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Take Back Your Online Privacy with These Browser Settings: A Browser Wars Series

Learn how to take back control of your online privacy in this episode of the 'Browser Wars' series. I'll show you how to undo the concessions made to Microsoft for the new Bing and turn off their invasive features. Plus, discover the latest tricks Microsoft is using to hide how to change your default search engine. Click through to learn more about browser wars, Edge settings, Microsoft, privacy, default search, Bing, and more.

Secure Your Online Privacy: Uncover the Latest Tricks Microsoft is Using to Hide How to Change Your Default Search Engine

By Michael Levin

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

I’m tempted to make a YouTube video for this, maybe streaming while I work. But that would only slow me down, and I can’t be slow. Put a big burst of creative energy into this without being hobbled by the need to make a video.

Okay, but do put as much pedantic detail into these step-by-step blog posts. I love the way I can incorporate screenshots so easily. Okay, one distraction. I need to change the default search behavior of Edge’s address bar. It’s easy to use The New Bing ChatBot now in other ways, so I’m going to undo all the default browser settings in Edge Microsoft worked so hard to get me to yield to. If you wanted the new Bing, you basically had to cry Uncle! and let Microsoft do whatever they wanted to your privacy settings. Let’s undo that.

Me: Look at this YouTube video description and give me a list of comma-separated keywords on one line that would enhance peoples’ ability to find this video in a YouTube search. Don’t just extract keywords, but come up with variations and common misspellings that will make the keyword list not redundant with the description:

In the latest installment of the browser wars, we go into Edge settings and undo a lot of the concede-to-Microsoft acrobatics we did to get The New Bing. We shouted Uncle! And now Microsoft pwned our browser. These steps turn off a few of the privacy violating features Microsoft enabled when you ran the .exe to get short-listed for the new Bing. It also shows the latest place they’re trying to hide how you change your browser’s default search. Frankly, it’s amazing mainstream browsers are still letting you copy/paste URLs, such is the insidiousness of the vendor lock-in maneuvers of the browser wars.

ChatGPT: browser wars, Edge settings, Microsoft, privacy, default search, Bing, insidiousness, vendor lock-in, copy/paste URLs, mainstream browsers

Discover how to take back control of your browsing privacy in the latest episode of the “Browser Wars” series. In this video, we show you how to undo the concessions made to Microsoft to get the new Bing, and turn off the invasive features they enabled. We’ll also reveal the latest tricks Microsoft is using to hide how to change your default search engine. Don’t let the browser wars win - reclaim your online privacy today!

Me: That’s good. Write an alternate description that’s more appealing.

ChatGPT: Discover how to take back control of your browsing privacy in the latest episode of the “Browser Wars” series. In this video, we show you how to undo the concessions made to Microsoft to get the new Bing, and turn off the invasive features they enabled. We’ll also reveal the latest tricks Microsoft is using to hide how to change your default search engine. Don’t let the browser wars win - reclaim your online privacy today!

Me: Now expand the keyword list based on that. Return any removed keywords from the description and try to do a bunch more. Still one-line and comma-separated.

ChatGPT: browser wars, Edge settings, Microsoft, privacy, default search, Bing, online privacy, search engine, browsing, control, invasive features, vendor lock-in, copy/paste URLs, mainstream browsers, online security, internet browsing, data protection, personal data, tracking, online tracking, browser privacy, browser settings, browser features, browser customization, browser extensions, browser security, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Bing, privacy violations, search engine optimization, online advertising, internet privacy, digital privacy, protect data, protect online privacy, protect browsing history, protect personal information.
