded” that we need to differentiate, perhaps repeating a root keyword across each.

This is an alternative to “buying” a keyword list from one of the SEO software vendors, both an expensive and questionable proposition. A better starting point is getting it directly off of the site from a crawl so you can compare what they appear to be targeting against actual search results. Start from actuals.

Once a website crawl is done, preferably with a free and opens source SEO tool you didn’t have to pay for, we need to edit each title tag into the right keywords. It’s work that would often be done in a spreadsheet, but there’s a number of downsides to that. I wish to make an environment that gameifies the process, gets you into the zone in the work, and cleans the list as you go, removing duplicates and using what it learns to improve the process as it goes.

Normally, I work in Jupyter Notebooks for this sort of thing. It’s a wonderful environment for “mocking up” code that may eventually go somewhere else, like scheduled automations. But in this app, I need a sort of interactivity that doesn’t come easy. I’m asking for the title tags to be editable as if having clicked into a spreadsheet cell so you can edit what’s already there. Python’s built-in input function seems to be the right thing, but default values don’t get pre-filled in an editable form. Got the picture? I need a line editor.

Alternative approaches like ipywidgets that are a possibility in Jupyter Notebooks add too much complexity, especially when Python’s standard library readline module does exactly what I need. The only catch is that it has to be run from the terminal (aka command line). In accordance with the 80/20-rule, getting 80% of the benefit I’m seeking from the first 20% of the effort I’m putting in, I’m going this route. To understand the subtlety of what I’m talking about, you can run this code from a terminal:

# file: test.py
import readline

def input_with_prefill(prompt, prefill):
  readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill))
    return input(prompt)

prefilled_value = "This is the prefilled value."

value = input_with_prefill("Enter a value: ", prefilled_value)

print("You entered:", value)

Now I’m working off some prior work I’ve done in my free and open source SEO project called Pipulate, which has some very standard code that’s used after a site crawl has put the data into a local SQLite database, and we repurpose the above code to step through each title-tag interactively:

import config
import readline
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

responsedb = f"{config.name}/responses.db"

def input_with_prefill(prefill):
  readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill))
    return input()

with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        response = db[url]
        soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
        title = soup.title.string.strip()
        value = input_with_prefill(title)
        print("You entered:", value)

This will simply throw up each title tag from the site with the opportunity to edit it on the command-line, but the goal is to speed up the work immensely so you can fly through such a list with everything you do helping speed up the process as you go. The easiest first edit is to assume that the keywords are comma separated in the title tag, so we can do this:

with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        response = db[url]
        soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
        title = soup.title.string.strip()
        value = input_with_prefill(title)
        alist = value.split(",")

And indeed running the new version gets across the idea of what I’m trying to do. But the next things I notice is that the frequent use of the pipe symbol to separate brand names from title tag needs to be parsed too.

import re
pattern = "( \| | - | & )"

with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        response = db[url]
        soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
        title = soup.title.string.strip()
        t = title.replace(" and ", " ")
        t = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", t)
        t = re.sub(pattern, ", ", t)
        kwstr = input_with_prefill(t)
        kwlist = kwstr.split(",")
        kwlist = [x.strip() for x in kwlist]

This next step strips out vertical bars ` | ` and hyphens with spaces around them ` - , two common ways to separate site names, brands and such in a title tag and replaces it with a comma to become like any other keyword. Ampersands with spaces around them are stripped out for similar reasons. I also similarly strip out and ` because we don’t want that to become part of any of the keywords. And I added a list comprehension to strip out leading or trailing white space on each resulting keyword.

Already in test-running this thing, I can feel the addictive and zone-inducing quality of the process, which is exactly what I’m looking for. Now we’re going to make it never offer to record the same keywords twice, base on what you’ve already “collected”. It’s in-memory right now, meaning every time it’s run, it will forget what’s been collected, but we’ll make it persistent soon. It will be another tiny database keywords.db, but first things first. This means I’ll have to parse the keyword list before presenting it to the user as well as after. So I have to refactor a bit with a function so the code remains readable:

# file: pwgame.py
import config
import re
import readline
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

responsedb = f"{config.name}/responses.db"

def input_with_prefill(prefill):
  readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill))
    return input()

pattern = "( \| | - | & )"

def kwclean(s):
    s = s.replace(" and ", " ")
    s = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", s)
    s = re.sub(pattern, ", ", s)
    kwlist = s.split(",")
    kwlist = [x.strip() for x in kwlist]
    return kwlist

with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        response = db[url]
        soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
        title = soup.title.string.strip()
        title = ", ".join(kwclean(title))
        kwout = input_with_prefill(title)

This next step introduces the seen variable which is a Python set datatype. We use it to keep track of every keyword we’ve “seen” so far. We have made it case insensitive by lower-casing everything that goes into and checks against the set. You might think the “seen” variable is the one we’ll make persistent for the permanent keyword collection, but no. I want to keep the original proper-case (upper and lower) usage because there’s lots of brand names and proper nouns in there, and this is good information we don’t want to throw out.

You will know this bit of code is working by things like brand name only being presented for collection once.

# file: pwgame.py
import config
import re
import readline
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

responsedb = f"{config.name}/responses.db"

def input_with_prefill(prefill):
  readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill))
    return input()

pattern = "( \| | - | & )"

def kwclean(s):
    s = s.replace(" and ", " ")
    s = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", s)
    s = re.sub(pattern, ", ", s)
    kwlist = s.split(",")
    kwlist = [x.strip() for x in kwlist]
    return kwlist

with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    seen = set()
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        response = db[url]
        soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
        title = soup.title.string.strip()
        title = ", ".join(kwclean(title))
        before_kws = kwclean(title)
        after_kws = []
        for kw in before_kws:
            kwlow = kw.lower()
            if kwlow not in seen:
        kw_str = ", ".join(after_kws)
        collect = input_with_prefill(kw_str)

This next step will do some of the lightest touches for the biggest wins. In SEO, you rarely target individual keywords because they are so competitive. So if you’re looking at one title tag at a time, chances are either the most common keyword used in the title should be prefixed onto each keyword candidate, or the first word in the title should be prefixed. It’s another 80/20-rule win that can safe us a lot of typing. It may be hard to follow this code, but it was a pleasure to write!

# file: pwgame.py
import config
import re
import readline
from collections import Counter
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

responsedb = f"{config.name}/responses.db"

def input_with_prefill(prefill):
    readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill))
        return input()

pattern = "( \| | - | & )"

def kwclean(s):
    s = s.replace(" and ", " ")
    s = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", s)
    s = re.sub(pattern, ", ", s)
    kwlist = s.split(",")
    kwlist = [x.strip() for x in kwlist]
    return kwlist

with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    seen = set()
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        response = db[url]
        soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
        title = soup.title.string.strip()
        title = ", ".join(kwclean(title))
        before_kws = kwclean(title)
        after_kws = []
        counter = Counter()
        for kw in before_kws:
            kwlow = kw.lower()
            if kwlow not in seen:
            words = kw.split(" ")
            for word in words:
                counter[word] += 1
        maxval = max(counter.values())
        maxlabel = max(counter, key=counter.get)
        mod_kws = []
        for i, kw in enumerate(after_kws):
            words = kw.split()
            if i == 0:
                first = None
                if len(words) > 1:
                    first = words[0]
            if len(words) == 1:
                if maxval > 1:
                    kw = f"{maxlabel} {kw}"
                elif first:
                    kw = f"{first} {kw}"
            chops = ["More"]
            for chop in chops:
                if kw[:len(f"{chop} ")].lower() == f"{chop} ".lower():
                    kw = kw[len(f"{chop} "):]
        kw_str = ", ".join(mod_kws)
        collect = input_with_prefill(kw_str)

Now it’s time to capture our good work to a database and make it persistent. But more than just persistence (capturing the data into a database), we want everything that has been processed thus far to work as a filter against what we are setting out to process. This makes it safe and easy to re-run. You can stop in the middle of a large job and pick up where you left off with all the work you’ve done so far still working for you.

This means the Python seen set variable needs to be re-populated up to where you left off on the re-run. We handle it just like we did with the crawl. The URLs make perfect keys for key-value databases. We can remember what keywords were collected for each URL. Now there’s a few data structure questions here. Maybe since we only collect each keyword once, we actually make the keyword into the key.

We want to think in terms of lightest touch that achieves most of what we need. We especially want to keep the code clean and easy to read. Committing to a new database is the easy part. We can basically add this code under where the final output of the “collected” keywords is displayed. We need a new database and a way to check if it’s been created yet, so these new lines go near the top of the file:

from pathlib import Path
keywordsdb = f"{config.name}/keywords.db"

Now for efficiency, we want to skip over any URLs we processed. We will make evaluations on a per-keyword basis too, but this is a fast filter that gives us a big up-front win. The database might not exist yet (on the first run), so we have to check for it. And because we’re using the actual keywords as the database dict keys, we have to make a set of all the values (URLs) found.

seen_urls = set()
if Path(keywordsdb).is_file():
    with sqldict(keywordsdb) as db:
        for keyword in db:
            url = db[keyword]

And if the database is found, we also need to populate the seen set with its keys. The keys are the keywords we previously recorded in their original case form. So we need to .lower() them as we flow them in.

seen = set()
if Path(keywordsdb).is_file():
    with sqldict(keywordsdb) as db:
        for kw in db:

As we proceed down the file, there’s a place where we’ve done all our modifications to the keywords discovered in the title tag and present them to the user, but we never want to present anything that’s been seen. This one little list comprehension takes care of that.

mod_kws = [x for x in mod_kws if x.lower() not in seen]

And at the place at the bottom of the program where we show back to the user their modified keyword list user input as a string, we parse it back into a real list and record it in the new database. Notice I parse on just a comma ,' and not a comma space , . This is because you never know what a user types in and it's better to assume the responsibility of stripping out any spaces left around the keyword yourself. Also notice I have to use a different label for the database connection db2 because we're already indented under the open db connection. Also notice where adding to seen` has been moved. It had to be put way at the bottom so as to not filter too early.

I had to change a my technique for keeping track of URLs that were already seen, adding a new database just for that because too much re-processing of already looked-at URLs was occurring when you restarted the process. The previous version would only filter seen URLs if keywords were recorded from them. This new version lets you plow through the list, restarting as often as you need with minimum reprocessing.

# file: pwgame.py
import config
import re
import readline
from pathlib import Path
from collections import Counter
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bsoup
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict as sqldict

responsedb = f"{config.name}/responses.db"
keywordsdb = f"{config.name}/keywords.db"
seenurlsdb = f"{config.name}/seenurls.db"

def input_with_prefill(prefill):
    readline.set_startup_hook(lambda: readline.insert_text(prefill))
        return input()

pattern = "( \| | - | & )"

def kwclean(s):
    s = s.replace(" and ", " ")
    s = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", s)
    s = re.sub(pattern, ", ", s)
    kwlist = s.split(",")
    kwlist = [x.strip() for x in kwlist]
    return kwlist

seen_urls = set()
if Path(seenurlsdb).is_file():
    with sqldict(seenurlsdb) as db:
        for url in db:

seen = set()
if Path(keywordsdb).is_file():
    with sqldict(keywordsdb) as db:
        for kw in db:

with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    for numpages, url in enumerate(db):

countdown = numpages

with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        print(countdown - i)
        if url not in seen_urls:
            response = db[url]
            soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")
            title = soup.title.string.strip()
            title = ", ".join(kwclean(title))
            before_kws = kwclean(title)
            after_kws = []
            counter = Counter()
            for kw in before_kws:
                kwlow = kw.lower()
                if kwlow not in seen:
                words = kw.split(" ")
                for word in words:
                    counter[word] += 1
            maxval = max(counter.values())
            maxlabel = max(counter, key=counter.get)
            mod_kws = []
            for j, kw in enumerate(after_kws):
                words = kw.split()
                if j == 0:
                    first = None
                    if len(words) > 1:
                        first = words[0]
                if len(words) == 1:
                    if maxval > 1:
                        kw = f"{maxlabel} {kw}"
                    elif first:
                        kw = f"{first} {kw}"
                chops = ["More"]
                for chop in chops:
                    if kw[: len(f"{chop} ")].lower() == f"{chop} ".lower():
                        kw = kw[len(f"{chop} ") :]
            mod_kws = [x for x in mod_kws if x.lower() not in seen]
            kw_str = ", ".join(mod_kws)
            if not kw_str:
            collect = input_with_prefill(kw_str)
            collect_list = collect.split(",")
            collect_list = [x.strip() for x in collect_list]
            with sqldict(keywordsdb) as db2:
                for kw in collect_list:
                    if kw and kw not in seen:
                        db2[kw] = url
            with sqldict(seenurlsdb) as db2:
                db2[url] = None
