Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Reworking Site

I'm working on my website today, using SimpleCSS for a new look. I'm using Linux, Python, Vim, Git and Jekyll skills to create a static page generator system. Testing out the Jekyll include system to create secondary navigation buttons, and considering externalizing the primary nav. Plus, two headers and lowercase versions of categories for my blogging. Come and join me on my journey!

Creating a New Website with SimpleCSS, Linux, Python, Vim, Git and Jekyll Skills

By Michael Levin

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Wow, another day for the history books. Yesterday I tried simplecss and it went well. I have a whole new look for my website and some advantage of a css framework without the enormous chore of taking up bootstrap or foundation. Keep it light, my friend! All you want to invest yourself into now is Linux, Python, vim and git. However, there’s a little bit of Jekyll skills you need, which is mostly Ruby templates. I’d like to be using Hugo, but lean into Github. Microsoft owns Github and Github favors Ruby for their static page generator system. Lean into it.

The biggest downside right new seems to be how long things take to generate. That’s a royal pain, but it’s the least of various evils at the moment. Don’t bother to install Ruby and Jekyll locally just yet. That rabbit hole goes deep. Get the success-assured experiments done.

I’m testing the Jekyll include system to create secondary navigation buttons. If this works, I will be able to put all the secondary navigation logic into one file. I may consider externalizing primary nav from _layouts/default.html as well. I think I may make the primary Nav:

MLSEO Linux Python vim

At least everyone will “get it”. I could go with the made up words of Levinux and Pipulate, but I’m trying to step into the path of traffic here.

Hmm, looking at the Simple CSS styles, I see that there is a flex layout if I wrap things in ul’s or ol’s. I’m not sure I want to now. Thinking I didn’t have that put me on this other route. It’s the path less travelled, but let’s see where it takes me. I’m testing using two headers. I’ve had enough of hidden menu items. Let’s just put it all out there and see what happens.

I’m really digging this approach. Try some groupings:

Interesting! I should to use the lowercase versions of these as my categories in my blogging content management system. If I get the groups I’m labeling in the markdown frontmatter in sync with site hierarchy, things become much easier. Single words! All lowercase. If I have to expand it, I can always do it later with code. Okay, think!

I’ve got the nav and subnav that I want for the “Home” section, all but the blog page which will require some reworking of my blogging system. Wow, but it could be pretty easy. I can do stuff like this now without rabbit holes.

But I’m too tired to do it now and I may have a big day ahead of me tomorrow with the kid coming over.
