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Consolidating MyKoz.AI Journaling System Under One Repo

This post is about consolidating the MyKoz.AI journaling system under one repository. I discuss the need to update the `.bash_profile` to include `sudo hwclock -s`, the need to create a `README.txt` file, and the decision to use one repo with the folders Intro, Journal, Practice, and Service. This is the preparatory work before MyKoz.AI can really be soft-launched. These repo's and particularly the Journaling system need to be in-place.

Journaling MyKoz.AI: Consolidating All Repos Under One Roof

By Michael Levin

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Okay, I had to update the .bash_profile to include sudo hwclock -s because still WSL2 doesn’t keep the Linux clock in Terminals in sync the clock with the Windows host. It has something to do with your laptop going to sleep. And just closing the Terminal and re-opening isn’t enough.

Okay, this is just going to be a quick ticking off of items from the MyKoz.AI ToDo list. I’m going to start with the “README.txt” file. I already create it and plop it on the desktop.

Okay, the README.txt is updated and the JypyterLab icon no longer needs an F5 after the install to appear.

Now let me get the Intro and Whim repos in place. Should I use the initial caps in the repo names? Its not Python packaging convention, which I eventually want to be moving towards, especially using nbdev. But it looks so much better in documentation with initial caps.

Hmmm. Haven’t I made up enough words? If I’m going to install an Intro folder, why not just call everything what it is?

Those will alphabetize nicely, in the correct order that I would want people to experience them. That means if it’s pulling from my own GitHub, I’ll have to rename my old practice repo. Maybe not with the upper and lower case differentiation. Oh, don’t forget journaling!

Hmmm. Could I keep it nice and pristine like that? Can I even avoid a directory with the mysterious and perhaps intimidating name YAMLChop? Yes, that can live directly in the Journal folder, giving the journal the ability to optionally publish itself. Wow! That’s a big deal. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that before. Make it all generic under the one name, MyKoz.AI.

It’s going to be hard enough to get MyKoz.AI across, I don’t need a Pipulate, Levinux, YAMLChop and the like. Even Pipulate may be phased out as something you just pip install. I can “boot” that project from scratch and not have it part of the initial install. Then I can make “Creating Pipulate” a part of the Intro. I could cover nbdev and everything on a more advanced track.

Yes, this is a good plan. Let’s get those Repos in location with all due haste…

Okay so Upper and lowercase are the same for Github repos. I can’t have a Journal and a journal repo. Also, I want to keep the “all” program identical for everyone, giving them the same experience more or less as what I’m getting. So there needs to be a way to fork off a custom all. Maybe another word. I’m tempted to use “go” but that’s so heavily used in tech. Maybe “start” or “begin”. I could also go with vimit. That’s a good one. Like vimtutor, but vimit. It also suggests as vim-it-all, like “go for it” or damn it all.

Yes, vimit it what I’ll use for the main public facing program. Think it through a bit. What is the magic behind all and the soon-to-be vimit?

It’s always found when you type it because it’s located in the ~/pyenv/bin folder, which means it’s isolated into a Python virtual environment. That’s very powerful because we’re piggybacking off everything the formidable virtualenv program. I previously tried using the default venv Python standard library model. They are more-or-less equivalent and API-compatible, but the one being included standard in Python is in flux on installer. I’m going to use a non-moving target until the venv story stabilizes.

Okay, so clearly the “Journal” repo is going to be an important one because it will hold the journal.md that I’ll try to get people vim-journaling with, the transposed YAMLChop/chop.py program, and the all program (when it’s not living in ~/pyenv/bin). Much will be centered around it. So first a renaming of what’s already there to avoid file collision. And I make the corresponding updates in both ~/pyenv/bin and ~/repos/vim where I’m currently keeping it. Now I just quit out of here and rename folders and see if I can run all again.

Okay amazingly that worked just fine. But it doesn’t change the git repo remote URL. For that, we need git remote set-url origin. Okay, I set a new origin and renamed it on Github. Now another quit and reload.

Okay, it worked. Excellent. Everything’s going to follow the same pattern. vimit script, so I might as well create that now.

cd ~/repos
mkdir Journal
cd Journal
cp ~/pyenv/bin/all vimit

Hmmm. No, that space is going to be Jekyll space, meaning the static site generator system will kick in and try to process any files there, and that’s a no-no location for Python. So let’s make a subfolder named _python and put the vimit script there. Okay, done. Also I’m putting the chop.py file from the YAMLChop repo there. This is getting good. I like the self-contained approach. Okay, now let’s put a blank template journal.md in the Jekyll _drafts location… Hmmm. No, I want that _python location to be _code because already I have an init.vim from NeoVim that I want in there.

Alright. Given what I’m doing with vim.init, there’s a very good chance I’m breaking the local instance of this thing. But that’s no big deal. It will force me on how to make my local instance stay separate from the global. I may even retire the YAMLChop repo and just make everything work out of the Journal repo. That’s a good idea. I’ll do that.
