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Sorting by Histogram Intersections with KMeans Clustering

I'm exploring the KMeans clustering algorithm to better understand how it works. To do this, I'm using the Elbow method to determine the optimal number of clusters and then using the KMeans fit method to sort the data into the chosen number of clusters. I plotted a scatter graph with x and y values, and used the kmeans.labels_ parameter to color code the points and clearly show the clusters that had been formed.

Exploring KMeans Clustering with Histogram Intersections and the Elbow Method

By Michael Levin

Sunday, January 15, 2023

I am trying to wrap my mind around a bare minimum example of KMeans for clustering. This is one of those giant steps forward if I master it. Get yourself written by a radioactive spider. This one has some challenges. The challenges do not include the initial import, which is pretty straight forward. We don’t need much:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

Next we just make a 2-dimensional numpy array.

da = np.random.rand(100, 2)

This too is easily understood and a pretty neat trick for making experimental arrays of data to work on. If you imported the Pandas library you could for example stamp out quick DataFrames for playing around like this:

pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(100, 4))

The fact we’re going with 2-column for this investigation is important because we are comparing how close column-1 is to column-2 and then grouping the results by closeness. There is no avoiding a column-3 though because each group is going to need its own numeric label. You can’t have things belonging to things if they have no label to tag that thing, which brings us to the next step I’m trying to wrap my head around.

Okay, by doing this line on the import, we have a KMeans “factory class” just like we have when we used Counter or namedtuple from collections. We are staging ourselves to set up a kmeans instance of a KMeans factory class.

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

At the moment you create such an instance, you need to know a few things. It’s not much because the “fitting” of the data to a target number of buckets has not occurred yet. However, there is a very related concept you do have to deal with right up front and this is one of my tripping-up points. Labels you know imply the spoken word. I’m labeling this sub-group as this and that sub-group as that. And your original data often already has such labels. This row of data came from file-A on the drive and that row of data came from file-B on the drive, and so on. Every row might have its own human-readable label, but we have to put that aside for a moment. We can always “map back” to such human labels but for the purposes of machine learning, and the sort of clustering we’re doing here is a form of machine learning, we must concede this step to the machine and let it work with numbers.

Therefore at this critical juncture of learning KMeans, we must grapple with the strange fact that at the moment we instantiate a new instance of the KMeans class, the “n_clusters” parameter is actually asking you how many auto-generated labels you would like, sequentially numbered from 0 to N, you would like to be generated and mapped to each row of the array being fed. You’re “giving a name” to every row, as numerical and similar to auto-indexes as these labels may be. But KMeans likes to call this index labels, and so be it. We yield and lean into the strength of the tools. So when we say:

da = np.random.rand(100, 2)

…we now are sitting on a 2-column numpy array. We are going to be making some sort of statement about each one of those rows and in order to talk about then and address them, we create the factory instance of that KMeans class telling it to assign every row in the class a number from 0 to N. We can then access those labels through the .labels_ property of the kmeans instance, like so:

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=8, n_init="auto").fit(da)
labels = kmeans.labels_

And so, this will always be true:

len(labels) == len(da)

Get it? In a way some grouping has already been done. Your N-number of desired labels will be spread out over your numeric array. It’s sort of like setting your fixed frame of reference or the window into the graph you’re eventually going to be plotting which will say something like:

Row 1, which we refer to by it’s Label A value, maps to Bucket (or Bin) B.

Wait, what? So we chunk up our source data into Label-groups and that’s not our clustering yet? We still have to sort them and drop them into their Buckets? So there’s still a number of destination buckets to define? Yes indeedy, and that’s the “fitting” part of this model.

You won’t hear it said, but the labeling of rows at the moment you initiate a new factory-class of KMeans is the easy calculation and must be gotten out of the way at initialization of a new kmeans instance. What comes next however is the part that takes the work. It’s a bit frustrating from a novice point of view, because now you have 2-levers to pull and they seem similar.

Okay, to understand the next step, we’ve got to deconstruct a few things. First, numpy arrays are like Pandas DataFrames in that you look at an instance of da the way you would a df, and they both have square bracket index interfaces. In fact, it has the iloc interface by default.


And so since we asked for 2 columns each containing random numbers between 0 and 1, we can select about half of them with a bit-filter just as you would in Pandas:

da[:,0] > .5

And also as with Pandas, such a bit mask can be used as a boolean mask key to select a subset of a larger frame:

da[da[:,0] > .5]

…whose len() is 47, confirming this selects about half the rows.

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, n_init="auto").fit(da)
labels = kmeans.labels_

Now there’s a chicken and egg problem here. n_clusters=3? Really? Who’s to say? Isn’t coming up with a value for N the first challenge? This page seems to think so: https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_ml_k-means.asp

When you ask for N clusters, N can be no larger than the number of rows in your sample data. You can’t distribute 10 items over 11 bins and end up with an item in each bin, so you lower the max number of potential bins to no bigger than the number of items being sorted.

The fact you’ve got to chose your number of clusters at the outset is its own pre-problem problem. You can ballpark numbers, but how do you know you’re choosing the right number of clusters


When we call the fit method of a kmeans instance, we already need to have set our N cluster and that’s very chicken-and-egg. We can do a pre-spin and look at what the output WOULD be if we asked for that number of clusters.

I currently have this example, but I think it’s missing a big part of the point:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

# Generate data
np2a = np.random.rand(100, 2)
buckets = 30

# Fit KMeans model
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, n_init="auto").fit(np2a)
labels = kmeans.labels_


# Create histograms for each cluster
c1, _ = np.histogram(np2a[labels == 0], bins=buckets)
c2, _ = np.histogram(np2a[labels == 1], bins=buckets)
c3, _ = np.histogram(np2a[labels == 2], bins=buckets)

# Calculate histogram intersection
# hist_intersection = np.minimum(c1, np.minimum(c2, c3))
hist_intersection = np.minimum(c1, c3)

# Plot the histogram intersection
plt.bar(range(buckets), hist_intersection)

Back up, turn a little and retry. Okay, I’ve turned their sample code into:

from random import randint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

range_size = randint(10, 50)

x = [randint(1, 10) for x in range(range_size)]
y = [randint(1, 10) for x in range(range_size)]

plt.scatter(x, y)

And then:

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

data = list(zip(x, y))
inertias = []

for i in range(1, 11):
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=i, n_init="auto")

plt.plot(range(1, 11), inertias, marker="o")
plt.title("Elbow method")
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")

And finally:

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, n_init="auto")

plt.scatter(x, y, c=kmeans.labels_)
