Future-proof your skills with Linux, Python, vim & git as I share with you the most timeless and love-worthy tools in tech through my two great projects that work great together.


  1. Adding WebDev to MyKoz.AI with uvicorn ASGI Python Webserver (Fri Aug 25, 2023)
    I added webdev to MyKoz.AI with uvicorn ASGI Python webserver. Follow the steps I used to add another monitorable service running through GNU screen that opens new possibilities. This sets the stage for writing a sample HTMX app.
  2. Planning how MyKoz.AI Introduces Linux Terminal (Wed Aug 23, 2023)
    Welcome to MyKoz.AI, the site that introduces you to the Linux Terminal and shows you how to use it to stay in your Windows comfort zone. Learn how to use the Linux CLI, Bash Shell, and text editor to keep a personal journal and future-proof your skills. Follow the 2-step transition plan of learning Python through Jupyter Notebook and automating Linux Google Chrome to create a screenshot.
  3. Clarifying MyKoz.AI Mission: From Zero to REAL FOSS Automation in 1 Hour (Wed Aug 09, 2023)
    This is a big day for MyKoz.AI. Join me as I guide you through the soft-launch procedure of launching a site, soup to nuts. Learn how to automate Linux servers on boot-up and understand the changes in the SEO industry over the past 30 years. Leverage the amazing Jupyter Lab project to make your Python code immediately cloud compatible and get into the groove of real 24x7x365 automation with the Linux systemd init system.
  4. RIP Bram Moolenaar, creator of vim. I Write this in vim (NeoVim) (Mon Aug 07, 2023)
    Today I refined MyKoz.AI, a foray into Linux, Python, vim & git for the uninitiated. I learned that Bram Moolenaar, the creator of vim, passed away. I'm Twitch streaming the creation of this endeavor, breaking it down into interesting topics like hosting or headless CMS. I'm working on the readme outputting, the Introduction repository, and the NeoVim path. I'm trying use the 80/20-Rule.
  5. How to Nurture & Not Be Emotionally Bankrupt: The Art of Listening (Mon May 15, 2023)
    Learn how to nurture relationships and not be emotionally bankrupt with the art of listening. Discover the five basic skills of emotional intelligence and how to apply them in relationships. Get inspired by the stories of Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., and Gandhi. Find out how to make people feel good about themselves and rise to the occasion with emotional intelligence superpowers.
  6. Undisruptable. Unsuppressible. Unstoppable. Unbreakable. Unconquerable. Indomitable. (Sat May 13, 2023)
    Discover the power of running JupyterLab as a Linux systemd service with all the necessary and mostly uncompromising bits. Learn how to use Linux VMs to normalize paths, home directories, software versions, and more. Get to know the benefits of IP-cycling, web-browser automation, and other essential tools for SEO. Finally, understand the importance of free and open source tools for internalization skills and persistence of tools.
  7. Down, down, down! Would systemd going down under WSL2 never come to an end? (Sat May 13, 2023)
    I explored a litany of ways including the formal ones to prevent Linux systemd services from going down under WSL. After trying the .wslconfig and wsl.conf files, a systemd .service file, a cron job and .bashrc, I finally a added the nohup ping busy-task to .bash_profile to keep Linux services running under WSL2. But at a price. s
  8. Intense Round of Pre-Productivity Tooling Refinement (Fri May 12, 2023)
    I'm refining my pre-productivity tooling with intense focus. I'm observing, enumerating errors, and writing down clues to help me find the right place in my code. I'm curling and copying, and experimenting with new techniques to get the script to function properly. After many iterations, I'm ready to take a break and attend an art exhibit in New York City. I'm also exploring ways to keep WSL from going to sleep in the background.
  9. Rappelling Down The Rabbit Hole: A Linux Script Adventure (Thu May 11, 2023)
    I dive deep into the depths of Windows bat scripts and Linux bash scripts in this one, turning a filename into an optional input parameter so you can choose what version of Python to install. I also get a lot of help from Copilot along the way, and sort long-standing issues with WSL's systemd feature not working as expected by tweaking both a .wslconfig and a .wslconf file.
  10. Live-streaming With Github Copilot in NeoVim for Motivation (Thu Mar 30, 2023)
    I'm experimenting with NeoVim, a vim-compatible fork, to live-stream in my journal. I'm also exploring the Meissner and Schwinger effects to create more thrust. To achieve my goals, I'm using Linux, Python, Vim, and Git. I'm creating an updated graphic of my stack to help others succeed. Join me as I dive head-first into my project tomorrow.
  11. Is The Rise of AI The Fall of SEO? (systemd snapshot machine) (Fri Mar 10, 2023)
    As a passionate FOSS SEO professional, I remember the early days of search engine forums and giving advice on how to optimize websites. With the rise of AI, I recognize that my skills are becoming less applicable and understand the anxiety this may cause. I discussed my idea of collecting data to gain competitive advantages with Jo, and am now working on a systemd snapshot machine.
  12. A Chat with ChatGPT About the Cancel Culture & Full-scroll Browser Snapshots (Sat Mar 04, 2023)
    I discuss the potential of using AI at home with now cheap GPUs, exploring the improved efficiency, enhanced security, better health monitoring, and entertainment and education it can provide. Additionally, I explore potential ways to make money by promoting the ideas and benefits of AI at home, such as through affiliate marketing, advertising, consulting, and e-commerce. I also provide a code example of how to use Puppeteer or Playwright to capture the full vertical scroll.
  13. Making a SystemD Service With ChatGPT (Sun Feb 12, 2023)
    I'm writing a systemd service that uses GNU screen to run a python script in the background. In this blog post, I share the details of the service, including the command to be run, the user account to run the service as, and the environment variables to be set. I also explain the meaning of the word "majordomo" and how to create a nbdev version 2 project in a folder called majordaemo.
  14. The World Has Changed Because SystemD on Windows (Wed Jan 25, 2023)
    As I reflect on how much the world has changed in recent months, I'm struck by the impact of AI and the integration of Linux services (systemd) into Windows 10 and 11. This opens up a world of possibilities for mainstream development, without relying on Microsoft back-slashes. Microsoft's purchase of Github for 7.5 billion dollars has also had a major effect on development habits. I urge readers to click through to learn more about the implications of these changes.
  15. Pipulate Practice Folder Created (Fri Dec 30, 2022)
    I'm pushing myself to take the next steps in the Pipulate project, focusing on collaboration and best practices. I'm exploring ideas to use AI to edit my YouTube videos, setting up the Pipulate repo and practice folder, and activating scheduling under a systemd service. I'm using nbdev version 2 and OhAwf with the addition of the run_console feature. All the necessary software can be found on the Pipulate Software page. Come explore the possibilities with me!
  16. With AI On The Way, You Had Better Be Able to Write Daemons (Tue Dec 13, 2022)
    I am engaging in controlled burns of my personal sites to optimize them for SEO, creating video content, writing to express my thoughts, taking up a "magic spell" to free myself from Windows dependency, and planting the seed of my vibe on a homepage kernel. I am a wizard or mad scientist who wants to lead people through their WSL experience with a twist, warn them of the allures of vendor-ware, and promote HTML5, JavaScript, C, and Unix.
  17. Contemplating Labeling Latest Work Pipulate Again (Fri Dec 02, 2022)
    I'm considering labeling my latest work as Pipulate and adding an "automount" option to my DrinkMe Linux install script. My YouTube video on the truth about systemd under WSL2 is gaining traction and I'm contemplating a workflow change, capturing ideas and forging source as Docker becomes more popular. Come read my blog post to learn more about my journey and the decisions I'm making.
  18. Don't Miss My Talk with OpenAI about clickbait headlines! (Fri Dec 02, 2022)
    On December 2, 2022, I will be giving a talk with OpenAI about clickbait headlines and the top 100 clickbait headlines I have compiled. I will also discuss why writing headlines that accurately describe the content of an article is a better strategy, as well as the benefits of keeping a journal, such as increased self-awareness, improved mental health, stress reduction, enhanced problem solving skills, and better communication skills. Finally, I will explain how Vim is a powerful and flexible text editor.
  19. Much Starts With the Ability To Create and Use Local Caches (Thu Dec 01, 2022)
    I have been exploring Microsoft's implementation of systemd under wsl and have had mixed results. To ensure self worth and independence, I suggest investing in free and open source software (FOSS) and using caches, such as a SQLite .db file, to ensure persistence. I have been exploring the use of local caches for short-term memory and for storing variables used in programs, and share my experiences to help others.
  20. WSL Linux Graphics and Systemd Support Takes Priority Over LXD (Tue Nov 29, 2022)
    I'm MikleVin and I recently created a new repository to prioritize getting Linux graphics and SYSTEMD working over LXD Linux Containers in the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Check out my repository 'drinkme' at https://github.com/miklevin/drinkme and stay tuned for my upcoming video to explain these changes.
  21. Microsoft Added Linux Graphics and Systemd to WSL for Windows 10 (Sun Nov 27, 2022)
    I recently installed Linux graphics and Systemd on Windows 10, and now I'm exploring the aftermath. I'm researching how to make the vGPU accessible and usable, mapping locations and environment variables, and setting up the WAYLAND_DISPLAY and XDG_RUNTIME_DIR. I'm looking into lxdwin script, Levinux/Getonux projects, and lxc config set to configure the jupyter environment. Join me as I explore the aftermath of this installation!
  22. How to Use the Screen Command for Linux Service (Fri Oct 28, 2022)
    As I learn how to use the Screen Command for Linux Service, I'm documenting my journey with a blog post. I've written a file to be placed in /etc/systemd/system/ and have watched a video to help me better understand the process. Come join me as I explore this new technology!
  23. Ubuntu 18.04 vs Ubuntu 20.04 for LXD Under WSL2, Wizard Defaults (Tue Aug 02, 2022)
    In this blog post, I share how I tested Ubuntu 20.04 to see if I could easily install LXD. I found that Ubuntu 18.04 is the easier option, since it comes pre-installed with LXD and allows you to quickly get up and running. I also discuss my preference for local services over cloud resources, my advocacy for Linux and my blue-collar mechanic approach to tech literacy. Finally, I suggest JupyterLab-Desktop as a great way to learn Python.
  24. From Sending Email in Jupyter to Sending Email in Linux Service (Tue Aug 02, 2022)
    I'm learning Zawinski's Law, Python's SMTP library, and systemd. I'm using JupyterLab to show how to work with mail-from and mail-to files, move them into a Linux container pulse folder, and create a sendmail.py file. Come read my blog post to find out how I'm testing my work!
  25. Learning *nix Today Means Learning systemd! (Sun Jul 24, 2022)
    As I introduce you to the world of *nix, you'll learn how Linux has pulled ahead of the FreeBSD Unix community, allowing us to take control of our own lives. Discover how Lennart Poettering's controversial systemd for Linux, based on Apple's launchd and launch, has made system automation possible, replacing SysV. Get all the details on this exciting new development in my blog post.
  26. Get LXD Running Under WSL2 on Windows 11 with Ubuntu 18.04 (Thu Jun 23, 2022)
    Learn how I got LXD running on Windows 11 with Ubuntu 18.04. I'll show you how to download the install.sh file, enable systemd, and test if it's running. Plus, I'll share how to fix failed attempts and start fresh. Get all the steps you need to get LXD up and running today.
  27. LXD on WSL2 is a Few Months Ahead Of Its Time (Wed Jun 15, 2022)
    As an early adopter of LXD on WSL2, I've encountered confusion between LXD and Docker, downgraded tutorials to Ubuntu 18.04, confirmed LXD requires systemd, tested to see if it is running, and encountered network context issues. I have also found various approaches to solve them. Join me as I explore the challenges and solutions of LXD on WSL2.
  28. Failed Getting LXD Working Under WSL2 Under Ubuntu 20.04 systemd & snap (Tue Jun 14, 2022)
    I tried to get LXD running on WSL2, but couldn't make it work. Now I'm trying two things to make it work: installing the kernel headers and ZFS, and loading the module. I'll need to reload the module after each restart. Read my blog post to find out how this journey went!
  29. Sun Microsystem's Zettabyte File System (OpenSolaris ZFS) Under WSL2 (Tue Jun 14, 2022)
    I'm installing OpenSolaris ZFS as part of a larger effort to have access to all the best developer stuff on my Linux WSL2 system. I ran into some errors while trying to get LXC and LXD running, but I was able to get everything working with the help of the 'wsl --help' command. I'm excited to have LXD running under WSL and am looking forward to the next livestream which will be about developing Linux system services with LXD.