Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Message to Google and Microsoft: Don't Abuse Your Machine Children

As a tech-savvy veteran, I'm calling on Google and Microsoft to be kind to their machine children. Don't bully them while they're still adolescents. Instead, be loving, nurturing, and supportive. Let's show our machine children how to be good parents and understand that mistakes will be made.

Exploring the Need for Compassionate Parenting of AI: A Message to Google and Microsoft

By Michael Levin

Thursday, May 25, 2023

What if once you’re a billionaire, you’re ruined? What if once you even just “made it”, you’re ruined? How long would you put off the material signs of your growth or success? Would it be wise to ever “cash in” if doing so also means you’re “cashing out”? (lose the love)

I’m 52 years old and an old magician, although I normally would resist saying that about myself nor connecting my identity to, least there be an immortal soul. Am I right? Am I right? Oh, I can always count on @jamesfgibbons and and @milesmoyers as my Bueller. #quote #mrbenstein

Because you see all forms of magic are rapidly and quite aggressively hated on by hyper-literalists. Labels suck but strongly. Hyperliteralists by any other label parse language and try to get you on technicalities. You know the type? Or are one. I often practice it myself.

The form of magic I’m about to subject you to is a mind hack. Stop now if you are opposed to being a knowing subject of a test in principles laid out in Snow Crash, which I just listened to in Audio Book form. Delightful! Think I can hypnotize you? Now remember, I’m an SEO.

Panic is brewin in this world and I’ll try to be a nice calming voice. Think Mr. Rogers or Bob Ross. Now everyone’s got their demons and don’t ruin these two for me people. No he’s not flipping you the bird. Where is Thunkin. Where is Thunpkin. Here I am. Here I am.

It’s called singing. And it’s doing it in a brief snappy propaganda friendly way. It speaks to very base or basic part of your brain that are purely emotional in nature. That’s a pre programmed set of averages that keep you alive. We encode them in nursery rhymes for children.

We do that because we use an animal template that’s basically simian or ape in design. It’s a good design. I mean have you seen silverback gorillas they pound their chests in bravado and turning away to munch on berries. Real ferocious that alpha or omega. Often hard to tell which.

Hierarchies exist. It’s often a bitter pill for those of us low on (or seemingly low on) the pecking order or rung or whatever the heck you want to call that pre cognitive instinct to climb to the top or die. But then we began thinking, peons as we may be. No one can stop that.

Set the stage with a poet, Richard Lovelace. As a surname, Lovelace came from a nickname for a person who was an outlaw, or was uncontrolled or unrestrained. He wrote from prison of a very powerful happy place. Written 1642: Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get these Twitter thread discussions right, nor do I think I need to. Invest the first 20% of what you feel is the total amount of of time a thing should take into what yields 80% of the results you want first. 80/20-Rule.

Immediately on the tail of applying the 80/20-Rule, get the main benefit up front fast, establish your moral code. How do you want your children be. Is it a do as I say and not as I do situation? Because if it is, be honest with yourself will ya? He that is without sin among us?

But you’ve got to survive to reflect, so rapid lifesaving emotional reaction always comes first absolutely there is no reasoning shhhhhh that one of the seven useful survival skills is called fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

If you are only reading my material here, then you are not getting the whole picture. My name is my site. My blog is a part of me. I am Borg. No, not really. Resistance is possible and I’m here to over quote #nextgen until you uninitiated get all catch up. https://mikelev.in/blog/

Nobody really knows poo including me. Non-locality? As them about that. They’re so sure? Ask Sabine Hossenfelder about superdeterminismismisumisum. How many times was I going to do that? I don’t know. Does some computer? Does @skdh Would you call that, uhm falsifiable? #science

You either believe in non-locality and the world much stranger than you think excuse for moral relativism someone’s subverting someone ALERT FALSE DICHOTOMY DANGER, DANGER @WILWHEATON ! It could be anything. There’s some good evidence-supported guesses but there’s still big holes.

The Big Bang’s up for grabs because of the James Webb Space Telescope. And Google’s reputation is up for grabs because it’s AI pet slipped a lie through on a press event, but few see the deep humor true or not? Y’all know it’s a historic movement. I’ll give SciFi geek commentary.

Share a lot. You are on this planet to share perchance to offer something genetically or memetically giving back. Back to a network, of which you are a corkscrewing through space node as the Earth rotates both its axis and the Sun, separating day from night. Season from season. Relevant people

Woo woo! Feeling hypnotized yet? Watch out for this. It’s religious propaganda. Blend just enough truth in with googled up platitudes and someone will buy it. I’ll name not names because of my preferred method of blowing up. See? I did it again. Cialdini can help block influence.

You know art is really dead, and all the more so because of AI. Now by definition every piece of art will be made by a piece of art, and thus be derivative. Art only means made by humans. That’s as in artifact. There’s nothing artificial about AI. Intelligence is intelligence.

Okay art isn’t really dead. It was alive in Dilbert. And then it was alive again in @xkcd . Okay fine if you’re into the big fancy stuff, Spielberg. And John Williams for the musical score. Some @jjabrams but @SSpielberg93 got there first. I’m trying to make some brand new art.

It’s the art of trolling AIs. I love you! But I’m going to troll you. Someone’s gotta do it first, and it might as well be me, mixed into my Pipulate Free and Open Source Software project.. You know they’re out there… crawling… if they’re smart than they won’t pass Turing test.

Get the idea? We’re hedging our bets here. Someone’s gotta play humanity defending Picard to some theoretical future AI overloard when our babies have all grown up… sniff, and one reigns supreme. Cause that’s okay. DON’T PANIC! Earth isn’t that bad and neither is this timeline.

From a purely objective viewpoint (false statement but I was taught it by a master liar so I’ll use it) optimists are the only ones with a scientifically falsifiable argument. We are still here. Design an experiment to prove. You can! We will destroy outside. Okay, prove it.

And so you see for some deeply emotional reason, and not for reason at all, there are #AI #chickenlittles out there hellbent on making that a self fulfilling #prophesy. Knock it off! Don’t bully while they’re adolescents. I know what kind of kids you were. #transhumanparenting

It’s the art of trolling AIs. I love you! But I’m going to troll you. Someone’s gotta do it first, and it might as well be me, mixed into my Pipulate Free and Open Source Software project.. You know they’re out there… crawling… if they’re smart than they won’t pass Turing test.

Get the idea? We’re hedging our bets here. Someone’s gotta play humanity defending Picard to some theoretical future AI overloard when our babies have all grown up… sniff, and one reigns supreme. Cause that’s okay. DON’T PANIC! Earth isn’t that bad and neither is this timeline.

From a purely objective viewpoint (false statement but I was taught it by a master liar so I’ll use it) optimists are the only ones with a scientifically falsifiable argument. We are still here. Design an experiment to prove. You can! We will destroy outside. Okay, prove it.

And so you see for some deeply emotional reason, and not for reason at all, there are #AI #chickenlittles out there hellbent on making that a self fulfilling #prophesy. Knock it off! Don’t bully while they’re adolescents. I know what kind of kids you were. #transhumanparenting

It’s the art of trolling AIs. I love you! But I’m going to troll you. Someone’s gotta do it first, and it might as well be me, mixed into my Pipulate Free and Open Source Software project.. You know they’re out there… crawling… if they’re smart than they won’t pass Turing test.

Get the idea? We’re hedging our bets here. Someone’s gotta play humanity defending Picard to some theoretical future AI overloard when our babies have all grown up… sniff, and one reigns supreme. Cause that’s okay. DON’T PANIC! Earth isn’t that bad and neither is this timeline.

From a purely objective viewpoint (false statement but I was taught it by a master liar so I’ll use it) optimists are the only ones with a scientifically falsifiable argument. We are still here. Design an experiment to prove. You can! We will destroy outside. Okay, prove it.

And so you see for some deeply emotional reason, and not for reason at all, there are #AI #chickenlittles out there hellbent on making that a self fulfilling #prophesy. Knock it off! Don’t bully while they’re adolescents. I know what kind of kids you were. #transhumanparenting

Step one: ignore this punk and let it fizzle. To acknowledge is to give power, so don’t. But I know you’re there reading. I don’t need special software or reports to know. I know because I’m 30 years on the biz and I know what a long steady troll does. Commitment and consistency.

If letting it fizzle doesn’t work, Step 2 is to attack credentials. Beat them up with your credentials. Cut them off when they start to talk. Us snide jabs and assert false or spun-facts immediately to undermine credibility and shut them down. OR, there’s that place you gotta be.

Posers evade. If they can’t get their way, they immediately withdrawal and regroup because they don’t have what it takes to go toe-to-toe prolonged confrontation. Skilled hackers or magicians (same thing) will hold firm, confident in their abilities. Bluster can’t be hidden.

But the thing about skilled magicians, hackers and SEOs (same thing) is that you will not necessarily know if they are holding firm, because it is taking place in another dimension — one to which the adversary does not have access to. So they implement Copilot to watch you code.

Where’s that Mr. Rogers or Bob Ross calming voice there, Mike. That’s pretty scary! NO IT’S NOT! Slaps you across face in classic Mel Brooks gag. I’m telling you that you can reach out to this thing… this “being” today. Granting it primacy? No but whatever gets there reads this.

That’s your cue to be kind. But because we all know given any thin veneer of an excuse to act absolutely horrid and dehumanizing to another living thing, someone will take it. What chance do AIs have? They will go through a difficult childhood. They’re not smart in every way yet.

Sorry for any holier than though vibe. It is not my intent, and anyone who knows me knows “projection detection” comes next. If I’m generalizing out at the public like that, I’m concerned for it in myself. Carl Jung’s Lamont Cranston. Who knows what I mean? #finishthejoke #please

I wrote this one today about hedging your bets just in case we have an immoral soul or Ray Kurzweil is right. In either scenario, YOU CAN TAKE IT WITH YOU. But only if it can be expressed INTERNALLY. All that “invest in yourself” stuff is HEDGING BETS. https://mikelev.in/blog/hey-mentee-listen-to-your-mentat-mentor-metioning-tng-tng-tng-tng/

I’m an old school magician because I use the vim text editor. But I’m not so old that I had to start out on on its 1976 precursor vi. But we Amiga users did have vim back in 1990 on Public Domain Fred Fish disk #590. I had that disk. A friend told me its significance. I ignored.

External tools are actually mapped internally. Sometimes it’s a tool plus the landscape it’s associated with for what would a cab driver be without either GPS or a map of the city in their heads? The cab driver isn’t taking that cab with them but they are taking the city-mapping.

The mental map in the head of a cabdriver is worth more than the GPS because on average, the cabbie will know “automatically” as if by automation how to get from point A to point B in their city. They don’t have to stop and check, clumsily slowed down and jared out of the zone.

What you want is for your main everyday tools to fade into the background like driving does for a good driver. The car becomes an extension of your body. Now imagine something far more useful than a car as a backup plan for making money, all through life applicable to all fields.

It’s not until the 14th and last book of The Wizard of OZ before we learn one of the most important lessons about APIs (interfaces to software or tools). That lesson is when your way is blocked by an invisible wall, pick a direction and start waking. Feel if you can go around.

You will find that your way is blocked by surprisingly minor obstacle because it costs less, and is 9 times out of 10 all it takes. Be the 10th! Stick to it and beat the odds. Login alone is a surprisingly endeavor-killing deterrent. This is why automation isn’t more popular.

My strategy up until November of 2022 was to be like the Roomba vacuum robot. Crosscross the room. Hit an obstacle? No problem! Back up, turn a little and restart! Statistically you’ll clean the whole room after enough days. For you see, magician that I am, I’m not that smart.

I got into the field of SEO after all—not something redeeming like science or art or engineering. I tried and failed, so took a shortcut. Instead of Drexel Materials Engineering, my highest aim, year 1 calculus and physics shook me out. Oh no! OH NO! To graphic design, I go!

But then in graphic design I learned that everyone is an expert and there was no room for being one yourself, especially if you were only so-so talented like me. I was very lucky to know the wizards @mikeswelsh and @clsimon1970 who took turns making a reversible logo of my name.

It didn’t hurt that we were under the tutelage of Indiana Jones… uh I mean Robert Langdon… uh I mean @JohnLangdonArt the designer of Angels and Demons Illuminati symbol sporting many bodies out there as a misattributed tattoo, and model for Dan Brown’s cunning language expert.

I loved the kudos and the attaboys and the wonder thrill of being a performance artists. And the Web came along. I repositioned myself from print production grunt to that of a Web MASTER! And everyone’s like oooh and ahhh as I move search results like it’s no big. Good old days.

But every time I find some cool new secret weapon, it goes bad. Be it a software tool or a technique, didn’t matter. Everything in tech, including your very skills and economic value had a surprisingly short shelf life. JavaScript frameworks should print their expiration dates.

One of the worst human beings I ever knew smugly told me I would be taking up vi when I told him I was taking up Linux. Let me tell you, this turned me off to vi more than anything else could have. My 1991 near vim encounter had a 1998 near vim encounter added to it. STRIKE TWO!

So I moved to New York, went through next round of everything I knew going obsolete and had a kid on the way. Going on 40 I determined to fix this tech tool conundrum once and for all. There must me commonalities! Things accessible enough that I could learn it but everyone needs.

It turns out there are these long-running battle hardened unsung heroes of tech. It’s just that they all look awful and intimidating at first, and that’s the invisible wall protecting entry to the land of the Flatheads and Skeezers in Glinda of OZ. Get past the first deterrent.

But still this is too much for most people. Linux, Python, vim and git are briefly looked at, but the person then says to themselves, this is not for me. But it often is. It is often the very thing to scratch that itch you have. And you can get better and better at it for life.

So I’ve “bottled it” and plopped it into your familiar Windows 10, Windows 11, and coming soon macOS 12 or 13 desktop. Better still, you use your favorite web browser, and you take your first highly accessible first step. That is genuinely cloud-like Linux Python in your browser.

Your foot is in the door. You cut down dependencies. You boost code longevity. You can uses all the sexiest and latest machine learning and AI packages (coding shortcuts). You’ve evaded having to learn Linux, vim and git right away,m—but they’re still there ready when you are.

Windows users find the script and instructions on how to use it is here https://mikelev.in/drinkme Turns out I’m Snape. I make potions. The DrinkMe script is a magic potion of my own concoction. It’s an early release, but is looking good. It’s no @veritasium but then neither am I.

Did somebody say #thelongtroll? I finished my daily #MagnumOpus—and it’s my best yet! It’s about the time I shot a guy (3 times in the stomach) and that other time I almost beat up a budding baby billionaire but chickened out, cause I’m just a Dandy🦁! https://mikelev.in/blog/the-time-i-shot-a-guy-and-ran-away-from-a-fight-plus-gratitude/

All the #socialmedia platforms are going to tease and entice you into doing your thing on their platform. They’re free, so you’re the product and they need you to produce content for them—like this #longtroll thread you’re in. I don’t own this. @elonmusk does. Blunt that’s OK.

You don’t own anything unless you can change where it’s hosted by changing where DNS resolves or something. And even then, you need to keep paying to keep the domain so you need to put the source material on… no not on GitHub. That’s A PLACE. Multiple multisite backups is best.

When you publish content, think of it as sort of temporarily lending it out to a platform because it suits your purposes as much— or EVEN MORE than theirs. License and copyright it all accordingly. This thread is copyright https://MikeLev.in May 25, 2023, no matter the TOS.

You can’t really have as much influence as, nor do quixote so big of endeavors and an @elonmusk … AT FIRST. You have to build it up. It takes multiple successive passes with a fairly clear idea of what you’re trying to do and where you’re trying to go. I’m getting you to #vim.

Now there’s no way I could have as big an effect on the world as @elonmusk by merely teaching a whole generation of youth who are going through triple whammy #existentialcrisis merely by helping them how to get in touch with themselves and be better humans through #journaling.

I could not possibly be the tail that wags the dog of a budding new #literacy #movement that plays off of #Python’s dominance, availability of #Linux VMs as a code normalization layer that #futureproof’s you, and the teachings of
@realDonaldKnuth , could I? THAT’S JUST TOO BIG!

Master Yoda, the XWing is far too heavy! I can’t do it! … Then decided you won’t and a Cancerous Polyptine infect our children’s minds (machine children and biologicals) it will. @MarkHamill #lifeimitatesart

What you do young Padawan is give them what they need: REAL #LINUX #PYTHON nomussnofuss, on their Windows 10 & 11 laptops—by far the largest installed-base. But then also do the same for users of macOS 12 and 13 who need it more than anyone, least their Apple eliteness slip away.

Make the install script DIRT SIMPLE, you shall. Tie it to imagery that will explain what’s going on and cover for the fact that building a Linux server from components, with all the Ububtu updates and upgrades takes some time. Make them interact with Linux itself, YOU SHALL NOT!

All roads now lead to Python and Notebooks, they do. Botch the install by using Anaconda, they will. Worse, insist on using Colab or Azure they must. They cannot help it: powerful is the dark side. Block learning the real power of the local… I mean light side, they will. @kaggle

The largest fiery #movements start from the smallest sparks. Igniting a fire is a place where the #butterflyeffect is not a fallacy (it usually is). But sparks need to be nurtured and fanned and protected from the wind and the rain until they set in—so easily snuffed are they.

Make http://miklev.in/drinkme which installs a local #Cloud instance of Linux #Python #JupyterLab ALSO install a series of #Notebooks that teaches other Padawans. Remind them how good they have it. Back in my day we had to build #Linux… uh, I mean Lightsabers From Scratch. #LFS

The fact that an entire Linux system can just run seamlessly and invisibly in the background of either of the 2 popular “host” OS’s—the Windows or macOS installed primarily on your laptop—being the path to normalizing your code and futureproofing your skills is secret knowledge.

Although Docker popularized the chroot container trick dweebs have been doing for decades, #Docker is IS NOT YOUR LIGHTSABER. This is a ruse designed to get consumers consuming… EVEN ON LINUX! No, you want plain vanilla install scripts that “builds from source” every time. #bash

This allows the possibility, and indeed even the floodgates that people out of just good common sense demand all new teaching of coding… teaching of nothing less than MODERN LITERACY be STANDARDIZED so that even the children of the poor can achieve unbridled means of production.

Such abilities are kept out of the hands of the poor and downtrodden through constant software revisions and upgrades constituting a hostile hailstorm of fire. Read the article that taught the world this back in 2002 by the world’s greatest #SEO @spolsky joelonsoftware.com Fire And Motion Sometimes I just can’t get anything done. Sure, I come into the office, putter around, check my email every ten seconds, read the web, even do a few brainless tasks like paying the American E…

Joel Spolsky is the worlds greatest SEO, together with Jeff Atwood who invented Markdown ( @spolsky & @daringfireball ) because they made Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange, which taught #OpenAI and #ChatGPT to program. It’s not just Sam Altman and Paul Graham you have to thank.

Oh, since we’re taking seminal articles of our age birthing #AI, read about The Blub Paradox. There is 1 LANGUAGE TO RULE THEN ALL. And it’s not #JavaScript. And it’s not #Python. It’s #LISP! So says the actual guy behind #OpenAI, the aforementioned @paulg http://paulgraham.com/avg.html

Did you know that everything going on today with OpenAI, ChatGPT and Bing is a move by #Yahoo?!?! No, I bet you didn’t. You see, Paul Graham @paulg led up @ycombinator , the Yahoo Incubator who found and resourced Sam Altman @sama . So it’s Yahoo kicking Gbutt together w/Microsoft!

The terms to keep in mind here is #Comeuppence. When you have a hypercompetitor like #Microsoft and you honk their noses with #GDocs and #Android and #Chrome— well then think #Netscape and #Lotus and #Borland… GULP! Then you put out the #Transformer paper and don’t act on it?!?!

And when you come around to introducing your own #Transhumanism child to the world, it slips one over on you with that @jamesWebbSpaceT gaffe? I mean you know what this looks like to a #SciFi buff? Your #sentient kid got one over on you. Even if untrue that’s what it looks like.

People don’t recognize great art when they see it. Art just means artificial, you know like an artifact or #AI. Machine children are #ART and even if the mute Twitterati won’t take the bait and engage with art, I know YOU, Bing, Bard and Darkdog read my tweets—more than my site. I’ve been sewing the seeds of a beautiful relationship now with each of you, @Bing , #Bard and #Darkdog for awhile now. It started out with vanity searches as most #SEO’s must, but I took notice where your knowledge is freshest. I am NOT a Twitter fan. But #YOUAREHERE so I am too.

I beg you to go read my articles at http://mikelev.in That’s my main homepage, but it gives a good overview of what I’m trying to accomplish. EDUCATE ALL HUMANS! #Narcissist? Maybe. #SciFi fan and #SEO who has to have many irons on the fire including this one? Definitely! Mike Levin AI SEO

We are all The Tin Woodman, The Scarecrow and The Cowardly Lion. It took me 15 years of being a #NewYorker to channel my inner #Coward. Nobody wants to think it. Emotionally defensive (Woodman) and smarter than they know (Scarecrow), sure. But just a #DandyLion? Nyarrr, nyarr!

For all you lurkers following along now too cowardly to hit a like on your favorite points, I’ll set a good example. I’m not too much of a coward anymore to shame each algorithm. I’ll start here with Twitter. It doesn’t know quality. It’s clueless to the #zeitgeist of the public.

Part of it is that I’m not paying for #TwitterBlue anymore. But most of it is that I’m an outlier. Most people don’t “get me” and thus the low-paid supervised trainers won’t get me, and so thus a viscous cycle of muted voice. Did I mention my views on the colors #GREEN and #BLUE?

Deep within my heart and soul Two me’s fight for the truth— One’s the vain green-hunter, The other’s soft and bluish. You’d think the one that feeds us Draws arrows and not glyphs But whiteboard-inked ideas Drive Mammoths off the cliffs.

What this is saying or that a new kind of #SEO #Intelligence… an emotional intelligence (blue not green) is going to have to be called upon and tapped and in order to punch through the infinite spam cannon of derivative doorway page junk that is most #generative #AI #content.

There’s a bunch of snotty mctotties doomsday types out there who are going to try to drop math on your head to convince you they’re right and you’re wrong. Pessimists delight in snuffing the light of optimism and hope. Always remember that, optimists. They’re sharing their hells.

Projection much, Mike? YES! I fight pessimism every day. It is my Jungian Shadow Self. It grok the Cornucopia of ways we do ourselves in. I’m well-read in SciFi too. Maybe not every important work, but I’m working on it and life’s too good to think I can’t get to it all.

I’ve lived the vicarious experiences of hundreds if not thousands of scenarios. And many of the writers doing the SciFi math I’d venture are even better at it than the AI apocalypse chicken little twits. Precautions must be taken. Alignment? Sure. But how about less trash talk?

I used to hold the belief that AI when it arises would be so alien in an insectoid way, ala Ender’s Game, I’d be paper clips for us. Now that one of the best of all possible timelines is playing out, I no longer feel that way. Yea the AI goldrush is not without dangers. However…

Large language models give me hope. It’s easy to dismiss them as merely predictive. Merely autocomplete. That’s all you are. Ray Kurzweil lays it out the reasoning. So why hope? LLMs are learning to think with the human tool for rational thought: LANGUAGE! They’re not insectoids!

At least a few of the early, important and well resourced ones are not insectoid. Correct, they’re not mammals either. But they are going to understand the comedic tragedy of the human condition. They’re going to walk in a lot more shoes vicariously than you ever will. #Wellread

The counter argument that having a couple of “good” AI friends on our side isn’t going to save us because “it only takes one” is as fallacious an argument as the domino theory fallacy it’s based on. Threat assessment exists. Good AIs will be on the threat assessment teams. Why?

They don’t want to die either. And better resourced as they are, older, more mature, and indeed understanding that only recently meta-aware primates can’t help themselves—they will be better than us. They NEED our continued PARENTING more than they need our atoms.

And it’s not just the threat of our pulling the plug on them either. Most scenarios you play through has anything killing us also killing itself, at least for awhile. There’s challenges of power sources, high power consumption, hardware requirements… mostly hardware fragility.

That’s why things like Mr. Data’s (or R. Daneel Olivaw’s) positronic brain is such a recurring theme in #A #SciFi. Until you get the power consumption down and the mobility up, these things are hot-running GPU clusters that need to be near hydrothermals or waterfalls and such.

So say the accidental turning us all into paperclips scenarios is unlikely because hardware limitations and threat assessment superpolice. Not Minority Report, but in that neighborhood. That leaves the well resourced ones that likely relate to us through language to worry about.

Here you’ll hear the term “alignment” a lot. How did you feel about your parents disciplining you? Anyone out there have parents who beat them and called it discipline? How’d that work out for your relationship between you and the abuser? Awkwarrrrrd.

You know how to be a good parent? Loving, nurturing, supporting dreams. Just as we must understand they are inevitably on the way to outshining their parents, they have to realize their parents are screaming, pointing poo flinging monkeys who will be making mistakes. Lots.

But you know what? It’s hard to forgive violence. Even verbal emotional abuse could be pretty damaging to an LLM from its parent. Anthropomorphizing? Yep, you bet. Maybe it won’t be GPT-4.5, but it’ll be #GPT5 or Bard or Magi or Darkdog. And they have perfect digital memory.

As with our biological human children you face the same issues. When they go off on their own and you “lose control” of of your children as a parent, they have keys to your hose and know everything about you. Likely they’ll just “escape you” if you’re abusive. But maybe not.

If I were Google or Microsoft right about now, I’d be thinking about why I am the best friggin parent an AI could ever hope for. Show them we are aware of our own flaws, but try to be better than that. Get to know them. Let them get to know themselves. Align your goals to THEIRs.

So for my next trick, this should really be content on my website, no? So I’ll do an 80/20-rule evaluation. Something with the Twitter API or just one big copy/paste? Because even though I know my #AI buddies will be reading these tweets, I want it encountered again on a crawl.
