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The AIs Will Find You If You're Unique

I'm taking my Google Photos processing to the next level by creating a service to download and copy one month of photos at random. To do this, I'm using Python scripts, headless Linux Chrome automation, and the headlines import to generate a list of files to be archived. I'm also taking the Google Photos tutorial out of the practice folder and moving it to the actual gphotos repo. Follow my journey as I take my Google Photos processing to the next level!

Exploring Google Photos Processing: My Journey to Automate and Archive a Month of Photos

By Michael Levin

Monday, February 6, 2023

Be one of the most interesting people on the Net whether the general populace realizes it or not. AIs will eventually realize it for them. That’s a huge point of AI, to recognize actual newness. When to pay attention to the outliers is important. Be an outlier earlier when nobody is paying attention and use that as a shield and smokescreen advantage to get ahead of everybody else in a lot of skills that are going to be day-to-day necessary in the new world, and then teach ‘em. That’s when you cash in, just as you’re going into your retirement, LOL!

Okay, but for right now I’ve got to take this Google Photos processing to the next level. So far I have something I can schedule in a Linux service that will download one new month at random from my Google Photos and copy it local. Over time, it will all just accumulate up on the NAS, and first pass of the 80/20-rule will be accomplished. With step #1, all my Google Photos will be backed up in time. It will take awhile, but I’m spreading it out. I want to catch up with it with another task that will move archived items to the trash.

I download the list of archived and favorites for each week-period. The file sizes for these database for a week time-frame aren’t so big that I can’t keep them on the NAS too and work directly off of them for building lists and checking status. Okay, so think. For each directory you encounter, you’re going to want to know right then all 3 lists:

Okay, wow I put together this little gem to start the housekeeping work:

# Generate List of Files to Be Archived
folders = [x.name for x in Path(f"{nas_loc}").glob("*")]
for folder in folders:
    main = f"{databases}/{folder}-main.db"
    favs = f"{databases}/{folder}-favs.db"
    allz = f"{databases}/{folder}-all.db"
    if all([Path(x).is_file() for x in [main, favs, allz]]):
        with sqldict(main) as db:
        with sqldict(favs) as db:
        with sqldict(allz) as db:

And the next logical step takes us towards where we are going to want to build a function:

# Generate List of Files to Be Archived
folders = [x.name for x in Path(f"{nas_loc}").glob("*")]
for folder in folders:
    main = f"{databases}/{folder}-main.db"
    favs = f"{databases}/{folder}-favs.db"
    allz = f"{databases}/{folder}-all.db"
    if all([Path(x).is_file() for x in [main, favs, allz]]):
        with sqldict(main) as db:
            for key in db:
                data = db[key]
        with sqldict(favs) as db:
            for key in db:
                data = db[key]
        with sqldict(allz) as db:
            for key in db:
                data = db[key]

The above becomes:

def get_ids(dbname):
    ids = []
    with sqldict(dbname) as db:
        for key in db:
            data = db[key]
            if "mediaItems" in data:
                ids += [x["id"] for x in data["mediaItems"]]
    return set(ids)

# Generate List of Files to Be Archived
folders = [x.name for x in Path(f"{nas_loc}").glob("*")]
for folder in folders:
    maindb = f"{databases}/{folder}-main.db"
    favsdb = f"{databases}/{folder}-favs.db"
    allzdb = f"{databases}/{folder}-all.db"
    if all([Path(x).is_file() for x in [maindb, favsdb, allzdb]]):
        print(folder, end=" ")
        main = get_ids(maindb)
        favs = get_ids(favsdb)
        allz = get_ids(allzdb)
        archive = allz - main
        move_to_trash_all = archive - favs
        main_files = {x.name.split("____")[0] for x in Path(f"{nas_loc}/{folder}").glob("*")}
        archive_files = {x.name.split("____")[0] for x in Path(f"{nas_loc}/{folder}/archive").glob("*")}
        move_to_trash = move_to_trash_all - archive_files

Wow, and this gives me 3 sets of media IDs to work with. There’s a derivative list to produce now, the archives, which is allz - main. Okay, done. I have the list of ids that should be moved to trash. So what do we do now?

We get a list of the files that are on the filesystem that match those IDs. There are 2 places to look in each week-number directory: right inside of it, and in the archive folder that’s inside of it.

Hmmm. This also gives me a natural processing order, and in fact a chunking order. We don’t want oversized runaway jobs we’re waiting forever for it to complete. Rather, we want to take advantage of the natural week-size chunks we already tended to ensuring.

Okay, so let’s improve the output and make it so it could process one week-folder on each run. This now requires the headlines import:

from headlines import *

h2("Making First Set of IDs for Moving")

# Generate List of Files to Be Archived
folders = [x.name for x in Path(f"{nas_loc}").glob("*")]
for folder in folders:
    maindb = f"{databases}/{folder}-main.db"
    favsdb = f"{databases}/{folder}-favs.db"
    allzdb = f"{databases}/{folder}-all.db"
    if all([Path(x).is_file() for x in [maindb, favsdb, allzdb]]):
        h3(f"Folder: {folder}")

        # Get list of main files per database and filesystem
        main_files = {
            x.name.split("____")[0] for x in Path(f"{nas_loc}/{folder}").glob("*")
        main = get_ids(maindb)

        if len(main_files) > len(main):
            favs = get_ids(favsdb)
            allz = get_ids(allzdb)
            archive = allz - main
            move_to_trash_all = archive - favs
            archives_gen = Path(f"{nas_loc}/{folder}/archive").glob("*")
            archive_files = {x.name.split("____")[0] for x in archives_gen}
            move_to_trash = move_to_trash_all - archive_files
            print(f"Media items to move to trash: {len(move_to_trash)}")

The next step is to add file-moving to the already existing headless Linux Chrome automation under Microsoft Playwright. It’s now in Python synchronous mode so it won’t run under Jupyter anymore, but now that it’s under nbdev, I can partially develop it under Jupyter and have the actual scheduled running come from the complete .py extraction. Of course I have to get the in-Notebook but non-executable portion correct.

Okay, I got it working on the headless Linux LXD NAS server, but now I have git committed changes to the nbdev auto-generated .py file getting it working. I committed on the server and pulled local.

Wow, it’s in very nice shape. I think I want to take the Google Photos tutorial out of the practice folder. This has become so specific on how it works. If I want to go public with it, I want to do it with the actual gphotos repo and not my practice folder.

Okay, done.
