Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Google SGE & Bing Conversational Search Video Capture Automation

Learn how to automate Google SGE and Bing conversational search video capture with no outside services using Linux, Bash, vim, JupyterLab, and nbdev. Get the most benefit from dabbling with Linux and future-proof your business by automating video capture of conversational search sessions and emailing the result.

I Automated Video Capture of Google SGE & Bing Conversational Search

By Michael Levin

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Okay the iron is hot with both the Google August 2023 Broad Core Update now live, and all the hubbub about Google Generative Search Experience (SGE). Bing hardly makes the news for search anymore, but I think it’s just pulled so far ahead of Google that the news is Google responding at all. And indeed if you opted into the experiment on Google Labs, you’ll occasionally see the conversational results pop up in default web search. Not often, and more frequently in mobile (reliably in the mobile Google app), but enough so that it’s time to do some proper tracking.

But how to track conversational search? Well, we can start at the beginning and get fancier in time. For now, let’s just take a “search” or a “query”, which we all must now call a prompt and send it to both Bing and Google and video-capture and email the results. Let’s do that with no outside services but for a mailserver because nobody wants to run their own mailserver. But all the machinery to log in as you and perform searches and video-record them? That should be on machines directly under your control for several reasons:

In this project we do some stuff on our local machines that puts you on the path to those superpowers you’ve heard about. It’s not yet-another vendor product or monthly subscription. No, rather it’s embracing the same tech that the people making money off of you use. They’re not subject to the same rapidly changing rules as the general public. They’re building to last, because you can only re-write your software so many times. It’s far easier to swap out hardware, so long as your software is written well to allow it.

So we’re adopt some of the same slow-changing APIs as the datacenter operators and the big tech themselves use. Few run Windows server-side anymore if they can help it. It’s just too expensive when you scale. It’s also about self-determinacy. If your own business functions, the very life-operations of your organization, is tied to paying some other company every time you use more of their product when others can use free product, then all else being equal those using the free product have a competitive advantage. They can grow their business and accommodate more customers with less friction and expense.

That may sound boring to you, but it need not be. Especially if we start with daily journaling. How in the world does daily journaling fit into a discussion of not going obsolete in the world of tech, you ask? Easy! By using the vim text editor for journaling. By running vim through a Bash Shell in a Linux Terminal. Huh? Trust me, you’re using a nice everyday thing that’s useful to do in order to learn a bunch of stuff that’s useful to know. It goes:

This is a righteous path to future-proofing, but a difficult one because of wanting to get more benefit from dabbling with Linux in the meanwhile. And so there is! This is what you might call the modified path that I created for MyKoz.AI considering the difficulty of the transition for most folks.

In a final coup de grâce, I’ll make the Linux service (optionally) email you the result of the browser automation, which in this case is a .webm video session of a Google SGE conversational search session and a Bing chatbot session back-to-back so you can compare what each of them are doing on a daily basis. I can ignite a new “data addition” here. And it’s one people don’t have to pay for. And it’s one that starts inching their own internal skills forward.

Okay, done. Wow, do I have something to show the folks. And still in time to produce some videos on my birthday.

Don’t worry about what to do with all this code below. It’s built-into MyKoz.AI and you won’t have to retype a thing. Just change it to your prompt that you want to track. Oh, and you’ll have to set up the from and to email files if you’ll want it to email. That also requires an App Password from one of your Google accounts to do the emailing.

If you want to make it work like it does in the video and you’re on Windows, check out MyKoz.AI. The script is just one of the sample scripts that gets installed with JupyterLab, which is hosted on Linux under WSL. So there’s no machine configuration issues or anything. We use WSL Linux as a

#| default_exp chatshot
#| export

# Set your keyword search, query or prompt: 
prompt = "Write a Hello World program in Python"

headless = False
slow_mo = 200
width = 1280
height = 1800
short_delay = 2
long_delay = 25
delete_after_days_old = 7
min_file_size = 200 * 1024  #KBs
video_folder = "/home/ubuntu/repos/intro/videos"

#| export
import os

files = os.listdir(video_folder)

for file in files:
    file_path = os.path.join(video_folder, file)
    if os.path.isfile(file_path):
        print(f"Deleted {file}")

print("Deletion of all files complete.")

#| export

import asyncio
import nest_asyncio
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright

# Create a new event loop (necessary for Playwright in Juptyer)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
new_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

async def browser_automation():
    """Records Google and Bing conversational web search as video."""

    async with async_playwright() as p:
        playwright = await async_playwright().start()
        browser = await playwright.chromium.launch_persistent_context(
            record_video_size={"width": width, "height": height},
            viewport={"width": width, "height": height},

        # Open the browser window
        page = await browser.new_page()

        # Perform a Bing Search
        placeholder = "Ask me anything"
        await page.goto("https://www.bing.com/")
        await asyncio.sleep(short_delay)
        await page.get_by_placeholder(placeholder).click()
        # await page.get_by_placeholder(placeholder).fill(prompt)
        await page.get_by_placeholder(placeholder).type(prompt)
        await page.get_by_placeholder(placeholder).press("Escape")
        await page.locator("#search_icon svg").click()
        # try:
        #     await page.wait_for_load_state('networkidle', timeout=long_delay)
        # except:
        #     ...
        await asyncio.sleep(long_delay)
        # Perform a Google Search
        await page.goto("https://www.google.com/")
        await asyncio.sleep(short_delay)
        await page.get_by_label("Search", exact=True).click()
        # await page.get_by_label("Search", exact=True).fill(prompt)
        await page.get_by_label("Search", exact=True).type(prompt)
        await page.get_by_label("Search", exact=True).press("Escape")
        await page.get_by_role("button", name="Google Search").click()
        # try:
        #     await page.wait_for_load_state('networkidle', timeout=long_delay)
        # except:
        #     ...
        await asyncio.sleep(long_delay)

        await browser.close()

# Set the new event loop as the current event loop

files = [f for f in os.listdir(video_folder) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(video_folder, f))]

# Deletes the smallest of multiple files.
if len(files) == 1:
    print("Already down to 1 file.")
    smallest_file = min(files, key=lambda f: os.path.getsize(os.path.join(video_folder, f)))
    smallest_file_path = os.path.join(video_folder, smallest_file)
    print(f"Deleted the smallest file: {smallest_file}")

# Find the newest .webm file
webm_files = [f for f in os.listdir(video_folder) if f.lower().endswith('.webm') and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(video_folder, f))]
newest_webm_file = max(webm_files, key=lambda f: os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(video_folder, f))) if webm_files else None
print(f"I will convert {newest_webm_file} to mp4.")

import subprocess
from datetime import date

def convert_webm_to_mp4(input_path, output_path):
    cmd = [
        "-i", input_path,
        "-c:v", "libx264",
        "-preset", "slow",
        "-crf", "40",  # Low quality (51 = lowest)
        "-r", "15",
        "-vf", f"setpts={1/2}*PTS",  # Adjust playback speed using setpts filter
        "-an",  # This disables audio
    subprocess.run(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

input_webm_file = f"/home/ubuntu/repos/intro/videos/{newest_webm_file}"
output_mp4_file = f"/home/ubuntu/repos/intro/videos/{date.today()}.mp4"

convert_webm_to_mp4(input_webm_file, output_mp4_file)

import smtplib
from pathlib import Path
from email import encoders
from datetime import datetime
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

file_name = Path(output_mp4_file).name

# Create the plain-text email
msg_text = f'''{prompt}

Your video recording of a Google and Bing search for {file_name} is attached.


# Create the HTML email
msg_html = f'''<html><head></head><body><h1>{prompt}</h1>
<p>Your video recording of a Google and Bing search for {file_name} is attached.</p>

with open('/home/ubuntu/repos/intro/service/mail_from.txt') as fh:
    email, paswd = [x.strip() for x in fh.readlines()]

with open('/home/ubuntu/repos/intro/service/mail_to.txt') as fh:
    mail_to = [x.strip() for x in fh.readlines()]

server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
server.login(email, paswd)

msgdict = MIMEMultipart()
msgdict.preamble = 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.'
msgdict['From'] = email
msgdict['To'] = ', '.join([x for x in mail_to])
msgdict['Subject'] = prompt

# Create plain text and HTML alternatives
msg_alts = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg_alts.attach(MIMEText(msg_html, 'html'))

mimecats = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream')
with open(Path(output_mp4_file), 'br') as zfh:
mimecats.add_header('Content-Disposition', f"video; filename={file_name}")

    server.sendmail(email, mail_to, msgdict.as_string())
    print ('email sent')
    print ('error sending mail')

