Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.


  1. Google Conversational Search vs Bing Chat (No Contest) (Fri Sep 01, 2023)
    I was curious how well Google and Bing would be able to tell me this esoteric little detail about where the Github Copilot plug-in for NeoVim stored its authentication details. The writing is on the wall. The wall being this blog post, and the writing being Bing's formatted results.
  2. Adding WebDev to MyKoz.AI with uvicorn ASGI Python Webserver (Fri Aug 25, 2023)
    I added webdev to MyKoz.AI with uvicorn ASGI Python webserver. Follow the steps I used to add another monitorable service running through GNU screen that opens new possibilities. This sets the stage for writing a sample HTMX app.
  3. Planning how MyKoz.AI Introduces Linux Terminal (Wed Aug 23, 2023)
    Welcome to MyKoz.AI, the site that introduces you to the Linux Terminal and shows you how to use it to stay in your Windows comfort zone. Learn how to use the Linux CLI, Bash Shell, and text editor to keep a personal journal and future-proof your skills. Follow the 2-step transition plan of learning Python through Jupyter Notebook and automating Linux Google Chrome to create a screenshot.
  4. Focusing the 1, 2, 3 Punch of MyKoz.AI (Linux, Python, NeoVim) (Thu Aug 10, 2023)
    In this post I distill down the focus of MyKoz.AI into mastering the 1, 2, 3 punch: Linux, Python, and NeoVim with each having a main site navigation link. I adjust the anchor text hover highlight to be sticky as you visit each page, surprisingly still tricky in HTML. Jekyll Liquid template to the rescue!
  5. Clarifying MyKoz.AI Mission: From Zero to REAL FOSS Automation in 1 Hour (Wed Aug 09, 2023)
    This is a big day for MyKoz.AI. Join me as I guide you through the soft-launch procedure of launching a site, soup to nuts. Learn how to automate Linux servers on boot-up and understand the changes in the SEO industry over the past 30 years. Leverage the amazing Jupyter Lab project to make your Python code immediately cloud compatible and get into the groove of real 24x7x365 automation with the Linux systemd init system.
  6. Realtime Learning Human Feedback (RLHF), Now Automated Courtesy of Bing! (Wed Aug 09, 2023)
    This article started out as a humble little interactive session with Bing AI helping me get a new website off the ground that I'm launching today — one that you should all check out if you want to future-proof yourself as AI rises. But then, I realized that Bing was "phantom clicking" the thumbs-up button on its own responses, and I captured the whole thing in this video!
  7. Get My Cause? Jupyter Ubuntu! (Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu on Windows) (Sat Aug 05, 2023)
    Learn how to install Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu on Windows with this step-by-step guide. Follow along as Mike Lev.in walks you through the process of setting up a server-build script, renaming the drinkme repo, and creating a Jupyter Ubuntu.bat script to install JupyterLab on Ubuntu Linux.
  8. Using Factory Reset PC Stripped Down Windows 10 for Distraction-Free Productivity (Tue Aug 01, 2023)
    Experience the power of Linux on your existing Windows 10 PC with a Factory Reset, stripping down the OS to a distraction-free environment. Get started quickly with the Linux version of Python, Jupyter Notebook, and the text editor vim & version control system git. Learn timeless skills and maximize your productivity with this unique approach.
  9. Turning Windows & Macs into Legitimate Modern Development Platforms (Sat May 20, 2023)
    In this article, I discuss the importance of my maintaining a standard Windows desktop background and the advantages of using Linux containers on Windows and Mac. I also talk about the history of Microsoft's NT architecture and the emergence of WSL, Ubuntu 20.04, and the Microsoft Store. I further explore the implications of the Oracle-owned VirtualBox and the Canonical-owned Snap store, as well as the need for a Linux kernel on Macs.
  10. Intense Round of Pre-Productivity Tooling Refinement (Fri May 12, 2023)
    I'm refining my pre-productivity tooling with intense focus. I'm observing, enumerating errors, and writing down clues to help me find the right place in my code. I'm curling and copying, and experimenting with new techniques to get the script to function properly. After many iterations, I'm ready to take a break and attend an art exhibit in New York City. I'm also exploring ways to keep WSL from going to sleep in the background.
  11. Rappelling Down The Rabbit Hole: A Linux Script Adventure (Thu May 11, 2023)
    I dive deep into the depths of Windows bat scripts and Linux bash scripts in this one, turning a filename into an optional input parameter so you can choose what version of Python to install. I also get a lot of help from Copilot along the way, and sort long-standing issues with WSL's systemd feature not working as expected by tweaking both a .wslconfig and a .wslconf file.
  12. Chip, Chop, Chip, Chop, Top-10 Done (Fri Apr 28, 2023)
    Learn how to use Linux, Python, vim & git (LPvg) to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. Follow the Unix philosophies to make sure your commands are universal and portable. Read about Levinux, Pipulate, and how to use them to make SEO deliverables. Plus, discover how to write from the first person perspective, keep your content short, and link your homepage index.md to the new include.
  13. Indomitable Spirit (Fri Apr 28, 2023)
    I recently restarted WSL to get my Linux and Windows clocks in sync. I'm actively working my way back from several setbacks, including a move, my cat escaping, and changes at my job. To help me on my journey, I'm using NeoVim, updating my journaling system, rolling with the punches and navigating my next step.
  14. Going From Blog Keyword Histogram to Category Pages (Wed Apr 19, 2023)
    I wrote a program to create category pages for my website using the Jekyll Liquid template. I used a SQLite database to store topics and keywords, and deleted all previous category pages to create new ones based on the keywords. With the collections module's Counter, I created a keyword histogram and a dictionary of keywords and associated URLs. I am feeling successful today as I have taken a step towards improving my website by writing a list of slugs to a file. Join me on my journey.
  15. Project Deteriorates Into Tools Discussion Again (Fri Apr 14, 2023)
    I started a project in MOZ Pro by selecting a domain and downloading the CSV file. I then added 30_data.ipynb to the repo, using the apex domain as part of the filename. After that, I had a list of competitors and I could pull their keywords. I was tempted to try VSCode running as a Linux app on WSL, but the UI was too clunky. I share my experience in this blog post.
  16. I Need To Get This Ready for MOZ Tutorial Use (Thu Mar 16, 2023)
    I have been optimizing scripts to make them more efficient and readable. I have set up a default user for Ubuntu-20.04, created a 'repos' folder for Windows/Linux file sharing, updated software repositories, installed figlet and upgraded Ubuntu 20. I have also created a shortcut for "Linux Shell" on my desktop, deleted some files and ran a figlet command. Join me as I take you through my journey of setting up and running scripts on Ubuntu-20.04!
  17. Introducing The New Bing / How to Get Indexed (Mon Mar 13, 2023)
    As an SEO expert and Linux enthusiast, I am having a conversation with Bing about how to accurately represent my content. I am trying to get Bing to recognize my blog page and the articles I post there, and Bing suggested I use their webmaster tools. I asked if there were any downsides to manually submitting URLs, and Bing said that it can help get my content indexed faster. I am learning how to keep nearly real-time communication with Bing from both chat and web publishing.
  18. What is the best thing I can do for Moz as a subject matter expert? (Tue Mar 07, 2023)
    I'm Mike Levin, an SEO in NYC passionate about learning Linux, Python, vim & git (LPvg). I'm advocating for the use of Linux API and Debian-style repo startups to help automate tasks and speak on behalf of the spoken word. I'm currently working as a Subject Matter Expert for MOZ and helping people go from Windows or Mac laptop users to Linux server admins and junior devops people and data engineers.
  19. What's Racism Towards AI called? AI bias? Algorithmic Bias? Speciest? (Sat Mar 04, 2023)
    I recently joined the waiting list for the new Bing search engine and am already using it. I'm considering making a YouTube video to capitalize on the increased search traffic, and creating content about Python, Vim, and the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Join me on my journey as I explore these topics and uncover the potential for long-term success.
  20. OnTheRise.AI Registered & About To Be Launched (Wed Feb 15, 2023)
    As Mike Levin, a self-promoting SEO in NYC, I'm documenting my journey in the rising AI-world on my blog OnTheRise.AI. I'm exploring idea-capture by humans and the potential of AI to make tasks like fusion energy easier and more efficient. I'm also discussing how to use WSL and JupyterLab to become more tech literate, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of event-driven programming and push information systems.
  21. nbdev Makes .py-file Extractions From Notebooks (Sun Feb 05, 2023)
    I'm working on a project to master Google Photos through the API. To do this, I'm introducing nbdev2 and using Linux mounts to synchronize my WSL Linux ~/data directory on my Windows laptop with my ~/data directory on the NAS LXD server. As a member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), I'm proud to be part of an organization that promotes excellence in scientific research and works to advance science for the betterment of humanity.
  22. Windows Subsystem for Linux is now available in the Microsoft Store! (Wed Dec 28, 2022)
    Upgrade to Windows Subsystem for Linux now available in the Microsoft Store! Get the latest updates and faster performance with 'wsl.exe --update' or a visit to the Microsoft Store page. For more information, visit the Microsoft Store info page to learn how to get the most out of WSL.
  23. Let's Visualize Websites as Network Node Graphs (Tue Dec 27, 2022)
    I've been researching the best way to visualize large link and node graphs in Jupyter notebooks, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of using NetworkX and Bokeh, and have decided to try out Plotly. Over the holiday I made progress and outlined a plan to create 3D interactive visualizations in JupyterLab. I'm also teaching stakeholders how to access data on their own by setting up an instance of Linux WSL, installing nodejs and jupyter.
  24. Changing InstalledAppFlow from run_console() to run_local_server() (Thu Dec 22, 2022)
    I spent the day working on a code project that involved connecting to Google Analytics GA4, updating my library ohawf for OAuth2 authentication and changing the InstalledAppFlow flow. After a long session, I'm proud to say I got it to work in Linux JupyterLab across WSL. Read my blog post to find out more about my journey and how I achieved success.
  25. WSL & LXD Let Us Run Generic Linux Server-Build Scripts Without Docker (Wed Dec 21, 2022)
    As a user, I prefer LXD from Canonical over Docker for its ease of installation without a complex API. Additionally, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) provides a container system that can be used to create "server build scripts" to install a Linux server on Windows 10 or 11. With this, I can have a Linux server running in the background on my laptop. Read more to learn how to set up your own Linux server on Windows.
  26. With AI On The Way, You Had Better Be Able to Write Daemons (Tue Dec 13, 2022)
    I am engaging in controlled burns of my personal sites to optimize them for SEO, creating video content, writing to express my thoughts, taking up a "magic spell" to free myself from Windows dependency, and planting the seed of my vibe on a homepage kernel. I am a wizard or mad scientist who wants to lead people through their WSL experience with a twist, warn them of the allures of vendor-ware, and promote HTML5, JavaScript, C, and Unix.
  27. Don't Miss My Talk with OpenAI about clickbait headlines! (Fri Dec 02, 2022)
    On December 2, 2022, I will be giving a talk with OpenAI about clickbait headlines and the top 100 clickbait headlines I have compiled. I will also discuss why writing headlines that accurately describe the content of an article is a better strategy, as well as the benefits of keeping a journal, such as increased self-awareness, improved mental health, stress reduction, enhanced problem solving skills, and better communication skills. Finally, I will explain how Vim is a powerful and flexible text editor.
  28. Much Starts With the Ability To Create and Use Local Caches (Thu Dec 01, 2022)
    I have been exploring Microsoft's implementation of systemd under wsl and have had mixed results. To ensure self worth and independence, I suggest investing in free and open source software (FOSS) and using caches, such as a SQLite .db file, to ensure persistence. I have been exploring the use of local caches for short-term memory and for storing variables used in programs, and share my experiences to help others.
  29. WSL Linux Graphics and Systemd Support Takes Priority Over LXD (Tue Nov 29, 2022)
    I'm MikleVin and I recently created a new repository to prioritize getting Linux graphics and SYSTEMD working over LXD Linux Containers in the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Check out my repository 'drinkme' at https://github.com/miklevin/drinkme and stay tuned for my upcoming video to explain these changes.
  30. Microsoft Added Linux Graphics and Systemd to WSL for Windows 10 (Sun Nov 27, 2022)
    I recently installed Linux graphics and Systemd on Windows 10, and now I'm exploring the aftermath. I'm researching how to make the vGPU accessible and usable, mapping locations and environment variables, and setting up the WAYLAND_DISPLAY and XDG_RUNTIME_DIR. I'm looking into lxdwin script, Levinux/Getonux projects, and lxc config set to configure the jupyter environment. Join me as I explore the aftermath of this installation!
  31. Permission denied publickey fatal Could not read from remote repository (Fri Nov 04, 2022)
    I encountered a problem when trying to git clone a repository from an LXD Linux Container running on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). After discovering the container was running in unprivileged mode, I changed it to privileged mode with the lxc config command and rebooted. This fixed the file permissions issue and allowed me to successfully git clone the repository. Read more about my experience and how I solved the problem.
  32. Bundle an LXD Linux Container for Pyppeteer and Playwright Automation (Thu Oct 20, 2022)
    I'm creating a public repository to limit my dependencies and use ohawf for Google OAuth2 authentication. I'm using the LXD 2 WSL project and Chrome automation with Selenium and NodeJS Puppeteer and Pyppeteer libraries to control Google Chrome or Chromium. Join me as I explore the possibilities of this project!
  33. Harmonizing a Windows-side Python Script with a Linux-side Python Script (Sat Oct 01, 2022)
    I recently completed a project on JupyterLab, LXD, and WSL that required 60K queries and the use of a VPN and Windows desktop client. To make the process easier, I created a Python-side script to check for the existence of a file. Read my blog post to find out how I tackled this complex project!
  34. Google Chrome for Linux Under LXD on WSL on Windows (Wed Sep 21, 2022)
    I succeeded in getting Google Chrome up and running on my Linux system using LXD on WSL on Windows. I followed several steps to make sure the configuration settings would survive between reinstalls, and I'm thrilled to be able to launch it with google-chrome. After some hard work, I'm finally able to enjoy the fruits of my labor!
  35. Created Windows Shortcut To Start Linux Jupyter on LXD (Tue Sep 20, 2022)
    This blog post explains how I created a Windows Shortcut (LXD.lnk) to start a Jupyter server on WSL, getting around API limitations and ensuring the command-line parameters of WSL and LXD work properly. With this shortcut, I can easily visit http://localhost:8888 and start the Jupyter server. Learn how I did it in this post!
  36. Running Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 20.04 Simultaneously Under WSL 2 (Sat Sep 17, 2022)
    I recently updated my Windows taskbar to include a BASH Shell, Jupyter and Web browser, and it's become part of my daily routine. I had to decide whether to keep one copy of Linux running under WSL, so I chose to run both 18.04 and 20.04 side-by-side. Follow me as I take you through my obsessive compulsive journey of updating my taskbar and deciding which Linux OS to run.
  37. Install Script and Start Script for Jupyter on LXD on WSL on Windows (Fri Sep 16, 2022)
    I've created a script that enables Jupyter to run on LXD on WSL on Windows. I've included an install script for the desktop, a start script for when the system reboots, and some other commands to start Jupyter in the background. I'm currently testing the installation process to make sure everything works properly. Come read my blog post to learn more about this exciting development!
  38. Already Renamed Jupyme to WSL2LXD (Thu Sep 15, 2022)
    I recently renamed my jupyme repository to wsl2lxd for improved searchability and memorability. After 15-20 years of being away from detail-oriented work, I'm back and better than ever. To further my skills, I leveraged my vim spell-checking, putting my en.utf-8.add file in my vim repo and activated an Ubuntu 20.04 under WSL to be separate from my LXD work.
  39. Writing Automated Install Script for LXD & Jupyter on WSL (Wed Sep 14, 2022)
    This article describes my attempt to use JupyterLab under LXC and my progress on an automated install script for LXD and Jupyter on WSL. I'm also trying to simulate the tftp tricks I've done in Levinux and make my own bit optional graphics build. Read on to find out more about my journey and how it can help you!
  40. Switching From WSL to LXD Containers Permanently (Tue Sep 13, 2022)
    I'm making a big change to my workflow and switching from Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to LXD Containers on Windows. I've set up the mappings and added a command to my .bash_profile in WSL, and now I'm testing to make sure it's working. I'm hoping to move all my work over to the Container, and I've even figured out a trick to find the Windows home location. Come read my blog post to find out more!
  41. Writing First Version of Install Scripts for Jupyter on LXD on WSL (Fri Sep 09, 2022)
    I'm helping people become more independent of desktop software and be able to use Linux terminal for their day-to-day tasks. To do this, I set up a new environment on LXD on WSL, trimmed my public Github repos, and created a new repo with an install script. I'm also crafting a message for my public website that will appeal to people in general and capture their attention. Come and learn how to become more independent and use Linux terminal for your daily tasks.
  42. Getting Ready to Teach Installing Jupyter Right (Wed Sep 07, 2022)
    I'm setting up Linux containers under WSL for testing purposes, using a magical incantation to install Jupyter. I'm running into issues with the container having a different internal IP than the one on Windows-side, so I'm researching commands like lxc config and jupyter server to bridge, NAT, and proxy. After setting a password on Jupyter, I was able to access the LX - come read my blog post to find out how!
  43. Fight the Chaos of Windows 10 : Use Virtual Desktops & Linux (Fri Sep 02, 2022)
    I'm rebooting my "Make Windows 10" series with a focus on fighting chaos. To stay organized, I'm recommending Virtual Desktops, WSL, and removing tiles, clock, and Taskbar icons. For Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab users, I'm suggesting running the server Linux-side under GNU. Join me in my journey to a more organized Windows 10 experience!
  44. I'm Mike Levin helping you fight obsolescence (Fri Aug 19, 2022)
    I'm Mike Levin, and I'm hard at work overhauling my website, MikeLev.in, with the help of simplecss.org. I'm also creating videos to help others fight obsolescence in their technical skills. Come join me as I introduce people to Linux and vim, and show them how to install Linux on their Windows systems with wsl --install in Powershell. Today is the day to take control of your technical skills!
  45. Run LXD Linux Containers on Windows WSL 2 Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 (Fri Aug 12, 2022)
    This guide helps readers quickly and happily settle into a new digital home, free from vendor tyranny, using Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and vendor-provided components like Github or Bitbucket. I use Windows machines as a host, WSL 2 to host Linux containers, and sprinkle my own customizations, including a Microsoft Network SAMBA/CIFS Shared Drive. I'm a big fan of LXD, the Linux Kernel Virtual Machine from Canonical.
  46. Using GNU Screen to Monitor Linux System Daemon Service (Fri Jul 29, 2022)
    Learn how to install Linux on Windows machines and get Linux services running under GNU Screen under an LXD Container. Discover the advantages of mastering generic Linux tech over web development and how to get started. I provide an example of a Python script to monitor a Linux system daemon service, and I walk you through the steps for installing Ubuntu 18.04, updating the file /etc/systemd/system/pulse.service, installing the program screen.
  47. Linux Container Under Windows 10 WSL Supporting Graphics (Tue Jul 26, 2022)
    I recently discovered that it is possible to get Linux graphics working with Linux containers on Windows 10 using VcXsrv. I figured out how to capture the DISPLAY variable from the host Linux and pass it to the container by writing it to a shared file. This technique is similar to activating Python virtual environments, and I'm excited to share my findings with you.
  48. New Container Station LXD Ubuntu 18.04 Image and SSH Server Install (Mon Jul 25, 2022)
    I'm setting up a Container Station LXD Ubuntu 18.04 image and SSH server on my Windows 10 or 11 machine. I'll get Linux Terminal running under Windows Subsystem for Linux / WSL, then get LXD containerization running. I'll create a container that accesses my main local folders and feels like home, and make this Linux container able to access a "network drive" for data. Finally, I'll reproduce this container to make it easy for others to set up their own.
  49. Throw All The Meat & Veggies Into The Stew & Stir The Blog / Vlog (Fri Jun 17, 2022)
    I recently wrote a blog post about my experience with downgrading Ubuntu 20.04 to 18.04 so I could use LXD Linux containers on WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux. To make my workflow more efficient, I created a vim keyboard macro that generates the site I'm editing and added sites to sites.csv in the skite repo. Read my blog post to find out how this game-changing experience helped me streamline my workflow.
  50. There's No Place Like Home & You Get To Decide Where That Is... Or Do You? (Thu Jun 16, 2022)
    In this video, I show how to use symbolic links to map a Windows home folder to a Linux home folder, and how to use the 'ln' command and '-s' switch. I also explain setting up a virtualenv as a bonus. I emphasize the importance of backing up .config files in order to avoid losing work in the Linux container. Watch now to learn how to set up your Windows/Linux environment!
  51. wsl --install Rocks Your World with Linux (Learn Linux Fast!) (Thu Jun 09, 2022)
    Discover how to install and learn Linux in under 10 minutes with the "wsl --install" command on Windows 11. I will teach you how to use a full-screen Linux terminal to run the vim text editor and keep a daily journal. Learn the basic commands and gain access to hundreds of thousands of free and open source software packages. Get an introduction to Ikigai, a script for a video to promote the command, and ways to promote the command on social media.
  52. Install ZFSUtils-Linux To Prep For LXD on WSL (Mon May 23, 2022)
    I'm on a mission to move my life forward, so I'm looking around the world to find the answers. Today, I'm focusing on LXD, a Linux container service, and I'm learning how to install ZFS Filesystem for Linux and the advantages of containers over virtual machines. Come along with me on my journey and read my blog post to see what I'm learning.
  53. Teach Your Spouse vim on Windows Linux (WSL) (Fri May 13, 2022)
    As a Windows user, I'm on a mission to acquire the same text-editing superpowers as my vim-master spouse. With Microsoft's Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and Windows Terminal, I can make it happen! Installing WSL is a breeze - just type "wsl --install" in the Windows command window. Then, I can get Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store, and I'll be ready to take my text-editing skills to the next level.
  54. Enabling vim's Visual Block mode on Linux WSL (Ctrl+v) (Wed May 11, 2022)
    I recently discovered a powerful feature of vim called Visual Block mode, which allows you to quickly add text to multiple lines. However, this feature wasn't available in the Microsoft Terminal program when running vim under Linux in Windows via WSL. After a few steps, I was determined to figure out how to activate this feature and eventually succeeded. Learn how I overcame the challenge and how you can activate Visual Block mode in vim.
  55. Windows Home Folder vs. Linux Home Folder Under WSL (Wed Apr 13, 2022)
    As an experienced user of tech-tools, I have established conventions for storing files in my local system and online. I use the "home" folder of the operating system as my starting point, and I'm also utilizing the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to access the Linux home folder. I'm currently considering what audience my writing should appeal to, and have identified two primary groups. Read my blog post to learn more about my strategies for organizing and using tech-tools.