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Rendering Un-Styled Jekyll Markdown Drafts for Pasting Into Google Docs

Render un-styled Jekyll Markdown drafts for pasting into Google Docs with this easy-to-implement technique. Learn how to use the `published: false` directive, the `yaml_generator` function, and a stripped-down template named `plain.html` to generate drafts that can be pasted into Google Docs.

I Upgraded My Game by Rendering Un-Styled Jekyll Markdown Drafts for Pasting Into Google Docs

By Michael Levin

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Okay, by how many notches can you up your game, and by what rate and cadence? Let this be like starting a new life, but now with the AI-assistance you’ve always needed. Sources of first-hand advice in my life have not been the greatest. My parents didn’t know shit and died early. I’ve scraped together what learnings I could here and there, and have been blessed enough to try out a few theories and have a few pan out. I’m the better for it, but it now feels just like the deep breath of marshalling resources just at the beginning of getting started.

And getting started always looks like 1, 2, 3… 1? It’s always step 1 because you can never live in anything but the now moment. And now that I understand the predictive quality of GPT, it dawns on me that to think about 2 and 3 while you’re always doing step-1 is spot-on point. I’ve been living my life like the way GPT seems to work, but without having trained on enough data. And GPT appears to run in “batch” mode, which breaks the metaphor, because in real life we apply what we learn right as we go.

Okay, so in adding support for the published: false directive in the yaml front matter of my individual journal posts, I also cleaned up a piece of core code and also added generic support for any arbitrary (top-hierarchy) fields I want to use. This opens the door to other things like category, or those other fields I was looking at like advice and question which I have since torn out. But I may want to layer in structure data for FAQs and such, and if I do these fields I can use on-the-fly could be useful. It’s a solid alternative to new data in SQlite every time. This is always a textfile-first approach.

Just a few points of cleaning up after that last round of work. I have to make sure that items with the published: false directive are not included in the list of posts that I create in the _includes folder. Hmmm. I have to filter out the unpublished posts in a few places. It may be more efficient if I do that in the yaml_generator. Not immediately obvious how and whether to, so take note and revisit some other time.

The new technique of verbatim transposing YAML front-matter from source seems to have the effect of upper-casing the first letter of bit fields like published: False to Python-style instead of Ruby, which may be a no-no. Ugh, I’d hate to have to handle that. Do a test render…

A few things to check:

The 2 lists are fine, but I just realized the arrows are still being generated by Jekyll, which while it has the advantage of having filtered out the non-published post, it doesn’t have the order right and should really be handled by Python. Do it now while the iron is hot. This is not a rabbit hole. You have nearly identical code implemented in the category pages.

Do it now while the iron is hot. This is not a rabbit hole. You have nearly identical code implemented in the category pages.

Ugh! Too much record keeping if the yaml_generator function doesn’t do the filtering based on the published field! Move it there. Okay, done. Still not a rabbit hole.

Okay, just deleted all the checks for the yaml published field being false from about the code to one instance centralized in the yaml generator. This puts even generating a draft version at risk, but that’s the least bad of the evils. I’ll have to look at how to generate the draft version somewhere else for preview. Specifically putting a fully rendered HTML version in Google Docs, which is were we as a company do this sort of article collaboration.

After this test-render, the arrows on the posts page, and after that an HTML version (or equivalent) to put in Google Docs. And that will be a good round of upping your game. As realities change on you, tap your strength and lean into the change. Muster your strength. Marshal your resources.

Okay, the code’s in place for Python-controlled prev/next arrows on the Jekyll post pages. Render out the site with both types of arrows on each page, haha! Take a look to see if the new arrows render correctly, and compare them to the old especially in terms of order. The old ones couldn’t tell the right order for multiple posts on the same day (I don’t put timestamps in the filename).

Pshwew! Okay, some little rabbit hole. But it’s still just 3:00 PM. Not too much time lost on Jekyll arrows. The issue is that there’s one count of all the posts that are ready to be published, and there’s another count when you parse the yaml, I had to finesse the index used in the list of tuples generated for the arrows to not be an i of enumerate, but rather a conditional counter. This is often the case. Stay more alert for this particular pattern. Often, you can’t trust your own i’s.

Minimize tech liability. Minimize tech overhead. Minimize tech complexity. Reduce surface area that you have to deal with. The complexity is always of course still there, but the trick to making it well hidden is to tweak up and surface only those bits that are the musical notes you wish to be orchestrating. If you look at it and it looks like a mess, the process of wrapping things in the correct interfaces has gone wrong. The wrong assumptions were made, and a rethink is in order.

Mistakes along these lines will bog you down. Stuff getting into a content management system that actually reduces your publishing flexibility is an excellent example. Or a CMS that isn’t search optimized. A series of little transformations, sometimes lovingly hand-crafted and interceded with when run, are in order… in order to get order, haha!

Okay, most little touches are done. Keeping the published: false directive in the yaml front matter of a post will now prevent it from being included in the list of posts that are generated. And the arrows on the post pages are now Python-controlled and looking real good.

But I effectively have 3 articles now that I’d like to offer up on the MOZ blog, and I should “package” them in a way so compelling that it’d be ridiculous to not use, but either way be cool with it. Just eliminate reasons not to.

Think it through. What’s the light-touch solution to go from Markdown in your journal to rendered HTML that can be pasted into Google Docs while preserving formatting, embedding the images, etc?

I think the answer is to just use the Jekyll-generated HTML.

Okay, the 80/20 rule is to have a security-though-obscurity version that’s rendered by Github Pages just like everything else, but there’s a separate step in site generation that handles the inverse of current: those posts that have a published field of false. It would use different CSS by virtue of everything in that sequence being built differently. It would not use the _layouts/default.html at all, but instead a stripped down version that links to a different CSS which is “against white” instead of “against black”. It would have no navigation at all and just be the article, graphics, etc. You would have to know the URL (which the system will tell me), and you can then just visit the URL and copy/paste it into Google Docs using all the effort everyone has gone through to make sure formatting stays consistent.

My CSS would be as vanilla and unopinionated as possible so that the Google Docs defaults are applied. The paste will be a normal Ctrl+C type that pastes with formatting, and not the Ctrl+Shift+C that pastes plain text without formatting. This is the right next project because it releases the built-up potential that won’t be realized so long as there are easy reasons to say no, because I’ve somehow created greater publishing friction in the system than there needs to be.

Make it copy/paste ready directly from Google Docs for whatever the current process is by which it goes from Google Docs to CMS.

1, 2, 3… 1?

Make a super stripped-down template named plain.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
{{ content }}

I don’t know if that will even render in a blog post. It will be a good test. I’m using the raw tag to prevent Jekyll from processing it.

Okay, now turn everything off your process flow control and add one new stand-alone function in the playground and add that as the only active thing in the flow control sequence.

Okay, now I have a place to look for the drafts. Find the closest matching function. It’s yaml_chop, but interestingly I just made it filter out everything where published is false and I need the inverse. So add an optional parameter to yaml_chop that defaults to false, and if it’s true, then it only returns the draft versions.

Here’s the drafts function.

def drafts():
    for i, (fm, body, combined) in enumerate(yaml_generator(YAMLESQUE, drafts=True)):

Here’s what it invokes:

def yaml_generator(full_path, reverse=False, drafts=False):
    # __   __ _    __  __ _        ____                           _
    # \ \ / // \  |  \/  | |      / ___| ___ _ __   ___ _ __ __ _| |_ ___  _ __
    #  \ V // _ \ | |\/| | |     | |  _ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | __/ _ \| '__|
    #   | |/ ___ \| |  | | |___  | |_| |  __/ | | |  __/ | | (_| | || (_) | |
    #   |_/_/   \_\_|  |_|_____|  \____|\___|_| |_|\___|_|  \__,_|\__\___/|_|
    """Yields a stream of 3-tuples (YAML, post, original) from YAMLesque file.
    If there's no YAML, the yielded tuple will be (None, original, original)"""
    with open(full_path, "r") as fh:
        posts = CHOP.split(fh.read())
        if reverse:
            posts.reverse()  # Reverse so article indexes don't change.
        for i, post in enumerate(posts):
            rv = None, post, post  # Always rebuild source at very least.
            py, yaml_str, body = None, "", ""
            if "---" in post:
                yaml_str, body = post.split("---", 1)
                    py = yaml.load(yaml_str, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
                    rv = py, body, post
                except yaml.YAMLError:
                    # Deliberately passing silently to prevent attempts
                    # to create pages where there is no page to create.
            if py and "published" in py and py["published"] == False and drafts:
                # It's a draft and function invoked with drafts=True
                yield rv
            elif py and "published" in py and py["published"] == False:
                # It's a draft and function invoked with drafts=False (default)
                # so skip it.
            elif not drafts:
                yield rv

And the output is the 1-loop 0 from the enumerate counter as expected. It’s working!

Okay… think! Look what yaml_chop is doing to choose the template. Yup wow, could it really be this easy:

def drafts():
    for i, (fm, body, combined) in enumerate(yaml_generator(YAMLESQUE, drafts=True)):
        # Format the date:
        adate = fm["date"]
        date_object = datetime.strptime(adate, "%a %b %d, %Y")
        adate = date_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
        fm["date"] = adate

        # Build the permalink:
        stem = slugify(fm["title"])
        fm["permalink"] = f"{BLOG}{stem}/"

        filename = f"{OUTPUT_PATH}/{adate}-{stem}.md"
        with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh:
            for afield in fm:
                if afield != "published":
                    fh.write(f"{afield}: {sq(fm[afield])}\n")
                fh.write(f"{afield}: {sq(fm[afield])}\n")
            fh.write("layout: plain\n")
    print("drafts chopped!")

Well, it was almost that easy. I have yaml_generator serving quite a few purposes. I don’t want to spread this core code over different locations, so there’s quite a few parameters to control the behavior. The complexity of this sort of thing has to be held at bay. This is just about the upper limit.

def yaml_generator(full_path, reverse=False, drafts=False, clone=False):
    # __   __ _    __  __ _        ____                           _
    # \ \ / // \  |  \/  | |      / ___| ___ _ __   ___ _ __ __ _| |_ ___  _ __
    #  \ V // _ \ | |\/| | |     | |  _ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | __/ _ \| '__|
    #   | |/ ___ \| |  | | |___  | |_| |  __/ | | |  __/ | | (_| | || (_) | |
    #   |_/_/   \_\_|  |_|_____|  \____|\___|_| |_|\___|_|  \__,_|\__\___/|_|
    """Yields a stream of 3-tuples (YAML, post, original) from YAMLesque file.
    If there's no YAML, the yielded tuple will be (None, original, original)"""
    with open(full_path, "r") as fh:
        posts = CHOP.split(fh.read())
        if reverse:
            posts.reverse()  # Reverse so article indexes don't change.
        for i, post in enumerate(posts):
            rv = None, post, post  # Always rebuild source at very least.
            py, yaml_str, body = None, "", ""
            if "---" in post:
                yaml_str, body = post.split("---", 1)
                    py = yaml.load(yaml_str, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
                    rv = py, body, post
                except yaml.YAMLError:
                    # Deliberately passing silently to prevent attempts
                    # to create pages where there is no page to create.
            if clone:
                # If we're cloning, we want to yield everything.
                yield rv
            elif py and "published" in py and py["published"] == False and drafts:
                # It's a draft and we're rendering drafts.
                yield rv
            elif py and "published" in py and py["published"] == False:
                # It's a draft and we're not rendering drafts.
                # so skip it.
            elif not drafts:
                # The general default.
                yield rv
