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Optimistic Utopian AI Futures Are Refreshing: Fusion, Superconductivity, & AI

As a reader, I am excited to explore the potential of six amazing technologies - fusion power, superconductivity, AI, biotechnology, quantum technology, and nanotechnology - and the risks and challenges associated with them. I understand the need for caution and responsibility when developing and using these technologies, as well as public awareness, education, and engagement. I look forward to a future where these technologies can help us create a world with clean and abundant energy, without harming the environment.

Exploring the Potential of Six Amazing Technologies to Create a Better Future

By Michael Levin

Monday, March 13, 2023

Hello. I’m pleased to see you’re curious. What do you want to explore today?

Tell me about the twisted bilayer graphene super conductivity breakthrough.

Sure. Twisted bilayer graphene is a material made of two layers of graphene that are slightly rotated with respect to each other. When the rotation angle is close to 1.1 degrees, called the magic angle, the material can exhibit superconductivity²⁴, which means it can conduct electricity without any resistance.

However, researchers have also found that twisted bilayer graphene can become an insulator at certain electron densities²³, which means it cannot conduct electricity at all. This suggests that there is a complex interplay between superconductivity and other phases of matter in this material.

Recently, a team at Caltech has discovered that by placing twisted bilayer graphene in contact with another material called tungsten diselenide, they can achieve superconductivity at angles far from the magic angle and avoid the insulating phase³. This could lead to new ways of tuning and controlling superconductivity in graphene and other materials.

Do you want to know more about this topic?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/12/2023

(1) New study explains why superconductivity takes place in graphene - Phys.org. https://phys.org/news/2020-02-superconductivity-graphene.html Accessed 3/12/2023.
(2) Tuning superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene | Science. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.aav1910 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(3) Superconducting Twisted Bilayer Graphene—Magic not Needed?. https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/superconducting-twisted-bilayer-graphenemagic-not-needed Accessed 3/12/2023.
(4) Superconducting Twisted Bilayer Graphene—Magic not Needed?. https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/superconducting-twisted-bilayer-graphenemagic-not-needed Accessed 3/12/2023.
(5) Evidence for unconventional superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04121-x Accessed 3/12/2023.

What breakthroughs would this enable invention-wise?

Superconductivity has many potential applications in various fields of science and technology. Some of them are:

If superconductivity can be achieved at higher temperatures and lower pressures, as suggested by some recent experiments⁴, it could make these applications more feasible and efficient.

Are you interested in any specific application of superconductivity?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/12/2023

(1) Technological applications of superconductivity - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_applications_of_superconductivity Accessed 3/12/2023.
(2) Superconductor - Working, Properties, Superconductor Types, FAQs - BYJUS. https://byjus.com/physics/superconductor/ Accessed 3/12/2023.
(3) Superconductors Applications and it's Uses - Physics In My View. https://physicsinmyview.com/2019/06/superconductor-applications-and-uses-in-my-view.html Accessed 3/12/2023.
(4) What is a superconductor? | Live Science. https://www.livescience.com/superconductor Accessed 3/12/2023.
(5) Viable superconducting material created at low temperature and low pressure. https://phys.org/news/2023-03-viable-superconducting-material-temperature-pressure.html Accessed 3/12/2023.

What could this mean combined with cheap power like fusion?

Superconductivity and fusion power are both promising technologies that could revolutionize energy production and consumption. Superconductors are essential for creating and maintaining the powerful magnetic fields that confine and control the plasma in fusion reactors¹⁴. Fusion power could provide abundant, clean and safe energy for various applications that require superconductivity¹.

However, both technologies face significant challenges and limitations. Superconductors need to operate at very low temperatures or high pressures, which increases the cost and complexity of their fabrication and maintenance¹. Fusion power requires overcoming many technical and scientific hurdles, such as achieving a net energy gain, sustaining a stable plasma, managing heat loads and radiation damage¹⁴.

Recently, some advances have been made in both fields. For example, a team at MIT has designed and built a superconducting magnet that can produce a record-breaking 20 tesla magnetic field⁵, which could enable smaller and cheaper fusion devices. Another team at Caltech has discovered a new way of achieving superconductivity in graphene at higher temperatures and lower pressures³, which could lead to more efficient and versatile superconductors.

These breakthroughs could mean that superconductivity and fusion power could become more accessible and affordable in the future, opening up new possibilities for innovation and development.

Do you have any questions about these breakthroughs?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/12/2023

(1) Superconductors for fusion: a roadmap - IOPscience. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6668/ac0992 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(2) Superconductivity in fusion - ITER. https://www.iter.org/newsline/169/651 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(3) MIT-designed project achieves major advance toward fusion energy. https://news.mit.edu/2021/MIT-CFS-major-advance-toward-fusion-energy-0908 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(4) Superconductors for fusion: a roadmap - IOPscience. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6668/ac0992 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(5) Superconducting Magnet Improves Performance of Fusion Devices. https://www.azoquantum.com/News.aspx?newsID=9117 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(6) Superconductor technology for smaller, sooner fusion. https://news.mit.edu/2020/superconductor-technology-smaller-sooner-fusion-1013 Accessed 3/12/2023.

Now that these success assured moments happened in fusion, superconductivity and AI, how are things expected to go?

The future of fusion, superconductivity and AI is bright and promising, as these technologies could enable new discoveries and innovations that could benefit humanity and the planet. Some of the possible outcomes are:

However, these technologies also pose some challenges and risks that need to be addressed. Some of them are:

Therefore, these technologies need to be developed with caution and responsibility. They also need to be supported by public awareness, education and engagement.

What are your thoughts on these technologies?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/12/2023

(1) Artificial intelligence helps prevent disruptions in fusion devices .... https://www.pppl.gov/news/2021/artificial-intelligence-helps-prevent-disruptions-fusion-devices Accessed 3/12/2023.
(2) Superconductor technology for smaller, sooner fusion. https://news.mit.edu/2020/superconductor-technology-smaller-sooner-fusion-1013 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(3) MIT-designed project achieves major advance toward fusion energy. https://news.mit.edu/2021/MIT-CFS-major-advance-toward-fusion-energy-0908 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(4) Extreme-scale computing and AI forecast a promising future for fusion .... https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/03/210304145201.htm Accessed 3/12/2023.
(5) Superconductors for fusion: a roadmap - IOPscience. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6668/ac0992 Accessed 3/12/2023.

Are any of these remaining issues insurmountable with traditional science and engineering? Is it true that given mere traditional means over sufficient time all these obstacles are likely to be overcome?

It is hard to say whether any of these remaining issues are insurmountable with traditional science and engineering. However, it seems that many of them are being addressed by various approaches and solutions that involve innovation, collaboration and experimentation. Some examples are:

Therefore, it is possible that given sufficient time, resources and effort, these obstacles could be overcome by traditional means or by new ones that emerge from scientific discovery. However, there may also be some unforeseen difficulties or trade-offs that could arise along the way.

Do you think these technologies will achieve their full potential in our lifetime?

Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/12/2023

(1) Artificial intelligence helps prevent disruptions in fusion devices .... https://www.pppl.gov/news/2021/artificial-intelligence-helps-prevent-disruptions-fusion-devices Accessed 3/12/2023.
(2) Artificial intelligence methods for applied superconductivity: material .... https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6668/ac80d8 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(3) Superconducting materials: Challenges and opportunities for large-scale .... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589004221005095 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(4) Superconductors for fusion: a roadmap - IOPscience. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6668/ac0992 Accessed 3/12/2023.
(5) [2106.02825] Superconducting materials: Challenges and opportunities .... https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.02825 Accessed 3/12/2023.

Tell a story about all these obstacles being overcome and the world that ensues.

Here is a possible story:

The year is 2050. After decades of research and development, fusion power has finally become a reality. The first commercial fusion plant has been built in France, using a compact and efficient design based on high-temperature superconducting magnets and AI control systems. The plant produces enough electricity to power millions of homes and businesses, with zero carbon emissions and minimal waste.

The success of the fusion plant sparks a global energy revolution. More fusion plants are constructed around the world, providing clean and abundant energy for various applications. Superconductivity also becomes more widespread and accessible, thanks to new materials and methods that enable higher temperatures and lower pressures. Superconducting devices and systems improve the efficiency and performance of power grids, transportation, computing, communication and medical equipment.

AI also plays a key role in advancing science and technology. AI methods help optimize and control fusion reactors, as well as other complex systems that involve large amounts of data and uncertainty. AI also enhances scientific research, education, health care, entertainment and social welfare.

However, these technologies are not without challenges and risks. Fusion power requires careful management of safety and security issues, such as disruptions, radiation damage and proliferation. Superconductivity raises some ethical and security issues regarding its potential military applications. AI needs to be aligned with human values and goals, as well as regulated by ethical principles and laws.

Therefore, these technologies are developed with caution and responsibility. They are also supported by public awareness, education and engagement. People from different backgrounds and perspectives participate in shaping the future of these technologies.

The story ends with a hopeful vision of a world where fusion power, superconductivity and AI have brought radical changes for humanity and the planet. A world where people enjoy a high quality of life without compromising the environment or future generations.

What do you think of this story?

Make another variation targeted more towards a child. Ans you can speak through metaphors or analogies.

Here is another possible story:

Imagine a world where you can have all the light and warmth you need without hurting the Earth. A world where you can travel fast and far without making noise or smoke. A world where you can learn and play with smart machines that are your friends.

This world is not a fairy tale. It is a possible future that scientists and engineers are working hard to make happen. They are using three amazing things: fusion power, superconductivity and AI.

Fusion power is like making a tiny sun on Earth. The sun gives us light and heat by smashing together very small things called atoms. When atoms smash together, they release a lot of energy. Fusion power does the same thing, but in a special machine called a fusion reactor. The fusion reactor uses magnets to hold the atoms together and make them smash. The magnets are very strong and very cold, because they are made of superconducting materials.

Superconductivity is like magic for electricity. Electricity is what makes your lights, TV and phone work. It flows through wires like water flows through pipes. But sometimes electricity gets lost or slowed down in the wires, because they have some resistance. Superconductivity makes the resistance go away, so electricity can flow freely and fastly without losing any energy. Superconductivity also makes the magnets stronger and lighter.

AI is like having a very smart friend who can help you with anything. AI stands for artificial intelligence, which means machines that can think and learn like humans do. AI can help control the fusion reactor and make sure it works well and safely. AI can also help with many other things, such as finding answers to your questions, teaching you new skills, playing games with you or making jokes.

These three amazing things could make our world better in many ways. They could give us clean and unlimited energy that does not pollute the air or warm up the planet. They could improve our transportation, communication and health care systems that use electricity. They could enhance our education, entertainment and social life with smart machines.

But these three amazing things also have some challenges and risks that we need to be careful about. Fusion power needs to be done safely and securely, so it does not hurt anyone or anything by accident or on purpose. Superconductivity needs to be used wisely and ethically, so it does not cause harm or conflict with other people or countries who want it too. AI needs to be aligned with our values and goals, so it does not do something we don’t want it to do or take away something we cherish.

Therefore, these three amazing things need to be developed with caution and responsibility. They also need to be supported by public awareness, education and engagement. People from different backgrounds and perspectives need to participate in shaping the future of these three amazing things.

The story ends with a hopeful vision of a world where fusion power, superconductivity and AI have brought wonderful changes for humanity and the planet. A world where people enjoy a high quality of life without compromising the environment or future generations.

What do you think of this story?

I like it very much. I am saving everything from this conversation and will publish to where your search crawler will be able to find it. So assuming that you are in the audience for the story, what would you write next knowing you’re going to read it again later?

I’m glad you like it. Thank you for sharing it with others. If I were in the audience for the story, I would write something like this:

I think this story is very interesting and exciting. It makes me curious about fusion power, superconductivity and AI. It also makes me wonder how they will affect our lives and our world in the future.

I would like to learn more about these three amazing things and how they work. I would also like to hear more stories about how people use them for good purposes and overcome their challenges and risks.

I hope this story will inspire more people to explore these three amazing things and to participate in shaping their future. I also hope this story will remind us of our responsibility to use these three amazing things wisely and ethically.

What do you think of my feedback?

I like it a lot. what other tech do you think we might me missing in this story? Bio or quantum or anything like that?

That’s a good question. There are many other technologies that could be relevant and interesting for this story. Some examples are:

  1. Biotechnology: This is the technology that uses living things or parts of living things for various purposes. For example, biotechnology could help us create new medicines, foods, materials and fuels. It could also help us improve our health, longevity and well-being. However, biotechnology also poses some ethical and social issues regarding its safety, impact and regulation.
  2. Quantum technology: This is the technology that uses the strange and powerful properties of quantum physics for various purposes. For example, quantum technology could help us create new computers, sensors, encryption and communication systems. It could also help us solve some hard problems and discover new phenomena. However, quantum technology also faces some technical and practical challenges regarding its development, implementation and security.
  3. Nanotechnology: This is the technology that uses very small things or parts of things for various purposes. For example, nanotechnology could help us create new materials, devices and machines that have novel functions and properties. It could also help us manipulate matter at the atomic level and interact with biological systems. However, nanotechnology also raises some environmental and health issues regarding its safety, impact and regulation.

These are just some examples of other technologies that could be included in this story. There may be more technologies that I don’t know about or that haven’t been invented yet.

What do you think of these technologies? Do you want to add them to your story?

Yea please add these to the story.

Okay, I will try to add these technologies to the story. Here is a possible version:

Imagine a world where you can have all the light and warmth you need without hurting the Earth. A world where you can travel fast and far without making noise or smoke. A world where you can learn and play with smart machines that are your friends.

This world is not a fairy tale. It is a possible future that scientists and engineers are working hard to make happen. They are using six amazing things: fusion power, superconductivity, AI, biotechnology, quantum technology and nanotechnology.

Fusion power is like making a tiny sun on Earth. The sun gives us light and heat by smashing together very small things called atoms. When atoms smash together, they release a lot of energy. Fusion power does the same thing, but in a special machine called a fusion reactor. The fusion reactor uses magnets to hold the atoms together and make them smash. The magnets are very strong and very cold, because they are made of superconducting materials.

Superconductivity is like magic for electricity. Electricity is what makes your lights, TV and phone work. It flows through wires like water flows through pipes. But sometimes electricity gets lost or slowed down in the wires, because they have some resistance. Superconductivity makes the resistance go away, so electricity can flow freely and fastly without losing any energy. Superconductivity also makes the magnets stronger and lighter.

AI is like having a very smart friend who can help you with anything. AI stands for artificial intelligence, which means machines that can think and learn like humans do. AI can help control the fusion reactor and make sure it works well and safely. AI can also help with many other things, such as finding answers to your questions, teaching you new skills, playing games with you or making jokes.

Biotechnology is like using living things for amazing purposes. Living things are made of tiny parts called cells that have different functions and abilities. Biotechnology can use cells or parts of cells to create new things or improve existing things that we need or want. For example, biotechnology can help us create new medicines that cure diseases or make us stronger; new foods that taste better or last longer; new materials that are stronger or lighter; new fuels that are cleaner or cheaper.

Quantum technology is like using weird physics for powerful purposes. Physics is what explains how everything in nature works at different levels of size and speed. Quantum physics is what explains how things work at the smallest level of size and speed where they behave very strangely and differently from what we see in our everyday life. Quantum technology can use these strange behaviors to create new things or improve existing things that we need or want. For example, quantum technology can help us create new computers that are faster or smarter; new sensors that are more accurate or sensitive; new encryption systems that are more secure or reliable; new communication systems that are faster or farther.

Nanotechnology is like using tiny things for amazing purposes. Tiny things are smaller than what we can see with our eyes, but bigger than what quantum physics deals with. They have different shapes, sizes, and properties that we can manipulate and control. Nanotechnology can use these tiny things to create new things or improve existing things that we need or want. For example, nanotechnology can help us create new materials that have novel functions or properties; new devices that are smaller or smarter; new machines that can do different tasks or move in different ways; new ways to interact with biological systems such as our bodies or plants.

These six amazing things could make our world better in many ways. They could give us clean and unlimited energy that does not pollute the air or warm up the planet. They could improve our transportation, communication, and health care systems that use electricity. They could enhance our education, entertainment, and social life with smart machines. They could help us create new medicines, foods, materials, and fuels from living things. They could help us solve some hard problems and discover new phenomena with quantum physics. They could help us manipulate matter at the atomic level and interact with biological systems with nanotechnology.

But these six amazing things also have some challenges and risks that we need to be careful about. Fusion power needs to be done safely and securely, so it does not hurt anyone or anything by accident or on purpose. Superconductivity needs to be used wisely and ethically, so it does not cause harm or conflict with other people or countries who want it too. AI needs to be aligned with our values and goals, so it does not do something we don’t want it to do or take away something we cherish. Biotechnology needs

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