Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.

Made a Python Program to Rot13 an id_rsa file for Github

Today, I faced a challenge while transferring an id_rsa file to a lxdwin repo. I documented my experience in a video and found a StackOverflow page with the solution. Despite this, I encountered a problem with Github recognizing my ssh public key, so I decided to ssh the keys into the repo. Read my full story to discover how I overcame this issue!

I Created a Python Program to Transfer an id_rsa File to a lxdwin Repo

By Michael Levin

Saturday, November 5, 2022

No big projects. Get one little thing done that moves things forward in an irreversible way. Lather, rinse, repeat and “projects” will get done of their own volition and you do not need to punish yourself. Find the love!

Okay, simply transfer the id_rsa keys into location on the lxdwin repo. The problem there is that I now think I should use different filenames than I did in the video. So I’m going to re-generate them. Why not make a video out of it? What preparations?

Get that StackOverflow page with the solution showing: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4565700/how-to-specify-the-private-ssh-key-to-use-when-executing-shell-command-on-git

So there is a colliding key concern.

Okay, I hit an unexpected snafu (situation normal, all eff’d up) in Github recognizing the recorded ssh public key in the Pipulate Github Settings as the same as one used in a repo! Wow, that’s smart. Great way to disable the ability for the keys to be used maliciously against github. But still sometimes necessary for a distributed automation system that needs to git clone on its own.

So this project isn’t really done until I ssh those keys into place.

Next video? Oh, that Python needs to be a standalone command! Argparsing! Ugh! Okay, most people reach for Click or some other heavyweight crap. No need. But there is a need to get it out of Jupyter. Another interesting video. Do it! Prep?

Google up a good ArgParse documentation page.

I just created the Python command.
