Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Making The Best of Any Situation with Mindfulness, Intent & Journaling

Make the best of any situation with mindfulness, intent, and journaling. I've been journaling for 30 years and have developed a timeless solution that will help you in all walks of life. Create a Linux subsystem on whatever hardware you're using and get good at things there, and it can never be taken away.

Making the Best of Life with Mindfulness, Intent & Journaling

By Michael Levin

Monday, July 31, 2023

    You can make the best of
    almost any situation, but it
    takes mindfulness and intent.
    This doesn't come easy.
    It comes best when journaling,
    but there are dozens of
    show-stoppers, from media
    selection to discipline.
    How many times have you
    started writing only to stall
    I've been journaling for 30
    years, and evolved a timeless
    solution that helps you in all
    walks of life. 
    You make a Linux subsystem on
    whatever hardware you're
    using, and that subsystem
    stays with you for life.
    Get good at things there, and
    it can never be taken away.
