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Joining URLs across GA, GSC & Majestic

I'm embarking on a project to create a master-list of URLs with Majestic SEO link data, using sqldict, list comprehensions, fstrings, JupyterLab, Linux, Windows, and async Python page-fetching. I'm using client.get(url) to retrieve data from a table, and have printed out the data to confirm it was correctly retrieved. Come join me on my journey!

Embarking on a Data-Joining Adventure with Majestic SEO Link Data!

By Michael Levin

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Okay, new day new project. It’s the big URL project.

Okay, it’s time to make a master-list of URLs for a network of sites and join it to Majestic SEO link data. That means GSC, GA and Majestic. “Empty out” the active URLs for each. Actually, first enumerate all data-sources using what the account can access, filtered by a list of Google Analytics profile ids and GSC-style domains. I’ve done all that lately. Majestic will probably be the hardest part. Think! I’ve got that code somewhere.

I’m liking just reading text files for the lists of IDs and stuff. Where does this belong? Practice_safe!

Okay, this should be the most elegant instance of me stepping through Google Analytics data, emptying out as much as I can based on nextPageToken.

We’re going to be doing fast raw data capture again. And I’m going to be doing the tuple approach again (I think).

Find the maximum number of URLs that can be dumped for a site.

In this case I think I’ll make the tuples as I go. What should they be like?

GA is letting us pull way more URLs than it used to using nextPageToken, so we have to limit it somewhere reasonable when “tasting” URLs across the network… purpose?

This would dump out data forever it seems. It got up to 160K before I stopped it.

npt = 0
with sqldict("ga.db") as db:
    for profile in profiles:
        while npt != "Done":
            response = ga(query(profile, npt))
                npt = response["reports"][0]["nextPageToken"]
                npt = "Done"
            key = Args(profile, npt)
            db[str(key)] = response

Okay, that could go on forever. It got to 160K on one site before I stopped it for fear of rate quota exceeded. Think! Use your tried-and-true tuple approach.

Alright, I have a much better approach working. We need to work with finite API calls, and so we create the tuples with None where no data was yet collected:

Create the keys for uncollected data

with sqldict("ga.db") as db:
    for profile in profiles:
        profile = int(profile)
        for npt in range(0, 50000, 10000):
            arg = Args(profile, npt)
            if str(arg) not in db:
                db[str(arg)] = None

This will show what has data so far:

Show what has data

with sqldict("ga.db") as db:
    for key in db:
        data = db[key]
        display = "fetched"
        if data == None:
            display = None
        print(key, display)

Everything is highly interruptible.

Think about the GSC query.


Wow, end of a long work day. Adi was with me until this morning.

It’s really nice having sqldict’s, list comprehensions and fstrings all at my finger-tips in JupyterLab running in Linux on a Windows desktop. Stuff is getting interesting. My day-to-day is getting up to data-collection, given a list of URLs. So why not get ahead of this? Make an example of it. Get some practice in.

Let’s make it impressive when it happens. It’s not even 8:00 PM so the night is young. The tuples-for-life project still calls out to me for my discretionary time, but there’s so much overlap, it matters not. Engage!

1, 2, 3… 1? Name the file. I renamed an old file I did to sequential_crawler.ipynb. That will differentiate it nicely from what’s to come. But this may actually become the same project and file. I’m starting the new one at the bottom of that one.

Okay, we’re making it some awesome async Python page-fetching.


Whoahhh. After a bit of study, I think I have my most rapid-fire way of collecting data yet:

# Fetch All Pages All At Once
responsedb = f"{data_folder}/responses.db"
async with httpx.AsyncClient(headers=headers) as client:
    apromise = gather(*[client.get(url) for url in table], return_exceptions=True)
    with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
        for response in await apromise:
            db[str(response.url)] = response

I can confirm that the data was pulled with this:

with sqldict(responsedb) as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        response = db[url]
        print(i, url, response)

And we’re going to want to soup the shit of of this.
