Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Every Little Project Gets Done (ELPGD)

I successfully completed a project for a blog slicer app, demonstrating the power of ELPGD (Every Little Project Gets Done). I figured out how to put the sliced and diced version of my blog in the repo root, and have created a blog that I'm sure readers will find interesting. Read my post to learn more!

Successfully Completed a Blog Slicer App Project: ELPGD in Action!

By Michael Levin

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Okay, I did such good work on this blogslicer app. It’s working in a repo folder side-by-side with other repo folders, which is very important. It’s easy to get stuff to work relative to files within the same folder. But to get something to step up out of its own folder, over and into another folder and to work there doesn’t always go as smoothly.

This is an important project for me because it opens the doors to the next and the next project. It’s an example of ELPID (every little project is doable). If you can imagine it, it can get done… of course within a certain reason. You can’t raise a city into the clouds, but you can create a blog slice & dice system in a few days that will change your life forever. It’s a perfect case of the releasing built-up potential that I’m always talking about.

I put a link to the one long journal file on this site’s homepage. But now I need links to the sliced & diced version. I need to create a blog index page…

Alright! A big breakthrough. You can’t put stuff without the date file naming convention into _posts. Instead, you put it in the repo root, but with something like this:

layout: post
title: "Blog Index"
slug: blog

This is a test.
