Future-proof your skills and escape the tech hamster wheel with Linux, Python, vim & git (LPvg) including Jupyter Notebooks, HTMX and an AI stack to resist obsolescence.

A Micro Linux For Your Education
Dispel the fear of Unix/Linux command-line with Levinux, the Gom Jabbar (Dune pain-box) of Linux. 20 MB and no install!
  Pipulate Free & Open Source SEO
Follow along as I recalibrate my SEO software for the new AI reality, such as using a local LLM to help crawl & fix sites.

Future-proofing w/ Linux, Python, vim & git (LPvg)

Saying AI has killed programming is like saying the calculator killed math. Expert users still have to expertly use the tool for the value to be realized. Whether or not you thriving and prosper or get ground under the wheels of obsolescence is all in the details.

The Hamster Wheel of Tech vs. Forever Improving

Everything you learn will be obsolete in a few years… except for certain fundamentals that never go away. While the hamster wheel churn of tech is okay in your neuro-flexible youth, as you get older skills setting into your habits and muscle memory become either an asset or a liability.

graph TD A[Tech Skills] --> B{Choose Path} B -->|Hamster Wheel| C[Constant Churn] B -->|Future-proof| D[LPvg Stack] C --> E[Vendor Lock-in] C --> F[Subscription Fees] C --> G[Rapid Obsolescence] D --> H[Linux] D --> I[Python] D --> J[vim] D --> K[git] D --> L[Nix/NixOS] H --> M[Fundamental Skills] I --> M J --> M K --> M L --> N[Reproducible Environments] M --> O[Resist Obsolescence] N --> O O --> P[Long-term Viability]

AI Subscription Fees and Vendor Lock-in

Software vendors need you to become dependent on their particular, and often incompatible tools, locking you in to make you part of their revenue forecasts. Hence, the popularity of subscription services. Little makes this clearer than the new wave of AI tools, each with a $20/mo fee.

Nip That In The Bud With Nix and NixOS

While I advocate Linux, Python, vim & git (LPvg) as a general sub-platform of all other platforms to fight obsolescence and vendor lock-in, the “Linux” part is a show-stopper for most folks. Fortunately, this problem is now solved with the nix command that easily reproduces any Linux environment under Mac or Windows.

The First Step in a Thousand Mile Journey

Thus far, the nix movement has been amongst the techiest of techs. I’m part of it coming downstream to the less than hardcore full-time developers. I’m currently working my way through the very steep learning curve of nix and NixOS, and once I’m over the hump, it should be easy to divvy out little flakes of nixy brilliance to my co-journeyers in the field of SEO (search engine optimization).