Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Fetching & Saving HTML From List of URLs Using Python

As I prepare to start my new job, I'm taking care of all the necessary tasks, including ordering a standing desk and organizing my apartment. I also attended a group meeting with my employer and got all the onboarding paperwork done. To help out a friend, I'm creating a program to scrape data from a website and store it in an Excel file, using Python and Linux.

Creating a Program to Scrape Data from a Website for a Friend Using Python and Linux

By Michael Levin

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Wow, it’s Tuesday. No new OnTheRise.AI website yet. I’ll fix that today. But my back hurts. And I have a favor to do for a friend. I just ordered a standing desk from Amazon. I’m going to avoid sitting down today. I got a lot of good sleep last night and have for a few nights running to try to heal, but I haven’t been eating that well. I have to hit the supermarket today. More lifting and carrying things up steps. Ugh! Okay, take it easy on yourself.

If ever you needed your daily metaphor rules, it’s today. Time is running out. I have big goals before my new job starts. Fight the chaos. Do another few incremental passes at order. Plan your layering-up of the daily baby-steps. Work towards something huge and positive for humanity keying off your love-worthy interests in the time you have left on this material world. Meaning is what yo ascribe to it.

Wow, even just knowing that I have to modify my behavior today to not sit down in order to promote healing is a big step. Don’t take on projects that are going to require the heavy-lifting capabilities you lack of late, namely a comfy new couch which I’m tempted to go get from Ikea. Maybe I go there for the adventure (I’ve got to get out) and order it for delivery, and maybe even assembly. I would have never before done that in my life, but living on a 2nd floor, with a bad back and 52 years old may finally tip those scales.

Okay, carry on with the day. Keep writing. Keep doing. Don’t let up. I think not sitting down today will be key. I think not sitting down today is like a running agent monitoring me. It adds just the right extra amount of little meta-task that keeps me self-monitoring and self-correcting.

I’m making some progress. Ugh, one accumulates a lot of stuff in one’s life. And most of it is still not even my accumulation. It’s mostly from previous “lives” and previous “families”. I’m the dumping ground as I always was, when my dad died, my mom went crazy and disappeared. Then my first wife had a kid with another man and left me. And my latest attempt at family is not going so well, and my last real connection is to that of my child. So everything is about getting things nice for myself and my child. And I’ve got a lot to purge, but my kid would probably still like to look over the stuff I’m getting rid of. And I can structure my place (have been structuring my place) to gradually digest and expunge almost everything, until just mostly just connections between living things exist, and internal skills that can allow me any material allowances I may need in life, and to help my child have that same ability.

Okay, wow. I’m onto something. Standing up all day really keeps me aware and from falling into doom scrolling and similar distractions.

Let’s fight demoralization. Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who has been demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to them. Even if they were showered with authentic proof of documents and pictures. Even if they’re taken by force and shown the first-hand evidence, they’ll still deny it.

Okay, I was in on a big group meeting with my next employer today even though I don’t really start until Monday, but I think it was a great idea. I met a lot of new people. It’s going to be something of a superpower to be working out of the New York area as I’ll be able to get to the New York office time to time. Maybe even once a week or so. Once every 2 weeks seems more reasonable, but a little taste of the past, I think. Wow.

Wow, okay. I got all the onboarding paperwork done today. I’m asking for a Mac instead of a PC so that I can speak knowledgably about recent macs. It’s been awhile since I’ve been on a modern Mac.

Okay, I’ve got to do a favor for a friend before I lose all motivation today. I did very well on working on the apartment get it organized for the next phase of my life. I did good on the preparing the paperwork for my next job front. But now I have to do right by a friend. And although I can feel in my bones (bad back and all), I’ve been putting off doing this sort of work until the new job started. It just felt like I had so much other stuff to do. But it can’t wait because I said I’d do it and he’s a friend.

So, let’s get started and make some journal fodder of it. No names of sites or actual data shown. Just process. Y’all gotta crawl once in awhile, and for some reason everyone’s wrapped around ScreamingFrog’s fingers. It’s not a bad deal what they ask for their annual license and they do offer a lot of features. But why pay even that, or more importantly nurture a dependency upon a for-profit 3rd-party company and product for your capabilities?

What are the choices, you ask? I’m glad you asked! You always need to know where to start, and I’m going to tell you every day how I do the SEO things I do. There are no more secret deliverables, especially once I’m working for Moz. I’m going to show the world how to do stuff, with and without Moz product. I’m right now a mostly “without” sort of person. I’m the kind of person who codes my own systems, because doing so just means knowing a little bit of Python. My dependency is on a free and open source software platform, plus a light sprinkling of equally FOSS Python packages. Let’s get started.

We start on a Pipulate system. I know I need to make it clearer, but if you’re on Windows 10 or 11, then you’re in luck! You can run Linux. In particular, you can run JupyterLab as a Linux service and have a whole lot of automatable SEO-stuff sitting on your desktop. To make it impervious to your laptop’s going to sleep, we simply get another Linux running somewhere else that’s identical to the one on your laptop. Test on laptop, push to 24x7 persona SEO-server.

The iron is hot to take up Python. Don’t you see ChatGPT spewing out the code? Well, who’s going to copy/paste it into a system? You, silly! But where? Sure you can cobble something together. There’s lots of ways to get an easy-to-use local Python coding environment running. But why not use the one that’s least proprietary (no Microsoft or other paid software required) and most similar to how this stuff runs in true server context?

Anyhow, I believe the easiest way to do it is to just run the drink me install script to set everything up just so. Once that’s done, you visit the JupyterLab you’re now Linux-side hosting by going to http://localhost:8888. I’d actually recommend doing it from Microsoft Edge so you can save JupyterLab as an App, and thus have it run full-screen without a web address bar, have it in your start menu and such.

In JupyterLab you’ll see there’s a practice directory. Now that fact I can say stuff like this knowing your environment will match mine is what makes it Pipulate. It’s like I gave you a virtual machine or a container, but all you did was run an install script which set up the server natively under the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). You’re running a Linux server and all your paths and environment variables are the same as mine. It’s a great common API.

The practice directory is clean and pristine. I only commit stuff in there that I want to share with the world. I make new notebooks in the practice directory all the time which are not actually part of the repo. I do my work starting from a fresh notebook every time by copy/pasting over any bits from the template. This forces you to think through the process every time and customize it for the way you need this time, without getting hung up deciphering decisions of the past. You’re coding literate, right? Start fresh! Express yourself.

import httpx
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import path
from sqlitedict import sqlitedict as sqldict

We’re going to do it the synchronous way. I’m using httpx so that asynchronous remains an option, but it’s only a few hundred URLs to crawl and the code is much easier to read in sequential mode. Anyhow, let’s load the URLs. If someone gave you such a list in native Excel .xlsx format, you can load it directly into Python using Pandas.

urls1 = pd.read_excel("urls1.xlsx", header=None).iloc[:,0].tolist()
urls2 = pd.read_excel("urls2.xlsx", header=None).iloc[:,0].tolist()

This is really a trick to avoid converting file-formats. Pandas can read Excel files directly if you have OpenPyXL installed, which is part of the Pipulate install. I don’t even keep dataframes in memory. I just want the two lists of URLs. It’s only 2 lists because I’m keeping them separate. This exercise works just as well with just one list of URLs.

Next thing we’re going to need is a user agent

user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}

You can take a peek at the URLs you’re about to crawl like this:

for i, url in enumerate(urls1):
    print(i, url)

And if you’re okay with that list of URLs, you can actually perform the crawl like so:

with sqldict("urls1.db", timeout=60) as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(urls1):
        if url not in db:
            db[url] = httpx.get(url, headers=headers)
            print(i, url)

And that’s it. That crawl is stored on drive. The rest is extracting and transforming data for your stakeholders. See? No screamingfrog required for menial crawl tasks. And it’s okay if it fails in the middle and you have to restart. It knows how far its gotten and won’t re-crawl any of the URLs it already has. All together, the code looks like this:

import httpx
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import path
from sqlitedict import sqlitedict as sqldict

urls1 = pd.read_excel("urls1.xlsx", header=None).iloc[:,0].tolist()

user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
headers = {"user-agent": user_agent}

with sqldict("urls1.db", timeout=60) as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(urls1):
        if url not in db:
            db[url] = httpx.get(url, headers=headers)
            print(i, url)

Okay, so now we’re sitting on .db files which are SQLite3 database files. We can read the data out reversing how it went in, checking if you have good response codes. This trick works because the httpx response object (which we’re pulling out of the database) happens to use the response code in it’s developer-defined string representation. That’s how it would work with the Requests object as well.

with sqldict("urls1.db") as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        print(i, url, db[url])

And to turn that into an extraction, it’s this:

table = []
heading_tags = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"]
with sqldict("urls2.db") as db:
    for i, url in enumerate(db):
        response = db[url]
        if type(response) == httpx.Response:
            status_code = response.status_code
            html = response.text
            soup = bsoup(response.text, "html.parser")

                title = soup.title.string.strip()
                title = None
                description = soup.find("meta", attrs={"name": "description"}).attrs[
                description = None
                headlines = "\n\n".join(
                        for x in soup.find_all(heading_tags)
                        if x.text.strip()
                headlines = None
            stripped_strings = " ".join(soup.stripped_strings)
            body_copy = " ".join(
                [x for x in [title, description, stripped_strings] if x]
            atuple = (

cols = ["url", "status_code", "title", "description", "headlines", "body_copy", "html"]
df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=cols)
df.to_excel("business.xlsx", index=False)
