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Using Google Photos API to Generate Main, Archive & Favorite Media Lists

I'm using Google Photos API to generate three databases - 'all', 'main', and 'favorites' - and an 'archive' database. I'm using Python functions to query the API, store the results, and create custom labeled tuples with a start date and end date. I'm also chunking the project into week-by-week chunks, making it easier to manage. This code provides a way to make the code clearer and easier to understand.

Creating Easier Access to Google Photos API with Python Functions

By Michael Levin

Friday, February 3, 2023

Okay the Google Photos gradual delete program that uses browser automation on a headless Linux server making up for the API’s lack of organizing features ran overnight. It’s a slow process, but moving things into the trashcan is allowed to trickle day by day. Emptying Trashcan is still manual, or automatic on files deleted more than 60 days ago, so there’s a nice margin for error.

The thing I find issue with is how I generate the databases. There is not necessarily a Next Page Token.

My start has been absolutely awesome. However, I do want to maybe protect favorites from deletion even if they’re in the archive. That’s an interesting thing. Delete favorites off last.

Get busy! We need 3 queries, each of which has its own chunked raw data:

"includeArchivedMedia": archive

Hmmm. I designed this lovely function to query against Google Photos:

def search(npt, start, end, archive=True, favorites=False):
    sY, sM, sD = start.split("-")
    eY, eM, eD = end.split("-")

    args = {
        "pageSize": 100,
        "pageToken": npt,
        "filters": {
            "includeArchivedMedia": archive,
            "dateFilter": {
                "ranges": [
                        "startDate": {"year": sY, "month": sM, "day": sD},
                        "endDate": {"year": eY, "month": eM, "day": eD},
    if favorites:
        args["filters"]["featureFilter"] = {"includedFeatures": ["FAVORITES"]}
    return args

And I can send input like this:

search("foo", "2023-01-31", "2023-02-31", archive=False, favorites=True)

…which creates this output:

{'pageSize': 100,
 'pageToken': 'foo',
 'filters': {'includeArchivedMedia': False,
  'dateFilter': {'ranges': [{'startDate': {'year': '2023',
      'month': '01',
      'day': '31'},
     'endDate': {'year': '2023', 'month': '02', 'day': '31'}}]},
  'featureFilter': {'includedFeatures': ['FAVORITES']}}}

Okay, so for each week I actually want to produce 3 raw databases. The data within is chunked because of paged requests and replies. That means no ideal primary key for each chunk. Maybe the API call, but the first has “None’s” by default, so you can’t go using “None” as a primary key type. There always needs to be SOMETHING there to be unique, to be a key.

So much personality and understandability and usability of a pseudo-app like this (pseudo-app because it exists mostly as it exists as a distributed Jupyter Notebook), comes from how you name these files.

So with 3 API-calls, you can get all, main and favs. With 1 more pass, you get:

There’s no API-call to produce only media items from the archive, so we must live with doing the 3 data-pulls we can, keep 3 separate “raw” databases. Such a database as this contains “chunked” data. That is, the results were banked right away in a pickled format using the details of the API-call to “unpickle” that data, and therefore you can take a snapshot of an API-response for later recreation, much like a cache, but 100% under your control with SQLite3 tech.

Okay, the best way to produce economic product is to be skilled. These are the skills now in the new data era. If you don’t want to be reliant on particular products that are a signature of this time and place, and you’d rather “just know tech stuff”, then follow closely. I’m about to talk through how to use API-calls as namedtuple primary keys in a sqlite database, without having to know SQL nor much more but how to use a Python dict and the “context manager”, which is a fancy way of knowing to use the with keyword.

I need to run the above query with a variety of different input-values in order to produce the local data I need for following steps. This is the raw-data data-collection phase of a project. But it’s too big to get it all right away. So how do you “chunk” your greater job. How would you for example, process your entire Google Photos history in week-by-week chunks?

Weeks are about right, because if you think of each week as an image-folder, no week will have so much media that it becomes unmanageable with a typical modern laptop. A ~2020 Windows laptop can handle a week’s worth of Google Data photo from your account pretty easily. I suppose some people may have such busy media-production weeks that it’d strain this system on busy weeks. But for the most part, looking at your entire life week-by-week is going to be a couple thousand folders at most.

So let’s chunk your life up based on weeks. The week of your birth is week 1. I’m so close to Unix Timestamp time which is January 1, 1970 that I use the week of my birthday in the example. Change it to UTC or put your own birthday in there. That’ll give you a week-1 and a fixed frame-of-reference for time. Got that? You control the X/Y-axis of your life. You live the X, so let’s create the tick-marks of your life. Week-1 is a number of days between 1 and 7 based on what day-of-the-week you were born. That’s week 1. Week 2 is the first full week following that starting Monday. And so on.

So I produce this output:

Constrain time-ranges
Using start date: Thursday, 1970-08-27
Week-zero starts: Monday, 1970-08-24
It has been 2737 weeks since start.
Table of tuples (this is your life)¶

Week(number='0', start='1970-08-24', end='1970-08-30')
Week(number='1', start='1970-08-31', end='1970-09-06')
Week(number='2', start='1970-09-07', end='1970-09-13')
Week(number='2734', start='2023-01-16', end='2023-01-22')
Week(number='2735', start='2023-01-23', end='2023-01-29')
Week(number='2736', start='2023-01-30', end='2023-02-05')

Selecting random week
Random week between 2010-11-08 and 2018-01-01 is:
Week(number='2426', start='2017-02-20', end='2017-02-26')

And so you see, you give it an initial input and now you’ve got a week-1 and a finite number of bundled arguments ready to be serializable string-keys (my favorite kind of keys). This is kooky. Follow along. Python’s got something called a namedtuple that you get access to like this:

from collections import namedtuple

And with that, you can create your own custom “labeled” tuple like so:

Week = namedtuple("Week", "number, start, end")

And now you can stamp out new instances of your new instance. This is instances of instances ala Object Oriented Factory Classes blah blah, couldn’t care less. Namedtuples are cool. Forget the silly labels around these labellers. Just be happy tuples are so readily made pretty.

aweek = Week(number='0', start='1970-08-24', end='1970-08-30')

Which you can do with position-dependent brevity:

aweek = Week('0', '1970-08-24', '1970-08-30')

I don’t want to use Python “None” values as a key in a database. But I can use a container object that contains optional None’s. To use it as a key, I can convert an object to its text-based representation. In other words, convert a tuple to a string. And the string representation of None is no longer None. So the string representation of these namedtuple objects will be our keys.

But wait, there’s more! What if you want the positions in the tuple labeled so the database keys are a serializable object that tells you a lot about the object on sight, namely the values that were sent to the API to produce the value connected to this key, which you will remember is the API response.

Loops are both the least efficient and most readable way of creating all the API parameter combinations that are going to be needed overall. This is all combinations.

for week in weeks:
    for a in [True, False]:
        for b in [True, False]:
            print(f"a: {a} b: {b}")

This can be restated as:

for week in weeks:
    for includeArchive in [True, False]:
        for onlyFavorites in [True, False]:
            print(f"includeArchive: {includeArchive} onlyFavorites: {onlyFavorites}")

Which outputs:

includeArchive: True onlyFavorites: True
includeArchive: True onlyFavorites: False
includeArchive: False onlyFavorites: True
includeArchive: False onlyFavorites: False

includeArchive: True onlyFavorites: True
includeArchive: True onlyFavorites: False
includeArchive: False onlyFavorites: True
includeArchive: False onlyFavorites: False

includeArchive: True onlyFavorites: True
includeArchive: True onlyFavorites: False
includeArchive: False onlyFavorites: True
includeArchive: False onlyFavorites: False

Yuck. I don’t like this mental framework. Only certain strongly nicknamed combinations are necessary. Start with the nickname and purpose.

There are certain lists Google Photos API doesn’t like like “only archives”. But the above-described ones are are possible and help derive the other lists. Match each of the above with the API arguments

Boring, spicy, everything? Main, favs and all!

We have this structure:

table = [(True, False), (True, True), (False, False)]
for atuple in table:

Yup. This provides much clearer thinking. The following code will create a table of namedtuples ready to splat into that query-writing function for the Google Photos API.

tots = [(True, False), (True, True), (False, False)]
table = []
start = "2023-01-01"
end = "2023-01-07"
for i, atuple in enumerate(tots):
    arch, fav = atuple
    aweek = Week(i, start, end, arch, fav)

We have an opportunity to layer in labels and meaning without it being too verbose. Let’s!

paramdict = {"all": (True, False), "favs": (True, True), "main": (False, False)}
weektupes = []
start = "2023-01-01"
end = "2023-01-07"
for name in paramdict:
    atuple = paramdict[name]
    arch, fav = atuple
    aweek = Week(i, start, end, arch, fav)
    weektupes.append((name, aweek))

Which lets us do this:

for weektupe in weektupes:
    name, aweek = weektupe
    dbname = f"{aweek.number}-{name}.db"

And now housekeeping is ready for the three types of raw data capture we’re going to need to do for each week. We’ve got the api values of the requests all planned out.

Wow such a small piece of outer loop code and so much it accomplishes.
