Future-proof your skills and escape the tech hamster wheel with the Linux, Python, vim & git stack (LPvg) including NixOS, Jupyter, FastHTML / HTMX and an AI stack to resist obsolescence. Follow along as I develop the next generation free AI SEO tool.

FastHTML is not FastAPI

FastHTML and FastAPI are two very different things. One will fit your vibe and the other one won’t. This page is to first tell you the difference, and then to tell you the key things to know about FastHTML (my vibe).

The Flask Foundation

Flask is a Python microframework that has profoundly influenced the development of web frameworks in Python since its release in April 2010. Created by Armin Ronacher as part of the Pocoo project, Flask was initially conceived as an April Fool’s joke but quickly gained traction due to its simplicity, flexibility, and minimalist design philosophy. Unlike full-stack frameworks, Flask does not impose specific tools or libraries, allowing developers to choose their components. It is built on the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template engine, both of which were also developed by the Pocoo team.

Flask introduced a key innovation: the use of Python decorators for routing web requests to specific functions. This approach simplified web development by allowing developers to define routes directly above their view functions using the @route decorator. This feature became a defining characteristic of Flask and has been widely adopted by other frameworks such as FastAPI and CherryPy, albeit with their own variations.

Since its debut, Flask has set a standard for Python web frameworks, inspiring many others to follow its lightweight and extensible approach. Frameworks like CherryPy and Pylons have integrated similar routing mechanisms while adding their unique spins. FastAPI, for example, builds on Flask’s decorator-based routing but enhances it with asynchronous capabilities and type validation using Python type hints.

The Rise of FastAPI

FastAPI’s rise to popularity can be traced through a series of key developments in Python and web frameworks:

  1. Python introduced asynchronous support with the async/await keywords in version 3.5, released in 2015.
  2. The Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI) was developed as an upgrade to the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) to support asynchronous Python web applications.
  3. FastAPI was created and released in 2018, built on ASGI and supporting asynchronous programming out of the box.
  4. FastAPI required the use of Python’s static typing option, MyPy, which was first released in 2012 but gained significant traction in the following years.
  5. FastAPI has become a popular choice for building high-performance, scalable web applications, particularly in fields like fintech where real-time data processing is crucial.

Performance Through Modern Features

The combination of asynchronous support, ASGI compatibility, and static typing allowed FastAPI to offer significant performance improvements over Flask, which was slower to adopt these new technologies. This timing and feature set positioned FastAPI as a modern, efficient alternative to Flask, especially for applications requiring high concurrency and I/O-heavy operations.

A Different Path with FastHTML

While FastAPI addresses important performance needs, its approach doesn’t align with my vision for web development. The requirement for optional static typing, in particular, diverges from my preferred style. Simply adding asynchronous capabilities to Flask wouldn’t have been sufficient to reignite my interest in web development. Instead, my goal is to strip away complexity and move towards greater simplicity. Rather than layering on additional features, I aim to distill web development to its essence while still being Python. I hungered for a framework that embodies simplicity and ease of use without sacrificing functionality.

The Radical Simplicity of FastHTML

Enter FastHTML, a framework that revolutionizes Python web development by stripping away complexity and embracing simplicity. FastHTML takes a radically different approach compared to its predecessors, focusing on streamlining the development process and reducing cognitive overhead. Here’s how FastHTML achieves this:

Eliminating the Need for Templating Languages

FastHTML does away with traditional templating languages, allowing developers to work directly with Python objects to generate HTML. This approach simplifies the development process by removing the need to learn and use a separate templating syntax. Instead, developers can leverage their existing Python knowledge to create dynamic web content.

Minimizing JavaScript Dependency with HTMX

By incorporating HTMX, FastHTML significantly reduces the need for custom JavaScript code. HTMX is a lightweight library that allows for dynamic, AJAX-powered web applications using simple HTML attributes. This integration enables developers to create interactive web applications using primarily Python and HTML, without extensive JavaScript knowledge.

Simplifying Styling with PicoCSS

FastHTML embraces minimalist CSS frameworks like PicoCSS to streamline the styling process. These lightweight CSS solutions provide a set of sensible defaults and utility classes, allowing developers to create visually appealing websites with minimal custom CSS. This approach reduces the complexity of managing styles while still offering flexibility for customization.

Streamlined Development Experience

FastHTML’s design philosophy centers around providing a straightforward, Python-centric development experience. By eliminating the need for multiple languages and complex toolchains, FastHTML allows developers to focus on building functionality rather than juggling different syntaxes and technologies.

Powerful Yet Simple

Despite its emphasis on simplicity, FastHTML remains powerful enough to build advanced, interactive web applications. It leverages the full power of the Python ecosystem while providing a more intuitive and streamlined development process.

By addressing these key areas, FastHTML offers a refreshing alternative to traditional web frameworks, making Python web development more accessible and efficient for developers seeking a simpler, more Python-centric approach.

FastHTML Minimal Example

Notice there is no templating language like jinja2 being used here. There is no mixed-context languages. The Python functions are named for the HTML elements they generate. CSS is also being avoided using the default import of PicoCSS. Eliminating the need for a template language and CSS classes is half the genius.

from fasthtml.common import *

app, rt = fast_app()

def get():
    return HTML(
                H1("Welcome to FastHTML!"),
                P("Creating clean web pages with minimal Python code.")


FastHTML with HTMX

The other half of the genius is how we eliminate the need for JavaScript. Here we have the above example simply adding a paragraph element welcoming you to the page.

from fasthtml.common import *

app, rt = fast_app()

def get():
    return HTML(
                H1("Welcome to FastHTML!"),
                P("Creating clean web pages with minimal Python code."),
                Input(name="username", placeholder="Enter your name", hx_post="/welcome", hx_target="#welcome-msg", hx_swap="innerHTML"),

@rt('/welcome', methods=['POST'])
def welcome(username: str = ""):
    return P(f"Welcome {username}!")



This example shows how FastHTML leverages HTMX to create interactive web pages with minimal Python code and without any direct JavaScript.

FastHTML Database

And here we see the third half of the genius. In other words, the elimination of template languages and most need for JavaScript weren’t enough, most complexity of dealing with databases is eliminated in FastHTML by using sqlite as the default for most things, through the radically simple MiniDataAPI spec.

Now let’s say we also wanted to define a database that keeps records of everyone who has entered their name. Notice the fast_app() convenience function we’ve been using? That provides the @rt() shortcut notation for routers. It can also return a set of database objects we can use (sqlite by default) to help us with database tasks like this…

from fasthtml.common import *

# Setting up FastHTML with a SQLite database to store usernames
app, rt, users, User = fast_app('data/users.db', username=str)

def get():
    return HTML(
                H1("Welcome to FastHTML with Database!"),
                P("Creating clean web pages with minimal Python code."),
                Input(name="username", placeholder="Enter your name", hx_post="/welcome", hx_target="#welcome-msg", hx_swap="innerHTML"),
                Ul(*[Li(user.username) for user in users()])

@rt('/welcome', methods=['POST'])
def welcome(username: str = ""):
    return P(f"Welcome {username}!")



This example elegantly showcases how FastHTML’s fast_app() greatly simplifies database interactions while keeping the interaction clean and efficient.

FastHTML In a Nutshell

In essence, FastHTML champions a return to simplicity in web development. By discarding traditional templating languages, minimizing JavaScript reliance through HTMX, and streamlining database interactions with SQLite, FastHTML allows developers to focus on the core logic of their applications. This approach not only reduces the cognitive load but also accelerates the development process, making web development more accessible and enjoyable. FastHTML embodies a philosophy of powerful simplicity, proving that sophisticated web applications can be built without unnecessary complexity.